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Book part
Publication date: 7 January 2015

This chapter examines the development of accounting thought and practices in China with the purpose of illustrating its relevance to current accounting policies and practices. The…


This chapter examines the development of accounting thought and practices in China with the purpose of illustrating its relevance to current accounting policies and practices. The review indicates that changes in accounting in China did not usually occur completely and easily. Over the past three decades, while Chinese accounting has gradually moved toward the Anglo-American model, convergence has presented unique features in China. For example, the review suggests that the accounting reforms in China have been heavily government-driven and that uniform accounting systems still remain. Chinese regulators maintain a cautious attitude toward the application of fair value and professional judgment, which are essentially the center of the Anglo-American accounting system. Furthermore, Chinese accounting regulators have a different view of business combinations from the IASB and have developed alternative accounting methods for those transactions. China’s departure from IFRS reflects its politico-economic context and essentially challenges the IASB’s goal of achieving international accounting convergence. China’s approach to internationally acceptable practices is likely to have implications for the effectiveness of the imported ideas.


Adoption of Anglo-American Models of Corporate Governance and Financial Reporting in China
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-78350-898-3


Publication date: 19 June 2019

Wenguang Zhang, Xiaoyu Guan, Xueqin Zhou and Ji Lu

This study investigated employees’ career planning in preparation for the impact of manufacturing transformation triggered by automation technology. Built on career construction…




This study investigated employees’ career planning in preparation for the impact of manufacturing transformation triggered by automation technology. Built on career construction theory, the purpose of this paper is to conceptualize career planning as an attempt to integrate oneself into the social environment. In this process of integration, career adaptability is a critical psychological resource for adaptation to anticipated changes.


Through an online survey, 476 participants answered questions regarding the following aspects: perceptions of the threats and opportunities posed by automation technology; career adaptability, that is, career-related concern, control, curiosity, and confidence in adapting to occupational transitions; and career plans and actions to address the challenge, including short-term job crafting behaviors and long-term career adjustment plan.


The results showed that opportunity and threat perceptions were associated with one’s job crafting behavior and long-term career adjustment plan and such relationships were moderated by career adaptability and work experience relevant to automation technologies. Specifically, career adaptability is a psychological resource helping individuals deal with perceived challenges, while relevant work experience moderated one’s strategies to catch opportunities.


This study contributes to the understanding of psychosocial determinants for better career planning in the midst of the industrial revolution. Policies that aim to prepare workers for the upcoming social transition may benefit from this study to leverage adaptive and proactive behaviors at a societal level.


Career Development International, vol. 24 no. 6
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1362-0436


Publication date: 19 January 2021

Qing Ke, Jia Tina Du and Lu Ji

The purpose of this paper is to understand how the contextual factors of health crisis information needs are different from a general health context and how these factors work…



The purpose of this paper is to understand how the contextual factors of health crisis information needs are different from a general health context and how these factors work together to shape human information needs.


This study collected the COVID-19-related questions posted on a Chinese social Q&A website for a period of 90 days since the pandemic outbreak in China. A qualitative thematic approach was applied to analyze the 1,681 valid questions using an open coding process.


A taxonomy of information need topics for a health crisis context that identifies 8 main categories and 33 subcategories was developed, from which four overarching themes were extracted. These include understanding, clarification and preparation; affection expression of worries and confidence; coping with a challenging situation and resuming normal life; and social roles in the pandemic. The authors discussed the differences between a health crisis and a normal health context shaping information needs. Finally, a conceptual framework was developed to illustrate the typology, nature and triggers of health crisis information needs.

Research limitations/implications

First, only the Baidu Zhidao platform was investigated, and caution is advised before assuming the generalizability of the results, as the questioners of Baidu Zhidao are not representative of the whole population. Furthermore, since at the time of writing the COVID-19 is still in an emerging and evolving situation (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2020), the collected data included only a relatively small sample size compared to the post-pandemic period, and this might have impact on the interpretation of the study’s findings.

Practical implications

The study’s taxonomy of information needs provides a reference for indexing and organizing related information during a disaster.

