Traditions, Culture and Values in Businesses in Mauritius: Evolution Across Two Centuries
Responsible Management in Africa, Volume 2: Ethical Work and Sustainability
ISBN: 978-1-80382-494-9, eISBN: 978-1-80382-493-2
Publication date: 11 July 2022
Since independence in 1968, the Mauritian economy has moved from a monocrop economy to a more diversified middle-income economy. In addition, women’s emancipation in the 1983–2001 period has contributed to an upliftment to the business panorama. Attitudes and behaviours of people engaged in business transactions were mainly regulated by traditions, culture and values stemming from their inherent religious beliefs. In Mauritius, the four predominant religions are Hinduism, Christianity, Islam and Buddhism. Each one upholds traditional rituals and festivals which serve to maintain certain business decorum in the country and establish strong corporation and business trades. Nowadays, there are business dealings which are increasingly being scrutinised by the public and independent bodies for transparency and accountability, a situation not obtrusive in the past.
This study adopts a phenomenological approach to gain insights into the evolution of tradition, values and culture during the past 50 years. A survey questionnaire was administered to seven (n = 7) purposive participants and one of them was selected for a structured interview for triangulation purposes. The findings suggest a clear decline in the contribution of religion, tradition and culture in modern-day business dealings, especially in the advent of technology and a gradual increase of corrupt practices triggered principally by sociocultural groups mushroomed around religions. The nexus between these groups and the governing bodies further fuels unethical and obscure practices. It is believed that a digitalisation of the business ecosystem would provide some relief and restore business ethics.
Ramma, Y. and Bholoa, A. (2022), "Traditions, Culture and Values in Businesses in Mauritius: Evolution Across Two Centuries", Ogunyemi, K., Ogunyemi, O. and Anozie, A. (Ed.) Responsible Management in Africa, Volume 2: Ethical Work and Sustainability, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 67-81.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2022 Yashwantrao Ramma and Ajeevsing Bholoa