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Open Access
Publication date: 7 April 2023

Sidney A. Ornelas Sánchez and Jorge Vera-Martínez

The purpose of this study is to conceptually address the understanding of certain consumers and businesses that show new dynamics, including a heightened interest in quality and…



The purpose of this study is to conceptually address the understanding of certain consumers and businesses that show new dynamics, including a heightened interest in quality and the concomitant development of entities and mechanisms designed to ensure certain standards as well as an increased level of involvement of the consumer with the product. These segments are identified and labeled as sophisticated markets.


Through a literature review following a conceptual model methodology, this study poses eight research propositions to seek a more profound and comprehensive understanding of this type of market that could potentially benefit several industries. This study explores and discusses some of the essential differences of sophisticated markets with a twofold purpose: to recognize the existence of sophisticated markets as a distinct category and suggest issues that may constitute interesting further research works.


The process of sophistication might occur in different industries. This study poses implications of sophisticated markets to better understand consumers and business through research propositions that can be classified into two main domains: consumer–firm relationships and communicational implications.


Previous studies addressing luxury or specialized markets have not considered these terms to be sufficient to describe what we propose be labeled as a sophisticated market. This study addresses this gap in literature and proposes a streamline of research that pursues a deeper understanding of this phenomenon.


Este estudio aborda de forma conceptual dinámicas novedosas que se están presentando en el ámbito de ciertos segmentos de consumidores y de ciertos sectores empresariales. Estas nuevas dinámicas incluyen elementos como un mayor interés en la calidad y en el desarrollo de satisfactores encaminados al aseguramiento de ciertos estándares, así como un mayor nivel de involucramiento del consumidor con el producto. Estos segmentos son identificados y etiquetados aquí como mercados sofisticados.


A través de una revisión de la literatura, siguiendo una metodología de modelo conceptual, este estudio plantea ocho proposiciones científicas dirigidas a la búsqueda de una comprensión más profunda y completa de este tipo de mercados. Este artículo explora y discute algunas de las diferencias esenciales de los mercados sofisticados, con respecto a los mercados tradicionales, con un doble propósito: (1) reconocer la existencia de los mercados sofisticados como una categoría distinta de negocio y (2) sugerir elementos y relaciones que pueden constituir trabajos interesantes de investigación a futuro.


Este proceso de sofisticación puede ocurrir en diferentes industrias. A través de estas proposiciones de investigación, este trabajo plantea elementos que pueden ayudar a incrementar el entendimiento que tenemos de este tipo de consumidores y empresas en dos grandes vertientes: la relación consumidor-empresa, y las implicaciones de la comunicación hacia estos segmentos sofisticados.


Estudios previos enfocados en bienes de lujo o mercados especializados no logran explicar lo que proponemos aquí como el fenómeno de mercados sofisticados. Este estudio busca cubrir este vacío en la literatura proponiendo líneas de investigación encaminadas a profundizar en el entendimiento de este fenómeno.


Este estudo aborda de forma conceitual dinâmicas inovadoras que estão surgindo no âmbito de certos segmentos de consumidores e setores empresariais. Essas novas dinâmicas incluem elementos como maior interesse na qualidade e no desenvolvimento de satisfatores voltados para garantir determinados padrões, bem como maior envolvimento do consumidor com o produto. Esses segmentos são identificados e rotulados aqui como mercados sofisticados.


Através de uma revisão da literatura, seguindo uma metodologia de modelo conceitual, este estudo apresenta oito proposições científicas voltadas para a busca de uma compreensão mais profunda e completa desse tipo de mercados. Este artigo explora e discute algumas das diferenças essenciais dos mercados sofisticados em relação aos mercados tradicionais, com um duplo propósito: (1) reconhecer a existência dos mercados sofisticados como uma categoria distinta de negócios e (2) sugerir elementos e relações que podem constituir trabalhos interessantes de pesquisa no futuro.