Social implications

The study helps authoritative organizations track and send information in social media and to inform about policies related to the pandemic (e.g., quarantine and traffic control policies in our study) to the right people in the right regions and settings when the next disaster emerges.


The taxonomy of information need topics for a health crisis context can be used to index and organize related information during a disaster and support many information agents to enhance their information service practices. It also deepens the understanding of the formation mechanism of information needs during a global health crisis.


Journal of Documentation, vol. 77 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0022-0418


Book part
Publication date: 7 January 2015



Adoption of Anglo-American Models of Corporate Governance and Financial Reporting in China
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-78350-898-3

Publication date: 6 June 2016

Xudong Ji, Wei Lu and Wen Qu

The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of internal control weaknesses on accounting conservatism in Chinese listed firms. It also investigates the relationship…




The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of internal control weaknesses on accounting conservatism in Chinese listed firms. It also investigates the relationship between the demand for external audit and accounting conservatism, and whether additional assurance of internal control reports (ICRs) can mitigate the negative impact of ICWs on accounting conservatism.


An empirical research approach is taken through the use of ordinary least squares (OLS) models and hand-collected internal control weakness data from ICRs released by Chinese listed firms.


The results of this paper show that the existence of ICWs has a negative effect on accounting conservatism in China. Further, the results demonstrate that both accounting-related and non-accounting-related ICWs affect accounting conservatism. The authors also find that there is a complementary relationship between accounting conservatism and the demand for additional assurance of ICRs, and additional assurance of ICRs can mitigate the negative impact of ICWs on accounting conservatism.

Practical Implications

This study provides timely evidence to Chinese regulators of the possible economic consequences of the official implementation of internal control standard in China from 2012. The findings of this paper can also benefit regulators around the world and, in particular, the regulators in emerging markets that are considering implement regulations similar to the US SOX.


The paper demonstrates that a wider scope of ICWs, including non-accounting-related ICWs, also has a significant impact on accounting conservatism. Therefore, this research provides a more general evidence on the relationship between internal control quality and accounting conservatism.


Managerial Auditing Journal, vol. 31 no. 6/7
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0268-6902


Publication date: 14 March 2018

Keryn Chalmers, David Hay and Hichem Khlif

In 2001, the US moved to regulate internal control reporting by management and auditors. While some jurisdictions have followed the lead of the US, many others have not. An…



In 2001, the US moved to regulate internal control reporting by management and auditors. While some jurisdictions have followed the lead of the US, many others have not. An important question, therefore, is the relevance of internal control to stakeholders. The more specific issue of the benefits of US-style regulation of internal control reporting is also topical. We review studies on the determinants of internal control quality and its economic consequences for stakeholders including investors, creditors, managers, auditors and financial analysts. We extend previous reviews by focusing on US studies published since 2013 as well as all non-US studies investigating IC quality including countries regulating IC disclosure as well as unregulated settings and both developed and developing economies. In doing so, we identify research questions where evidence remains mixed and new directions in which there are research opportunities.

Three main insights arise from our analysis. First, evidence on the economic consequences of internal control quality suggests that the quality of internal control can have a significant effect on decision making by users of financial information. Second, the results of research on the empirical association between ownership structure, certain board characteristics and internal control quality is generally mixed. Empirical evidence concerning the association between audit committee characteristics and internal control quality generally supports a positive and significant association. Finally, while studies in non-US jurisdictions are increasing, opportunities remain to explore the determinants and consequences of internal control in other jurisdictions. Our review provides evidence for policy makers of whether there are benefits from requiring management and auditors to report on internal control over financial reporting.


Journal of Accounting Literature, vol. 42 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0737-4607


Publication date: 1 May 2000

Xu‐Dong Ji

Outlines the history of accounting in China and reviews the literature published in English on the full range of Chinese accounting issues. Summarizes the contents of three books…



Outlines the history of accounting in China and reviews the literature published in English on the full range of Chinese accounting issues. Summarizes the contents of three books, refers to sections in other books and analyses journal articles by period, journal, research topic and research method. Argues that this accounting research has historical, academic and practical value,believes it will continue to improve and calls for greater use of more rigid research methodologies in this area.


