Ontological and Kantian modes of perceiving experience Hemispheric basis for physical cognition
It is suggested that nominalism and Platonism are modes of perceiving experience in the Kantian sense. These two modes, like the temporal and the spatial Kantian modes of perceiving experience, are related to the left and right cerebral hemispheres respectively. Learning experiments showing the relation of all these four modes of perceiving experience to the hemispheres are described. It is discussed that the nominalist and Platonic modes of perceiving experience are subjective as well as the Kantian modes, time and space. Some relation of this discussion to the collapse of the wave function in quantum mechanics is considered. A phenomenon of a one‐and‐a‐half hour cycle in hemispheric activity, which may have implications to the designing of examinations, is described.
Fidelman, U. (2000), "Ontological and Kantian modes of perceiving experience Hemispheric basis for physical cognition", Kybernetes, Vol. 29 No. 3, pp. 313-332. https://doi.org/10.1108/03684920010795295
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