Measuring Well-Being
New Perspectives and Methods in Transport and Social Exclusion Research
ISBN: 978-1-78-052200-5, eISBN: 978-1-78-052201-2
Publication date: 20 October 2011
Purpose — In this chapter a case will be made for the importance of measuring well-being in transport mobility research. A number of well-being measures and determinants of well-being will be presented in reference to the current project. This chapter will then conclude with some practical recommendations for transport mobility researchers wishing to include well-being measures in their future studies.
Methodology — Measurement methods associated with previous transport mobility and well-being research will be critically examined so that strengths and limitations can be identified. The measurement approach to well-being adopted for the current project will be presented and associated challenges experienced by the research team will then be discussed.
Findings — A review of the extant transport mobility research which includes an assessment of well-being shows that it is not uncommon for unstandardised measures of well-being to be adopted. In addition, exploration of relationships between transport mobility and well-being are often undertaken without any consideration of potential moderating or mediating factors. More work is needed to advance our knowledge of the transport mobility and well-being relationship and the underlying mechanisms driving this relationship. Research also needs to focus on undertaking longitudinal studies which will enable causation to be established.
Vella-Brodrick, D.A. and Delbosc, A. (2011), "Measuring Well-Being", Currie, G. (Ed.) New Perspectives and Methods in Transport and Social Exclusion Research, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 91-110.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2011 by Emerald Group Publishing Limited