
Linda Chisholm (University of Johannesburg, South Africa)

Teacher Preparation in South Africa

ISBN: 978-1-78743-695-4, eISBN: 978-1-78743-694-7

Publication date: 9 October 2019

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Chisholm, L. (2019), "Index", Teacher Preparation in South Africa (Emerald Studies in Teacher Preparation in National and Global Contexts), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 261-272.



Emerald Publishing Limited

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Aborigine schools
, 37, 52

Academic and professional training
, 31

Academic subjects
, 96–97, 98

Adapted education
, 62

in black schools
, 92

Advisory Council on Teacher Training
, 116

African colleges
, 131–134

African curricular development
, 84

African education
, 75–76

African Education: A Study of Educational Policy and Practice in British Tropical Africa (1953)
, 107–108

African, Indian and coloured teachers, colleges for
, 114

African language
, 97–98

African National Congress
, 107

African pre-capitalist societies
, 30

African Primary Schools, teachers for
, 109–114

African pupil teachers
, 39

African schools, massification and teacher provision for
, 124–127

African secessionism
, 49

African taxation
, 124–125

, 108

Afrikaans cultural movement
, 61–62

Afrikaans-speaking white institution
, 55

Afrikaner domination
, 107

Afrikaner nationalism
, 50

Afrikaner nationalist project
, 55

Afrikaner Republics
, 28

mission schools in OFS and ZAR
, 46–47

Orange Free State
, 45

Zuid Afrikaansche Republiek (ZAR)
, 46

All African Convention (AAC) roots
, 135

Anglo-Zulu War
, 29

, 30

Anti-Indian legislation of 1924
, 64

Apartheid and teacher preparation

African, Indian and coloured teachers, colleges for
, 114

African Primary Schools, teachers for
, 109–114

and Bantu education
, 107

, 109

practice teaching
, 110

universities, preparation in
, 116–119

White Secondary Schools, teachers for
, 114–116

, 32–33, 45

Art of teaching
, 19–20, 54

Assistant missionary
, 24

Athlone College of Education
, 156

Bantu Education Act
, 91, 110–111, 112–113

Bantu Education system
, 108, 109, 115, 144–145

Bantustan reports
, 142–145

Bantustan teacher preparation
, 149

Bechet College of Education
, 156

BEd course
, 115–116, 154–155, 163

Berlin Mission Society
, 58

Black education system
, 141

Black labour
, 61

Black teachers
, 61, 62, 63, 64–65

Boland College of Education
, 156

Border Department − Aborigine schools
, 34–35

British annexation of Natal
, 40

British colonial liberalism
, 130

British social engineering
, 30

Bureaucratic efficiency
, 107–108

Buthelezi Commission
, 142–143

Cape colony

education implications
, 23–25

pupil-teacher system
, 36–38

schooling and teaching
, 33–36

tiered teacher certificates
, 38–39

training in colleges and higher education institutions
, 39–40

Cape Dutch Reformed Church (DRC)
, 46–47

Cape Education Department
, 112, 124, 143

Cape Education Gazette
, 91, 93

Cape mission schools
, 20

Cape Province
, 65–70

Cape School Board Act (1905)
, 49

Cape Town College of Education
, 51

, 28–29

Certificated teachers
, 76

Certificates in use in 1920
, 80, 81

Certification Council for Teachers’ Training
, 141–142

Christian National Education (CNE)
, 50, 64–65

, 107

Christian National vision of schooling
, 55


Cape Dutch Reformed Church (DRC)
, 46–47

dominance of
, 20–22

English Church
, 46–47

Methodist Church
, 51

Citizenship rights for Africans
, 107

Class and elite formation
, 142

elite manqué, creation
, 145–148

CNE. See Christian National Education (CNE)