Este processo de sofisticação pode ocorrer em diferentes indústrias. Através dessas proposições de pesquisa, este trabalho apresenta elementos que podem ajudar a aumentar a compreensão que temos desse tipo de consumidores e empresas em duas grandes vertentes: a relação consumidor-empresa e as implicações da comunicação para esses segmentos sofisticados.


Estudos prévios focados em bens de luxo ou mercados especializados não conseguem explicar o que propomos aqui como o fenômeno de mercados sofisticados. Este estudo busca preencher essa lacuna na literatura propondo linhas de pesquisa com o objetivo de aprofundar a compreensão desse fenômeno.

Open Access
Publication date: 1 November 2023

Aijaz A. Shaikh, Francisco Liebana-Cabanillas, Majed Alharthi, Hawazen Alamoudi and Heikki Karjaluoto

Although the sharing economy improves comfort and convenience, it is yet unclear how it affects subjective well-being. This study aims to offer a conceptual model for…



Although the sharing economy improves comfort and convenience, it is yet unclear how it affects subjective well-being. This study aims to offer a conceptual model for understanding the linkages between the antecedents and consequences of subjective well-being in ridehailing services.


Using a non-probabilistic sampling method and a pre-tested survey instrument, 450 responses were collected from January to March 2020. The data were analysed using structural equation modelling.


Experience quality and perceived convenience are correlated with subjective well-being. Perceived value and personal innovativeness were not correlated with subjective well-being, as the former does not contribute to the latter’s development. Continuous usage intention significantly correlated with subjective well-being, followed by customer relationship proneness and advocacy. Regarding gender and age differences, men place higher value on customer relationship proneness than women, while women place higher value on subjective well-being than men. Older users value perceived convenience and customer relationship proneness in ridehailing services more than younger users.

Practical implications

Understanding key factors contributing to user well-being in ridehailing would promote a more affordable mobility sector globally. This understanding would enable ridehailing businesses to create more effective business and marketing plans while prioritising user well-being, thus enhancing user happiness and reducing turnover rates.


This research demonstrates how crucial it is for users’ well-being to have a positive experience and find the service convenient. It also highlights the importance of building strong customer relationships and examines how gender and age influence people’s adoption and use of these services.


Aunque la economía colaborativa mejora la comodidad y conveniencia, aún no está claro cómo afecta al bienestar subjetivo. Ofrecemos un modelo conceptual para comprender las conexiones entre los antecedentes y consecuencias del bienestar subjetivo en los servicios de transporte compartido.


Utilizando un método de muestreo no probabilístico y un instrumento de encuesta previamente probado, se recopilaron 450 respuestas entre enero y marzo de 2020. Los datos fueron analizados utilizando un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales.


La calidad de la experiencia y la percepción de conveniencia están correlacionadas con el bienestar subjetivo. El valor percibido y la innovación personal no se correlacionaron con el bienestar subjetivo, ya que el primero no contribuye al desarrollo del último. La intención de uso continuo se correlacionó significativamente con el bienestar subjetivo, seguida por la propensión a las relaciones con los clientes y la defensa de estos servicios. En cuanto a las diferencias de género y edad, los hombres valoran más la propensión a las relaciones con los clientes que las mujeres, mientras que las mujeres valoran más el bienestar subjetivo que los hombres. Los usuarios mayores valoran más la percepción de conveniencia y la propensión a las relaciones con los clientes en los servicios de transporte compartido que los usuarios más jóvenes.


Esta investigación demuestra lo crucial que es para el bienestar de los usuarios tener una experiencia positiva y encontrar el servicio conveniente. También resalta la importancia de construir relaciones sólidas con los clientes y examina cómo el género y la edad influyen en la adopción y uso de estos servicios.

Implicaciones prácticas

Comprender los factores clave que contribuyen al bienestar de los usuarios en los servicios de transporte compartido promovería un sector de movilidad más asequible a nivel global. Esta comprensión permitiría a las empresas de transporte compartido crear planes de negocios y marketing más efectivos, priorizando el bienestar de los usuarios y mejorando así su felicidad y reduciendo las tasas de rotación.


