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1 – 10 of 10Siyu Gong, Li Wang, Peter Peverelli and Danni Suo
Products that espouse environmental ethical principles have received increasing attention in recent years. However, one key barrier against sustainable consumption is that green…
Products that espouse environmental ethical principles have received increasing attention in recent years. However, one key barrier against sustainable consumption is that green attributes could result in consumer’s expectation of decreased product physical performance. This study aims to investigate how green attributes existing in different product categories affect consumer purchase intention.
Two experimental studies were conducted to test the hypotheses. Study 1 provides initial evidence of the interaction effects between green attributes and product category on consumer purchase intention. Study 2 replicates the findings of Study 1 and further tests a benefits-based mechanism in the relationship between green attributes and consumer purchase intention.
The findings show that in the utilitarian product category, products with green peripheral attributes result in a higher purchase intention than those with green core attributes, whereas, in the hedonic product category, products with green core attributes result in a higher purchase intention than those with green peripheral attributes. Furthermore, the authors demonstrate that green attributes, as universal sustainability cues predominantly affect consumers’ perceptions of utilitarian environmental benefits and self-expression benefits, which further enhance their purchase intention towards utilitarian products and hedonic products, respectively.
This study responds to the calls for more empirical studies into discussing the role of green attributes in consumer purchase intention. Furthermore, it uncovers a benefits-based mechanism that explains how green attributes existing in utilitarian product categories and hedonic product categories trigger consumers’ analysis of benefits, leading to positive consumer purchase intention.
Siyu Gong, Danni Suo and Jiatong Dai
This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of exclusive promotions in the form of targeted m-coupons and to uncover the potential psychological mechanisms underpinning…
This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of exclusive promotions in the form of targeted m-coupons and to uncover the potential psychological mechanisms underpinning consumer redemption behaviour.
Three experimental studies were conducted to elucidate the mechanisms of psychological ownership as well as perceived intrusiveness and to examine the moderating effect of the timing of delivery in these relationships.
The findings suggest that consumers demonstrate a higher intention to redeem targeted m-coupons than for untargeted m-coupons. Psychological ownership and perceived intrusiveness act as dual mediators in this relationship. However, delivering m-coupons on special dates helps mitigate the discrepancies in consumer responses between targeted and untargeted m-coupons.
This research contributes to existing literature on targeted promotion by comparing the effectiveness of two types of m-coupons and elucidating the dual mechanisms of psychological ownership and perceived intrusiveness. Furthermore, this study identifies a boundary condition that modifies the positive effects of targeted m-coupons.
Abdullah Khoso and Umbreen Kousar
This chapter concentrates on child rights institutions’ founding or organic laws that provide independence and powers to the national or local child rights institutions. This…
This chapter concentrates on child rights institutions’ founding or organic laws that provide independence and powers to the national or local child rights institutions. This chapter analyzes the National Commission on the Rights of the Child Act (NCRCA, 2017) of Pakistan as a case. It employs the Paris Principles of 1993 and the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child’s General Comment No. 2 as a yardstick. This chapter also compares the NCRCA with the National Commission on Human Rights Act (NCHRA, 2012). It presents results from interviews of three Child Rights Movement Pakistan (CRM) members and a member of the National Commission on the Rights of the Child (NCRC). The analysis finds that the NCRC faces serious challenges in performing its duties and functions, which were already limited within the organic law. The NCRC is an advisory body whose only role is to suggest the federal bureaucracy when and if required. The NCRC has not been provided with funds and adequate resources. Even the NCRC members were not paid their salaries for many months. The analysis finds that the NCRC’s affairs are governed through the bureaucracy1 (senior officials) within the Ministry of Human Rights, and the Human Rights Division. Rather than direct responsibility to the Parliament, the NCRC’s independence is undermined as its legislation directs. In the future, the NCRC will face challenges in advancing and protecting children’s rights because it does not have suo-motu (on its own) powers to intervene in matters affecting children. Therefore, it is indispensable to amend the NCRCA in consideration of the GC2 and the Paris Principles to bolster the institution’s independence and functions. These changes are essential to addressing violations of children’s rights and bringing about changes in the structures that affect children.
