Assessment of full‐text sources used by serials management systems, OpenURL link resolvers, and imported e‐journal MARC records
This article discusses full‐text source lists used by full‐text finding tools, such as serials management systems, OpenURL link resolvers, and imported e‐journal MARC records. Although the vendors of full‐text finding tools claim that they frequently update their full‐text source lists with changes in full‐text titles, ISSNs, coverage dates, and other information, they actually rely on content providers to offer title lists and coverage information. Not all content providers offer accurate and updated full‐text source lists in terms of full‐text titles included, coverage dates and embargo periods, and formats and file types. As a result, librarians and users using serials management systems, OpenURL link resolvers, or OPACs for finding full‐text periodicals are sometimes taken to dead ends. Vendors of both full‐text finding tools and full‐text content need to improve the accuracy and currency of their services.
Chen, X. (2004), "Assessment of full‐text sources used by serials management systems, OpenURL link resolvers, and imported e‐journal MARC records", Online Information Review, Vol. 28 No. 6, pp. 428-434.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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