尽管共享经济提高了舒适度和便利性, 但它如何影响主观幸福感尚不清楚。我们提供了一个概念模型, 用于理解乘车服务中主观幸福感的前因后果之间的联系。


采用非概率抽样方法和预先测试的调查工具, 在 2020 年 1 月至 3 月期间收集了 450 份回复。数据采用结构方程模型进行分析。


体验质量和感知便利性与主观幸福感相关。感知价值和个人创新性与主观幸福感不相关, 因为前者无助于后者的发展。持续使用意愿与主观幸福感密切相关, 其次是客户关系倾向和拥护。在性别和年龄差异方面, 男性比女性更重视客户关系倾向, 而女性比男性更重视主观幸福感。老年用户比年轻用户更重视乘车服务中的便利感和客户关系代言。


这项研究表明, 用户获得积极的体验和便捷的服务对他们的福祉至关重要。研究还强调了建立牢固的客户关系的重要性, 并探讨了性别和年龄如何影响人们采用和使用这些服务。


了解有助于提高乘车旅行用户幸福感的关键因素, 将在全球范围内推动建立一个更加经济实惠的移动出行行业。这种理解将使打车企业能够制定更有效的业务和营销计划, 同时优先考虑用户福祉, 从而提高用户幸福感并降低流失率。

Publication date: 6 November 2023

Ramzi Al Rousan, Nermin Khasawneh and Sujood

The Arab world has witnessed a remarkable surge in the growth of its tourism and hospitality (T&H) industry, positioning it as a vital cornerstone for sustainable development…



The Arab world has witnessed a remarkable surge in the growth of its tourism and hospitality (T&H) industry, positioning it as a vital cornerstone for sustainable development. However, an exclusive bibliometric analysis of T&H research contributed by the Arab world has not yet been conducted in the past 30 years, that is, 1993–2022. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to provide a first-of-its-kind bibliometric assessment and visualization of T&H research produced by the Arab world spanning from 1993 to 2022.


A comprehensive collection of 1,327 scientific publications related to T&H research contributed by the Arab world was acquired from the Web of Science Core Collection database. To perform a large-scale bibliometric analysis, encompassing performance analysis, science mapping and network analysis, this study used state-of-the-art analytical tools, namely, Bibliometrix package of R Studio and VOSviewer.


The findings of this study show that the Arab world’s research on T&H has significantly surged since COVID-19, contributing nearly half (50.56%) of the total literature in the T&H domain between 2020 and 2022. Elshaer IA (Suez Canal University, Egypt) emerged as the most productive author, while Nusair K (Sultan Qaboos University, Oman) was identified as the most impactful author in the T&H domain in the Arab world. The most productive journal was found to be Sustainability (MDPI), while Tourism Management (Elsevier) was identified as the most impactful journal in the field of T&H. Furthermore, the thematic analysis highlights that research themes in T&H are not static but rather constantly evolving in response to dynamic changes in the industry, such as emerging trends, shifts in tourist preferences and the impact of global events like the COVID-19 pandemic.


To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first bibliometric analysis of T&H research contributed by the Arab world, specifically covering the period from 1993 to 2022. This study's findings can inform the development of strategies and policies for the sustainable and competitive growth of the T&H industry in the Arab world. This study highlights the importance of continued research and collaboration among industry professionals, academics and policymakers to promote innovation and drive positive change in the T&H sector in the Arab world.