Nel definire e delimitare il turismo si propende verso due teorie: l'una lo vuol classificare quale fenomeno sociale, ossia sotto il profilo dei moventi che lo determinano;…
Nel definire e delimitare il turismo si propende verso due teorie: l'una lo vuol classificare quale fenomeno sociale, ossia sotto il profilo dei moventi che lo determinano; l'altra lo preferisce inquadrare sotto l'aspetto economico, ossia considerandolo dal punto di vista degli effetti cui esso dà luogo nel dar vita all'organizzazione ricettiva e nell'alimentare l'attività di quelle industrie e di quei servizi che la costituiscono.
Si è consentito un approfondimento dell'indagine relativa all'intervento dello Stato e degli altri enti pubblici in materia di propulsione del turismo, pur senza perdere di vista…
Si è consentito un approfondimento dell'indagine relativa all'intervento dello Stato e degli altri enti pubblici in materia di propulsione del turismo, pur senza perdere di vista i rapporti di necessaria correlazione fra attività pubblica e privata sopratutto nei riguardi dei limiti imposti alla prima dalla libera espansione della seconda. È sempre la iniziativa privata che può e deve avere la preminenza come funzione di primaria importanza nello sviluppo di qualsiasi attività economica e l'azione dei pubblici poteri non può e non deve interferire se non in quanto il suo intervento volga ad integrare e completare la libera operosità privata.
Il problema del sottosviluppo di una larga parte del mondo è sorto nel dopoguerra allorchè Ie principali nazioni europee si stavano risollevando dai gravi danni economici subiti…
Il problema del sottosviluppo di una larga parte del mondo è sorto nel dopoguerra allorchè Ie principali nazioni europee si stavano risollevando dai gravi danni economici subiti. Allo stesso tempo si ebbe nella dottrina economica una serie di studi dedicati allo sviluppo di «lungo periodo». Questa nuova ottica scaturiva anche dagli insegnamenti keynesiani sui periodi brevi. Risulta questo un non ultimo merito del grande economista inglese che, prospeltando la soluzione della prima questione, aveva permesso anche da un punto di vista teorico l'approccio al nuovo problema.
Tutti i più recenti studi concordano sulla necessità dell'intervento dei poteri pubblici nel settore del turismo, così come concordano sul fatto che i poteri pubblici, in tutti i…
Tutti i più recenti studi concordano sulla necessità dell'intervento dei poteri pubblici nel settore del turismo, così come concordano sul fatto che i poteri pubblici, in tutti i paesi, già intervengono nel settore.
Nei tempi moderni l'abitudine di viaggiare si è molto diffusa. Lo sviluppo del turismo s'accompagna al miglioramento della viabilità e all'introduzione dei nuovi mezzi di…
1. Indicazioni generali L'indagine (1) sulle leggi ha fornito le seguenti indicazioni:
Maria Cleofe Giorgino and Federico Barnabè
Drawing motivation from the greater exposure to uncertainty and condition changes that affect large projects due to their long lifecycle, this paper aims to investigate how the…
Drawing motivation from the greater exposure to uncertainty and condition changes that affect large projects due to their long lifecycle, this paper aims to investigate how the time factor affects the use of governance mechanisms to pursue the success of these projects.
To pursue its aim, the article applies the dichotomization between the hard and soft mechanisms of project governance to the analysis of a historical case study, whose findings are organized over the short, medium and long periods. The case selected is referred to the peculiar water system, made up of tunnels named “bottini,” that was in use in Siena (Italy) as the old aqueduct. Specifically, the study focuses on the project of expansion of this water system that was realized during the 14th century for the construction of the “Bottino maestro di Fontegaia.”
This article highlights the different relevance that, during the lifecycle of large projects, is assumed by hard and soft governance mechanisms, with the former having main relevance in a short and medium period, and the latter usually emerging in the medium period and, subsequently, playing a growing role for the project success in the long period.
The article contributes to the literature on large projects by providing novel insights about how the time factor impacts the governance of these projects. Furthermore, the case study, with its unique history, highlights the relevance of combining effectively the hard and the soft dimensions of project governance to pursue success.