Co-educational institutions
, 94


Adams College
, 44–45

African colleges
, 131–134

African, Indian and coloured teachers
, 114

Athlone College of Education
, 156

Bechet College of Education
, 156

Boland College of Education
, 156

Cape Town College of Education
, 51

, 156–157

Edgewood College of Education in Natal
, 157

, 130

Further Education and Training (FET) colleges
, 155–156

Gill College
, 45

Giyani College of Education
, 144–145

Grahamstown College
, 39

Grey College
, 45, 46

Hewat College of Education in Cape Town
, 157–158

Huguenot College
, 32–33

Indian and coloured colleges
, 134–138

institutional provision and teacher preparation
, 76–79

college system expansion
, 76–77

, 78–79

white and black teachers production
, 77–78

Johannesburg College of Education
, 55, 156

Matriculation Examination of the South African Native College
, 70

ML Sultan Technical College
, 126–127

Natal Training College
, 42

New York Teachers’ College model
, 63

Normal College
, 32–33, 36–37, 70, 71–72

Pax Training College
, 110–111

Pietermaritzburg-based Natal Technical College
, 126–127

, 133

Pretoria College
, 70

Pretoria Normal College
, 56–57, 132

pupil-teacher and normal college systems
, 30–33

Rand College of Education
, 156

Sallie Davies College of Education
, 156

Sastri College
, 64

South African College
, 40

South African College of Learning (SACOL)
, 155

South African College of Teacher Education (SACTE)
, 155

South African Native College
, 70

St Aidans Training College
, 41

, 72

state-controlled Training Colleges
, 113

Technical College in Pietermaritzburg
, 126–127

training in
, 39–40

Transvaal College of Education (TCE)
, 136–137

university-college conflict
, 154

Victoria College
, 71

Wesley College of Education
, 156

White Colleges
, 128–131, 148

White English-speaking colleges
, 130

Zonnebloem College
, 64

Colonial and mission education
, 19

Colonial and non-colonial educational literature
, 107–108

Colonial beliefs and practices
, 36

Colonial forces
, 29

, 20, 27

Colonists and slaves, schooling
, 19

Coloured teachers
, 64, 67, 126–127

colleges for
, 114

Coloured teachers-in-training
, 88

Commission of Education
, 50

Commission on Native Education
, 66

Commissions of Inquiry
, 122–123

Committee on Teacher Education Policy (COTEP)
, 162

Compulsory schooling
, 19–20

Continuing Professional Development System
, 161

COTEP. See Committee on Teacher Education Policy (COTEP)