阿拉伯世界已经目睹了其旅游和酒店(T&H)行业增长的显著激增, 将其定位为可持续发展的重要基石。然而, 在过去30年中, 即1993年至2022年, 尚未进行关于阿拉伯世界贡献的T&H研究的专属文献计量分析。因此, 这项研究代表了提供阿拉伯世界自1993年至2022年间T&H研究的首创性文献计量评估和可视化的先驱努力。


从Web of Science核心合集数据库收集了1327篇与阿拉伯世界贡献的T&H研究相关的科研论文。为进行大规模的计量分析, 包括性能分析、科学映射和网络分析, 我们采用了先进的分析工具, 即R Studio的Bibliometrix软件包和VOSviewer。


研究结果显示, 自COVID-19以来, 阿拉伯世界对T&H的研究显著增加, 占2020年至2022年期间发表文献总数的近一半(50.56%)。关键词分析揭示了阿拉伯世界T&H领域的当前研究热点, 包括“旅游”、 “影响”、“满意度”、“管理”、“酒店业”、“绩效”、“决定因素”、“感知”、“忠诚度”、“质量”和“顾客满意度”。然而, 阿拉伯世界的T&H学者和从业者需要进一步研究一些研究空白, 包括“器官移植旅游”、“伦理领导”、“消费者感知”、“生态足迹”、“员工参与”、“爱彼迎”、“目的地营销”、“顾客不文明行为”、“可持续旅游发展”和“环境可持续性”等主题。主题分析突显了T&H领域的研究主题不断随行业动态变化而不断演化, 如新兴趋势、游客偏好变化以及全球事件如COVID-19大流行的影响。


据我们所知, 这是首次对阿拉伯世界贡献的T&H研究进行的计量分析, 特别涵盖了1993年至2022年的时期。研究结果可为阿拉伯世界T&H行业可持续和竞争性增长的战略和政策提供信息。这项研究强调了继续研究和行业专业人员、学者和政策制定者之间的合作的重要性, 以促进创新并推动阿拉伯世界T&H行业的积极变革。


El mundo árabe ha presenciado un notable aumento en el crecimiento de su industria de turismo y hostelería (T&H), posicionándola como una piedra angular vital para el desarrollo sostenible. Sin embargo, aún no se ha realizado un análisis bibliométrico exclusivo de la investigación en T&H realizada por el mundo árabe en los últimos 30 años, es decir, de 1993 a 2022. Por lo tanto, este estudio se erige como el esfuerzo pionero en proporcionar una evaluación bibliométrica y visualización sin precedentes de la investigación en T&H producida por el mundo árabe desde 1993 hasta 2022.


Se recogieron 1327 publicaciones científicas relativas a la investigación en T&H elaboradas por el mundo árabe, a partir de la base de datos Web of Science Core Collection. Para llevar a cabo un análisis bibliométrico a gran escala que abarcara el análisis de rendimiento, el mapeo científico y el análisis de redes, se emplearon herramientas analíticas de última generación, como el paquete Bibliometrix de R Studio y VOSviewer.


Los resultados muestran que la investigación del mundo árabe en T&H ha aumentado significativamente desde la COVID-19, representando casi la mitad (50.56%) de la literatura total publicada entre 2020 y 2022. El análisis de palabras clave reveló que “turismo,” “impacto,” “satisfacción,” “gestion,” “hospitalidad,” “rendimiento,” “determinantes,” “percepción,” “lealtad,” “calidad” y “satisfacción del cliente” son los temas de investigación actuales más destacados en T&H en el mundo árabe. Sin embargo, existen varias lagunas de investigación que requieren una investigación adicional por parte de académicos y profesionales de T&H en el mundo árabe, incluyendo temas como “turismo de trasplante,” “liderazgo ético,” “percepción del consumidor,” “huella ecológica,” “compromiso de los empleados,” “Airbnb,” “marketing de destinos,” “incivilidad del cliente,” “desarrollo de turismo sostenible,” y “sostenibilidad ambiental.” El análisis temático destaca que los temas de investigación en T&H evolucionan constantemente en respuesta a cambios dinámicos en la industria, como tendencias emergentes, cambios en las preferencias de los turistas y el impacto de eventos globales como la pandemia de COVID-19.


Hasta dónde llega nuestro conocimiento, este es el primer estudio bibliométrico de la investigación en T&H realizada por el mundo árabe, cubriendo específicamente el período de 1993 a 2022. Los hallazgos del estudio pueden desplegar el desarrollo de estrategias y políticas para el crecimiento sostenible y competitivo de la industria de T&H en el mundo árabe. Este estudio resalta la importancia de la investigación continua y la colaboración entre profesionales de la industria, académicos y responsables políticos para promover la innovación y generar un cambio positivo en el sector de T&H en el mundo árabe.

