Global tutoring and learning communities are composed of different people who share a common interest or a common goal. Learners aim to acquire knowledge and skills; while tutors aim to provide content support, coaching and motivation to learners. The interaction is done through the use of technology, specifically the Internet. Management of these communities can be a challenge because members are not only separated by space and time but they come from different cultures, contextual backgrounds and institutions. If managed well, global tutoring and learning communities can transcend barriers and be very effective, efficient and also inexpensive.
The paper looks into how online tutors and learners are effectively and efficiently managed and sustained. Specifically, it aims to: a) define global tutoring and learning communities and their rationale; b) describe the strategies and good practices employed in the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation; c)determine the effective communication tools used to manage and sustain global teams; and d) identify the challenges and lessons to maintain and sustain global tutoring and learning communities.
The paper is based on studies as well as actual experiences and written reports on managing global learning and tutoring communities. It will look into how teams are managed from planning, implementation to monitoring and evaluation. Specifically, it will provide a glimpse on how learners and tutors from different countries and nationalities are managed in the elearning Development and Implementation (eLDI) program and e-skills program. These courses are jointly offered by the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) and InWEnt, Capacity Building International, Germany and have learners and tutors from various countries not only from Asia, but from Africa and the Middle East. The paper also draws lessons on how to maintain tutors and learners without borders.
Gervacio, J.L. (2011), "Tutors and Learners Without Borders: In a Relationship but it's Complicated", Asian Association of Open Universities Journal, Vol. 6 No. 1, pp. 24-31. https://doi.org/10.1108/AAOUJ-06-01-2011-B003
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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