Managerial Finance, vol. 26 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0307-4358


Open Access
Publication date: 10 August 2021

Wenjun Wen

This paper aims to review the research on accounting professionalisation in China to develop insights into how the research is developing, offer a critique of the research to date…




This paper aims to review the research on accounting professionalisation in China to develop insights into how the research is developing, offer a critique of the research to date and outline future research directions and opportunities.


This paper adopts a methodological approach of systematic literature review, as suggested by Tranfield et al. (2003) and Denyer and Tranfield (2009), to identify, select and analyse the extant literature on the Chinese public accounting profession. In total, 68 academic works were included in the review process.


This paper finds that the extant literature has produced fruitful insights into the processes and underlying motivation of accounting professionalisation in China, demonstrating that the Chinese experience has differed, to a large extent, from the hitherto mainly Anglo-American-dominated understandings of accounting professionalisation. However, due to the lack of common theoretical vernacular and an agreed upon focus, the extant literature illustrates a fragmented and contradictory picture, making attempts to accumulate prior knowledge in the field increasingly difficult.

Research limitations/implications

This paper focusses only on research published in English. Consequently, the scope of review has been limited as some works published in languages other than English may be excluded.


This paper provides one of the pioneering exercises to systematically review the research on accounting professionalisation in China. It explores significant issues arising from the analysis and provides several suggestions for furthering the research effort in this field.


Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies, vol. 12 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2042-1168


Publication date: 31 December 2015


The purpose of this paper is to provide a historical review of China’s anti-corruption efforts, from the ancient period of Chinese slavery societies to the late 1970s before China…




The purpose of this paper is to provide a historical review of China’s anti-corruption efforts, from the ancient period of Chinese slavery societies to the late 1970s before China launched its profound economic reform, under the current status of the harsh crusade against corruption that the Chinese new leadership initiated.


This paper is mainly based on a great deal of historical literature and empirical findings, with relevant comparative analysis on policies and regulations between various periods of China.


The phenomenon of corruption has existed in Chinese history for thousands of years, throughout Chinese slavery societies, feudal societies, republic period and the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Anti-corruption laws formed an important part of ancient Chinese legal system, and each dynasty has made continuous and commendable progress on fighting such misconduct. Innumerable initiatives have also been taken by the ruling party Chinese Communist Party (CCP) since the founding of the PRC. The PRC government created various specially designed government organizations and a series of updated regulations for preventing economic crimes. They have realized that periodic movements against corruption would no longer be helpful, and the paramount issue nowadays is indeed how bold the leaders are in striking out those unhealthy tendencies.


This paper fills in the blanks in the Western world with a comprehensive description of, and comments on, the historical efforts on China’s corruption and economic crime prevention. It also, in various ways, provides meaningful information that links to China’s current furious war against corruption.


Journal of Financial Crime, vol. 23 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1359-0790


Publication date: 16 January 2007

Xu‐dong Ji, W. Lu and M. Aiken

Since the Chinese government implemented its reform and open‐up policies in 1978 many western management accounting concepts and techniques have been introduced into China. The…




Since the Chinese government implemented its reform and open‐up policies in 1978 many western management accounting concepts and techniques have been introduced into China. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how Chinese management accountants have coped with the changes in the new economic environment and absorbed new ideas into their own practices. This paper also discusses the differences between the current Chinese management accounting system and the management accounting systems used in the western countries, and the obstacles in implementing western management accounting systems in China.


Both field study and survey approaches were used in this project. Six selected Chinese enterprises were visited. A questionnaire was distributed to all accountants in these companies.


This paper has found that the main obstacle for implementation of western methods is not political sensitivity, but the extent of technical constraints. The management information system (MIS) is under development in most Chinese enterprises, while the essential data for using western techniques, such as activity‐based costing, cannot be collected easily in the current situation. Nevertheless, changes in management accounting can be seen in some areas, such as the quality of products being promoted; the use of the responsibility accounting; and profitability as the key criterion for selecting investment projects.


This paper provides a comprehensive study about Chinese management accounting systems. The findings in the study will help western investors to be better prepared if they have set up a business in China or are going to enter the Chinese market.


Asian Review of Accounting, vol. 15 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1321-7348


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