Book part
Publication date: 20 September 2023

Silvia Romero-Contreras and Ismael García-Cedillo

Mexico is a large, culturally and linguistically diverse country. More than half of its population lives below the poverty line, a fifth is of indigenous origin, and 5% have a…


Mexico is a large, culturally and linguistically diverse country. More than half of its population lives below the poverty line, a fifth is of indigenous origin, and 5% have a disability. This chapter offers a brief description of the general characteristics of the country and the legislative changes toward inclusion and presents the status and progress toward the 2030 Agenda educational goals toward inclusive education. Although efforts have been made to improve the quality of education and inclusion, the country's complexities: poverty, cultural diversity, and political adjustments, among others, have held back progress, as will be explained in this chapter.


Progress Toward Agenda 2030
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-80455-508-8


Publication date: 28 February 2023

Victor Pimentel and Carlo A. Mora-Monge

This study aims to benchmark the operational efficiency of fifty-eight public hospitals across Mexico between 2015 and 2018 and identifies the most critical inputs affecting their…



This study aims to benchmark the operational efficiency of fifty-eight public hospitals across Mexico between 2015 and 2018 and identifies the most critical inputs affecting their efficiency. In doing so, the study analyzes the impact of policy changes in the Mexican healthcare system introduced in recent years.


To measure the operational efficiency of Mexican public hospitals, data envelopment analysis (DEA) window analysis variable returns to scale (VRS) methodology using longitudinal data collected from the National Institute for Transparency and Access to Information (IFAI). Hospital groups are developed and compared using a categorization approach according to their average and most recent efficiency.


Results show that most of the hospitals in the study fall in the moving ahead category. The hospitals in the losing momentum or falling behind categories are mostly large units. Hospitals with initially low efficiency scores have either increased their efficiency or at least maintained a steady improvement. Finally, the findings indicate that most hospitals classified as moving ahead focused on a single care area (cancer, orthopedic care, child care and trauma).

Research limitations/implications

This study examined the technical efficiency of the Mexican healthcare system over a four-year period. Contrary to conventional belief, results indicate that most public Mexican hospitals are managed efficiently. However, recent changes in public and economic policies that came into effect in the current administration (2018) will likely have long-lasting effects on the hospitals' operational efficiency, which could impact the results of this study.


To the best of authors’ knowledge, this is the first study that examines the efficiency of the complex Mexican healthcare system using longitudinal data.


Benchmarking: An International Journal, vol. 31 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1463-5771


Publication date: 30 October 2023

Martin Ramirez-Urquidy, Jose N. Martinez and Pedro Orraca

The research aims to applying Baumol’s framework to address some research gaps in the literature. This paper aims to analyze how institutional variations at the subnational level…



The research aims to applying Baumol’s framework to address some research gaps in the literature. This paper aims to analyze how institutional variations at the subnational level impact entrepreneurship decisions and the path toward productive or unproductive entrepreneurship in an institutionally underdeveloped country. The results offer potentially new theoretical insights and practical implications for developing or emergent countries.


The research applies Baumol’s framework to Mexico’s context. The research collects data compounded by individual- and state-level variables from diverse sources for the 32 Mexican states. The individual level and some controls were obtained from sources of regular frequency, but the institutional variables were derived from surveys of irregular frequency, nonsynchronic and mostly nonoverlapping, which required aligning and centered them around 2016 and 2019 to match with the individual variables. The authors apply multilevel nonlinear mixed-effects probit regression to test nine hypotheses regarding the impact of institutional variables on entrepreneurial decisions and the path toward productive or unproductive entrepreneurship.