Cultural differences
, 107

Curriculum and pedagogy

higher primary teachers’ certificates
, 101–102

lower primary teachers’ certificates
, 97–101

teachers as professionals and community change agents
, 93–96

Curriculum change
, 161–164

Curriculum Committee
, 69

, 27

De Lange Report (1979 − 1981)
, 139–142

Democratic participation
, 107–108

Demonstration lessons
, 91

“Developing country”
, 142–143

Developmentalist colonial discourses
, 107–108

Developmentalist discourses
, 121

Direct transplanting
, 19–20

, 88–89

Double-digit inflation
, 156–157

Dual system of professional training
, 31–32

Dutch colony in South Africa
, 22

Dutch East India Company (DEIC)
, 19–20

, 19

Edgewood College of Education in Natal
, 123–124, 157

Educated natives
, 41


, 126

, 36

, 62

1865 Education Act
, 34–35, 37

Education Administration Commission
, 62

Educational independence
, 50

Education and Training Policy Framework
, 158

Education Labour Relations Council
, 157–158, 160

Education Renewal Strategy of 1991
, 160

Elementary Science and Physiology
, 98

Elementary Teachers’ Certificate
, 37–38

Elite manqué, creation
, 145–148

English Church
, 46–47

English historiography
, 31

English monitorial school
, 32

English-speaking colleges
, 130

English-speaking ethnic/national character
, 50

English-speaking liberalism
, 55–56

English-speaking universities
, 118

English-speaking white teachers
, 64–65

English workers, enfranchisement
, 30

, 107–108

‘Equal Pay for Equal Work’
, 64–65

Ethical religious approach
, 129

Ethnic citizenships
, 142

Ethnicized political identities
, 149

Eurafrican Training Centre and Practising School
, 57

, 32–33

Extension of Universities Act
, 117–118, 139–140

Extra-curricular activities
, 92

Extra-mural activities
, 134

Farming communities
, 61

Female Industrial School
, 36

Female supervisors (Jeanes teachers)
, 82

, 68

of teaching
, 31

Financial meltdown
, 159

First- and second-class schools
, 33–34

First Class Certificates
, 53, 55

Formal schooling
, 12, 19

Fourth Class Teachers’ certificate
, 54

Free Evangelical Swiss
, 46–47

‘Free’ labour for farmers
, 23

Free State’s Herzog Act (1907)
, 49

‘Fundamental Pedagogics’
, 119, 127, 129, 142–143, 158

, 175

practical subjects
, 99

Funza Lushaka bursary programme
, 159–160

Further Education and Training (FET) colleges
, 155–156

GEAR. See Growth, Employment and Redistribution Strategy (GEAR)

Genadendal Training Institution
, 24

Gender-differentiated form
, 97

Gendered expectations
, 125–126

Gender inequalities
, 121

Giyani College of Education
, 144–145

Government Teachers’ Certificate
, 41

Grahamstown Training School
, 51–52

Great Orange River
, 24

Great Trek
, 23

Growth, Employment and Redistribution Strategy (GEAR)
, 156–157

Hampton and Tuskegee model of adapted education
, 62, 63

‘Hegemonic or consensus ideology’
, 49

Heidelberg catechism
, 22

Hermannsburg Mission Society
, 23–24

Hewat College of Education in Cape Town
, 157–158

‘High’ apartheid, 1959 − 1976

African schools, massification and teacher provision for
, 124–127

authoritarian curricula and control
, 127–138

white teachers preparation
, 122–124

See also Apartheid and teacher preparation

Higher Education Act
, 156–157

Higher education and white teachers
, 40

Higher Education Policy Act
, 156

Higher normal school
, 32

Higher primary course
, 78

Higher primary teachers’ certificates
, 101–102

Historical legacies
, 167–174

, 170–172

inter-war years
, 168–170

post-apartheid challenge
, 172–174

Housecraft Teachers’ Course
, 99

Human Sciences Research Council
, 160–161

Human Sciences Research Council Commission of Inquiry
, 139

Ideology of segregation
, 30

ILO-UNESCO Recommendation on the Status of Teachers
, 159, 175

Imperial and colonial contexts
, 27

, 27

Indian and coloured colleges

control, negotiation and resistance
, 134–138

Indian Education Acts
, 122

Indian Immigrant School Board
, 40

Indian teachers
, 126–127

colleges for
, 114

, 130

Individual rights
, 107–108

Industrial and agricultural education for Africans
, 62

Industrial capital
, 30

, 30, 49

and urbanisation
, 108

, 61

, 61

, 124–125

Informal curriculum
, 92

Informal teaching
, 19

In-service education
, 124, 147

Institute of Education
, 62

Integrated degrees
, 145

Integrated Strategic Plan for Teacher Education and Development
, 161

Intellectual education
, 85

Interdepartmental Committee on Native Education of 1935 − 1936
, 76

International and local economic climate
, 149

, 27, 62

in education
, 62

Interpersonal relationships
, 129

Interpreters and motor-drivers
, 75–76

Italian bookkeeping
, 22

Johannesburg College of Education
, 55, 131, 156

JSTC. See Junior Secondary Teachers’ Certificate (JSTC)

