The evaluation of goal and goal‐free training innovation
Distinguishes between “goal” and “goal‐free” training and highlights the growing significance of the latter for applications in training for creativity as well as with initiatives aimed at training innovation. Examines the general reasons for evaluation together with certain accompanying complications. The conventional approaches to assessment are reviewed and also their relevance for applications involving innovation. The differences in choice between innovation of a training product are compared with a training service and a typology for defining and categorising an innovation in training via a process of idea screening is considered. Three vital aspects of the evaluation of “goal‐free” innovation are considered: the client’s requirements, the effectiveness of the initiative, and acquiring and providing feedback. Five core axioms are presented that appear to apply in most assessments involving “goal‐free” innovative training initiatives. Concludes with an assessment of key contemporary questions that need to be answered by research in order to progress this topic further.
James, C. and Roffe, I. (2000), "The evaluation of goal and goal‐free training innovation", Journal of European Industrial Training, Vol. 24 No. 1, pp. 12-20.
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