Improved formal institutions across the Mexican states reduce the entrepreneurship probability, implying interactions with other variables and indirect effects; encourage the selection of productive entrepreneurship, e.g. formal ventures; and discourage self-employment. Consequently, those institutions do not encourage entrepreneurship selection as an occupation but entrepreneurial quality, i.e. the selection of productive-formal entrepreneurship and larger ventures. Deficient informal institutions increase the entrepreneurship and formal entrepreneurship probabilities, implying the interactions with other variables and indirect effects and supporting the corruption “greases the wheels” hypothesis, consequently encouraging productive ventures. New evidence of the positive relationship between criminality and entrepreneurship types in Mexico is reported.

Research limitations/implications

Our findings indicate important impacts of the individual-level variables on the entrepreneurship decisions and that most of those decisions are potentially necessity driven and a minority are driven by opportunity, given their relationship with the macroeconomic controls and the institutional variables. The authors report mixed results on the relationship between institutions and entrepreneurship partially consistent with the literature; some results contribute additional evidence on controversial hypotheses or imply the existence of indirect effects. Overall, the results suggest that institutions impact the individual decisions to venture and the type of venture consequently affecting the amount and quality of entrepreneurship across states.


The research addresses some of the literature gaps by providing empirical evidence on a middle-income country and how diverging regional institutional contexts, including formal and informal institutions, impact the individual’s entrepreneurship decisions within an institutionally underdeveloped country. The paper contributes new knowledge and insights into entrepreneurship in emerging or developing countries with implications for Baumol’s framework in this context and adds to the debated hypothesis on the relationship between some institutions, e.g. corruption and criminality and entrepreneurship.


Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2053-4604


Publication date: 27 January 2023

Estela Núnez-Barriopedro, Azucena Penelas-Leguía, José María López-Sanz and María Cristina Loranca-Valle

The study of citizens' perceptions of the performance of public services and their relationship with the taxes allocated to them is of great interest in the context of public and…



The study of citizens' perceptions of the performance of public services and their relationship with the taxes allocated to them is of great interest in the context of public and fiscal management and the welfare state. This study has a twofold objective in defining a structural equation modeling (SEM) model: on the one hand, to measure the relationship between the perception of the performance of public services and the taxes allocated to them and on the other hand, to study the reflection of the perception of the performance of public services on the happiness and satisfaction of citizens.


To achieve this objective, a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out based on data from the “Public opinion and fiscal policy, 2022” questionnaire of the Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (CIS) through a survey with a sample of 2,543 citizens representative of the Spanish population. The partial least squares (PLS) method was applied to test the following hypotheses.


The result of this research allows us to know which variables in relation to citizens' perception of the functioning of public services have a positive influence on use of taxes and on citizens' happiness and satisfaction.


One of the novelties of this study is to analyse the effect of consumer perception on the performance of public services from the perspective of the welfare state by improving citizens' happiness and satisfaction.


Management Decision, vol. 62 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0025-1747


Publication date: 7 March 2023

Yenny Vicky Paredes-Arturo, Andrea Florez-Madroñero and Daniel Camilo Aguirre-Acevedo

This paper aims to analyze how psychosocial support influences caring activities toward indigenous older adults.



This paper aims to analyze how psychosocial support influences caring activities toward indigenous older adults.


A descriptive study with the participation of 229 informal indigenous caregivers. The study considered both sociodemographic and medical variables. It used the mini-mental test to determine the cognitive level in the elderly. It applied the Yesavage and Zarit scales to establish depressive symptomatology and caregiver burden. Finally, the study used the MOS psychosocial support and Apgar screening questionnaires to assess the psychosocial dimension and the patient’s family functional state, respectively.


The study observed a low caregiver burden effect using the MOS questionnaire. This may be explained due to variability in the Zarit Scale Score product of other variables like years of care (−0.17 and −0.28), depressive symptoms (0.16 and 0.18), cognitive level (mini-mental) (−0.13 and −0.14) and comorbidity (0.26 and −0.27). The study obtained an incidence between (−0.02 and −0.12) when including all assessed dimensions into the model. The instrumental dimension in the social support questionnaire obtained the highest score.