Junior and Senior Indian Teachers’ Certificate
, 41

Junior Certificate (JC)
, 125

, 78

Junior Secondary Course
, 126

Junior Secondary Teachers’ Certificate (JSTC)
, 125, 145–146

Junior Third Class examinations
, 68

Juvenile Mixed School
, 36

Kindergarten Certificate
, 52–53

Languages and academic subjects
, 97

‘Late’ apartheid phase (1976 − 1990)
, 121

, 30

Liberal segregationists
, 62

Literacy and numeracy
, 162

Local-class hierarchies
, 34

London Missionary and Wesleyan missionary societies
, 46–47

London Missionary Society (LMS)
, 23–24

in Vryburg
, 52

Lower Primary Teachers’ Certificate (LPTC)
, 80, 97–101

Lower Secondary School Certificate
, 80

LPTC. See Lower Primary Teachers’ Certificate (LPTC)

, 21–22

Manual training
, 96–97, 98, 100

Married teachers employment
, 115

Mass primary schooling
, 113–114

Matriculation Examination of the South African Native College
, 70

Methodist Church
, 51

Middle Class Certificate
, 39

Military training
, 97

Ministerial Committee on Teacher Education
, 158–159, 162

Mission-controlled institutions
, 73

Mission schools
, 24

college courses
, 102

industrial education and the pupil-teacher system
, 42–45

ML Sultan Technical College
, 126–127

, 24

‘Mr Teq’
, 163


African Teachers’ Union
, 94

coastal belt
, 23

colonial forces
, 29

mission schools, industrial education and the pupil-teacher system
, 42–45

pupil-teacher system and model schools
, 41–42

schooling and teaching
, 40–41

Natal Education Commission
, 54

Natal Education Department
, 148

Natal Indian Congress (NIC)
, 64

Natal Indian Teachers’ Society (NITS)
, 64

Natal Native Teachers’ Union
, 63–64

Natal Native Trust
, 29

National Advisory Education Council
, 123

National Bureau of Educational and Social Research
, 61–62

National Congress’s Education and Training Policy Framework
, 156–157

National Education Commission
, 142

National Education Crisis Committee (NECC)
, 139–140

National Education Policy Act
, 122, 123

National Education Policy Amendment Act
, 123

National Education Policy Investigation (NEPI)
, 146, 155

National Education Union of South Africa (NEUSA)
, 133

National Institute for Curriculum and Professional Development
, 161

National insurrection
, 139, 148

Nationalist Party
, 61

National Party
, 107

National Professional Diploma of Education (NPDE)
, 160–161

National Teacher Education and Development Committee
, 161

National Teacher Education Audit
, 155, 157–158

Nation-wide insurrection
, 149

Native Affairs Commission
, 75–76

Native Educational System
, 35

Native Infant School Teachers’ (NIST) Course
, 101

Native mission schools
, 33

Native Primary Higher Certificate
, 78

Native Primary School: Handbook of Suggestions
, 93

Native teachers
, 75–76

Native Territories
, 38–39

‘Nazi-like regimentation’
, 113–114

Neo-Calvinist inspiration
, 107

New Education Fellowship
, 86

New Education movement
, 62

New York Teachers’ College model
, 63

Nineteenth-century South Africa

economy and society shaping educational developments
, 28–30

pupil-teacher and normal college systems
, 30–33

pupil-teacher system
, 33–47

Non-European Unity Movement (NEUM)
, 134

Non-racial sports movement
, 135

Normal College
, 27, 32–33, 55, 70, 71–72

Official languages
, 61–62

Opleidingskollege Suid-Kaapland (OKSK)
, 65–66

Orange Free State (OFS)
, 29, 54–55, 64–65

Orange River Colony
, 58

Organic unity
, 20

‘Overloaded’ academic curriculum
, 99

Parliamentary grants
, 30–31

, 75–76

Pass rates, Elementary Teachers’ examinations
, 38–39

, 30

Pax Training College