Protective factors prevail in the group of indigenous caregivers allowing this activity to not trigger overload. Yet, variables such as the female gender, some comorbidities and the presence of depressive symptoms could be potential variables for dysfunction in this occupational role.


Working with Older People, vol. 28 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1366-3666


Publication date: 19 April 2024

José Luis Cruz, Alba Barrutieta, Andrés García-Díaz and Jose Pablo Zamorano Rodríguez

To address the challenges of the agricultural sector, innovation is necessary. This study aims to focus on knowledge circulation as a basis to facilitate innovation in viticulture…



To address the challenges of the agricultural sector, innovation is necessary. This study aims to focus on knowledge circulation as a basis to facilitate innovation in viticulture in the context of climate change.


We have conducted interviews with viticulture stakeholders in Central Spain (Madrid region) on their perceptions and concerns about climate change, knowledge on practices to mitigate its effects on this crop and their relationship with each other for knowledge exchange. A map showing the knowledge nodes and their relationships with other stakeholders has been drawn based on the answers obtained.


Winegrowers have already noticed the effects of climate change, and they are changing some agricultural practices. Drip irrigation was the most frequently mentioned option to minimize these effects. The map of knowledge identifies the main nodes in the information flow. Results also highlight different approaches to climate change and interesting nuances in the maps of knowledge among winegrowers with and without winery.

Research limitations/implications

This paper is focused on the Madrid region, a territory that is still consolidating its wine sector at the economic and marketing levels. We understand that regions with more consolidated or stronger sectors involve maps of knowledge more complex than that obtained in this study.

Practical implications

Showing the nodes of knowledge, as well as the weaknesses and strengths of the information circuit in the wine sector in the Madrid region, is very relevant to developing strategies aimed at supporting innovation in this sector. From a practical point of view, strategies for knowledge generation and circulation are only one part of the innovation process – policies for financial and technical support are key complementary measures.

Social implications

Identification of key agents in the innovation process in the wine sector is essential to foster innovation processes. Ultimately, this will lead to more efficient adaptation to new challenges in the sector.


The Agriculture Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS) approach has a consolidated theoretical framework that pays great attention to knowledge flows, but specific studies are needed to capture the reality of AKIS by sector and by region.


International Journal of Wine Business Research, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1751-1062


Publication date: 22 December 2023

Héctor Yair Fernández-Sánchez, Angélica Espinoza-Ortega, Laura Patricia Sánchez-Vega, Sergio Moctezuma Pérez and Fernando Cervantes-Escoto

The study aims to identify the perceived authenticity of cheeses by consumers of different sociological generations in Mexico.



The study aims to identify the perceived authenticity of cheeses by consumers of different sociological generations in Mexico.


An online questionnaire was applied to 1,204 consumers. A Free Word Association (FWA) tool was used to determine the perceived authenticity of cheeses creating categories and dimensions. The sample was segmented into sociological generations. A chi-square test and a correspondence analysis were used to identify differences in the perception between generations. The information was complemented with word clouds of the cheeses mentioned and consumer testimonials about cheese consumption.


A total of 29 categories and ten dimensions revealed consumers' perception of cheese authenticity, most important of which were hedonic, rurality and new consumption. Authenticity is a mix of the pleasure of consuming the product, the link to rural life and new consumer values. Perceived authenticity is different in each sociological generation according to the dimensions of raw material, identity, market, new consumption and distrust, since it is related to the experiences of each generation. The results made it possible to contextualise another vision of the reality of the cheeses in the search for a quality seal.

Practical implications

The information contributes to the typification and promotion of cheeses in the process of patrimonialisation, by creating differentiated marketing tools that allow their valorisation.


This work contributes to the knowledge of the perceived authenticity of cheeses in the sociological generations, due to their differentiation by age, sociocultural, ethical, political and consumer aspects. It enables the knowledge of the consumer's perspective on these products.


British Food Journal, vol. 126 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0007-070X


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