, 110–111

Pedagogy. See Curriculum and pedagogy

Pestalozzian teaching method
, 32

Phelps Stokes Education Fund
, 62

Physical exercises, curriculum
, 97

Pietermaritzburg-based Natal Technical College
, 126–127

Pietermartizburg College of Education
, 70–71

Policy Framework for Teacher Education and Development
, 159–160

Population Registration Act of 1950
, 109

Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) programmes
, 159

Post-Standard X teachers’ certificate
, 146

Poverty and policy, teacher training
, 77–78

Practice teaching
, 110, 127

Practice-teaching lessons
, 91

Practising Schools
, 52

Pre-capitalist Khoisan societies
, 28–29

Pre-service education
, 175

Pretoria Normal College
, 56–57, 132

Primary Teachers’ Certificate (PTC)
, 126, 129–130, 143

Primary Teachers’ Diploma (PTD)
, 145–146

Private ownership
, 29

Professional subjects
, 71–72, 98, 101

Professional training
, 86, 96–97

Promotion of Bantu Self-government Act
, 113–114

Provincial Native Education Commission
, 68–69, 73

Pseudo-European Mission school teachers
, 79

PTC. See Primary Teachers’ Certificate (PTC)

PTD. See Primary Teachers’ Diploma (PTD)

Pupil-teacher system
, 31, 36–38, 50, 65–66

Afrikaner Republics
, 45–47

Cape colony
, 33–40

decline of

Cape Province
, 65–70

teachers’ associations
, 63–65

Transvaal, Orange Free State and Natal
, 70–71

, 71–72

and model schools
, 41–42

, 40–45

and normal college systems
, 30–33

Pupil-teacher Training Centres for Africans
, 57–58

Qualified teachers
, 65

Race and ethnicity
, 27

Racial and ethnic divisions
, 121

Racial cooperation
, 62

Racial discrimination
, 63–64

Racial divisions and differences
, 141–142

Racially-constituted social order
, 75

Rand College of Education
, 156

Recommended readers and textbooks
, 94

Residence life
, 134

, 132–133

Resources and under-staffing
, 99

, 163

Rural Teachers’ Diploma
, 85


and motivation
, 79–80

, 75, 113

Sallie Davies College of Education
, 156

Scheme of training
, 99

Schmidt, George
, 22


and patriarchy
, 30

and teacher training
, 61

and teaching, Natal
, 40–41

Secondary Class Certificate
, 66–67

Secondary Class Certificate Examination
, 65–66

Secondary Teachers’ Diploma (STD)
, 125, 145–146

Second-class black elite
, 82–83

, 29, 61


higher primary teachers’ certificates
, 101–102

lower primary teachers’ certificates
, 97–101

teachers as professionals and community change agents
, 93–96

, 61

Segregationist policies
, 61

Self-assessment tests and design
, 161

‘Self-governing’ territory
, 121

Sex-segregated education
, 36

Slave Compensation and Bible and School Commission
, 37

Social and intellectual precarity and marginalisation
, 174–175

Social-class relationship
, 35–36

Social conflict
, 61

Social constructs
, 128

Social Darwinism
, 30

Society of Young Africa (SOYA)
, 134

South African College of Learning (SACOL)
, 155

South African College of Teacher Education (SACTE)
, 155

South African Council of Education
, 161

South African Council of Educators’ Code of Ethics
, 162

South African Democratic Teachers’ Union (SADTU)
, 130

South African economy and society
, 20

South Africanism
, 55–56, 61

‘South Africanist’
, 107

South African Missionary Society
, 23–24

South African Native Affairs Commission (SANAC)
, 49

South African Republic
, 64–65

South African Teachers’ Association (SATA)
, 62

South African War
, 30, 53–55

, 46

, 46, 54–55

Stand-alone colleges
, 72

State-controlled schooling
, 19–20

State-controlled Training Colleges
, 113

STD. See Secondary Teachers’ Diploma (STD)

Structural adjustment
, 149

Students, personal development
, 130

Student-teachers’ tuition
, 65, 75

Swiss missionaries
, 144–145

System, dismantling and reconfiguring

colleges of education into higher education, closure and incorporation
, 155–158

curriculum change
, 161–164

decolonization’ of curricula
, 154

global languages
, 154–155

intellectual and social development
, 154

, 154–155

teacher education policy
, 153, 154

teacher supply and demand
, 158–161

technical and vocational teacher preparation
, 154–155

university-college conflict
, 154

T2 Certificate
, 39, 49–50

, 71–72

, 22

, 63–65

education policy
, 153, 154, 156

educator qualifications
, 146–147

, 148

as professionals and community change agents
, 93–96

and teaching
, 24

Training Departments for Africans
, 67–68

unification of
, 63–64

Teachers’ associations, pupil-teacher system
, 63–65

Teachers’ Centres and Professional Learning Communities
, 161

Teachers’ College model
, 63

Teachers-in-training at satellite schools
, 95

Teachers’ League of South Africa (TLSA)
, 57–58, 64

Teachers provision

in Cape colony
, 50–53

in Natal
, 53–54

in Transvaal and Orange River Colony
, 54–58

Teaching conceptions
, 84

Teaching method
, 54

Teaching profession and certification
, 79–82

Technical College in Pietermaritzburg
, 126–127

The Junior Secondary Teachers’ Course
, 143–144

Theory of Education and General Method
, 143

Third Class Certificate
, 38, 52, 55, 85

Third Class Certificated teachers
, 51, 65–66, 67

Tiered teacher certificates
, 38–39

Tiger Kloof
, 52

, 134

Tool subjects
, 112

Training Centres in Durban
, 53

Training in colleges and higher education institutions
, 39–40

Transkeian Taylor Report
, 144

Transkeian territories
, 66

Transnational ‘links
, 27

, 27

Transvaal College of Education (TCE)
, 136–137

Transvaal Education Department
, 83–84

Transvaal Native Primary Lower Certificate
, 110

Transvaal Native Teachers’ Association
, 63–64

Transvaal, Orange Free State and Natal
, 70–71

Transvaal’s School Board Act (1907)
, 49

Tri-cameral Parliament
, 139

, 88–89

Uncertificated teachers
, 76

Undenominational public schools
, 36

Under-qualified teachers
, 141

, 77–78

Unemployment rates
, 156–157

Unequal financing and teacher preparation
, 75–76

Unification of teachers
, 63–64

Uniform educational will
, 86

United Democratic Front
, 131

, 71–72

black students enroled, courses in
, 118

colleges and
, 83–89

relationships with
, 83

University-based teacher educators
, 163

University-college conflict
, 154

University Education Diploma (UED)
, 125

University Enrolments 1957 − 1958
, 117

University of London
, 62

University of Port Elizabeth
, 143

Unmarried female missionary teachers
, 43

Unresponsive head office
, 34

, 75–76

Upgrade teacher qualifications
, 160

, 30

Vacation courses
, 100

, 107–108

Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC)
, 19–20

Verwoerdian discourse
, 109

Violence of slavery
, 20–21

Voluntary religious societies
, 31

Voluntary societies
, 19–20

Wellington Training School
, 51–52

Wesleyan Missionary Society
, 23–24

Wesleyan Training School
, 67

Wesley College of Education
, 156

White certificated teachers
, 79–80

White colleges

cultures of complicity and compliance
, 128–131

, 148

White education
, 20

White English-speaking colleges
, 130

White schools, expansion and development
, 61–62

White Secondary Schools, teachers for
, 114–116

White teachers’ association
, 62

White teachers preparation

university cooperation in
, 122–124

White trusteeship
, 107

Working-class schooling, feminisation
, 37

World capitalist system
, 20

ZAR. See Zuid Afrikaansche Republiek (ZAR)

Zonnebloem Training Department
, 67

Zuid Afrikaansche Republiek (ZAR)
, 29, 54–55

Zuid Afrikaanse Onderwysers Unie
, 64–65

Zulu population
, 40

Cape classification
, 40

Zulu resistance
, 29