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1 – 10 of 14Charles Ogechukwu Ugbam, Chi Aloysius Ngong, Ishaku Prince Abner and Godwin Imo Ibe
This study examines the nexus of bond market development and economic growth from 2015 to 2022.
This study examines the nexus of bond market development and economic growth from 2015 to 2022.
The system-generalized method of moments (GMM) is employed on economic growth, government market capitalization, corporate market capitalization, bond yield, interest rate spread, trade openness and investment level.
The findings show that the government bond market, corporate bond capitalization and bond yield positively impact the gross domestic product (GDP). The results equally reveal a causal link between the corporate bond market, bond yield and GDP.
Research limitations/implications
Governments should emphasize creating, developing and sustaining bond markets in the economies of developing countries to boost economic activity by promoting structural transformation. Policymakers should improve the implementation of existing rules and regulations while complementing them with new ones since well-developed bond markets provide alternative sources of financing that make economies financially resilient. Policymakers should encourage the issuance of corporate bonds to enhance the efficiency of the capital markets and mobilize funds for economic growth stimulation. Governments and corporations should diversify their sources of funding into the bond markets since the bond yields are favorable to economic growth.
Earlier studies presented arguable results on the bond market development and economic growth nexus. Several findings indicate a positive link; others give a negative link between bond market development and economic growth. Some show causal directions, while other reveal none. The contradictory results motivate research. This research results contribute to the literature in that the government bond market, corporate bond capitalization and bond yield positively impact the GDP of developing nations.
Chebangang Hyacinth, Chi Aloysius Ngong and Josaphat Uchechukwu Joe Onwumere
This research empirically investigates the evidence of the financial development and economic growth nexus in sub-Saharan Africa from 1995 to 2022.
This research empirically investigates the evidence of the financial development and economic growth nexus in sub-Saharan Africa from 1995 to 2022.
A series of preliminary tests are conducted before using the two-stage estimated generalized least squares and robust least squares methods for the analysis. Two indices are constructed to measure financial development: one for the banking sector indicators and another for the market-based indicators (Ustarz and Fanta, 2021).
The results indicate that the banking sector index significantly impacts the gross domestic product (GDP) per capita positively. The market sector index has a negatively significant effect on the GDP per capita. Government expenditure has a positive impact on the GDP per capita.
Research limitations/implications
Policymakers in sub-Saharan Africa should improve and implement finance–growth inclusive strategies that promote financial reforms and development to efficiently impact all population sectors. Policymakers should take stringent measures to ensure that the banking sector's development is sustainable to lead economic growth. The governments should strategize and promote capital market development using favorable listing rules for companies in the stock markets. Global stock market integration should be encouraged to diversify risks, increase public awareness, raise investors' confidence level and reduce stock market impediments like high taxes and regulatory barriers.
Previous study findings on the financial development and economic growth nexus are inconclusive and debatable. This study employs the financial development index approach.
Uguanyi Jacinta Nneka, Chi Aloysius Ngong, Okeke Augustina Ugoada and Josaphat Uchechukwu Joe Onwumere
This paper examines the effect of bond market development on economic growth of selected developing countries from 1990 to 2020. Previous studies provide inconsistent results on…
This paper examines the effect of bond market development on economic growth of selected developing countries from 1990 to 2020. Previous studies provide inconsistent results on the effect of bond market development on economic growth. Some results reveal positive effects while others show negative effects of bond market development on economic growth. These conflicting findings have motivated research.
The autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) and co-integration methods are used for analysis. The gross domestic product per capita proxies economic growth while government bond capitalisation and corporate bond capitalisation measure bond market development.
The findings unveil a long-term effect within the series. The results disclose that government bond capitalisation, trade openness and inflation positively affect economic growth while corporate bond capitalisation and domestic credit to the private sector presents negative effects on economic growth.
Research limitations/implications
The results propose that the governments should issue more bonds to raise funds for long-term economic growth initiatives. The governments should promote bond market development such that the corporate bonds issued boost economic growth by limiting lengthy documentations and bottlenecks in the bond market listing and issue procedures. The policymakers and regulatory authorities should implement policies which attract investors and encourage companies' listing in the countries' bond markets.
The study’s findings add value that government bond capitalisation positively impacts economic growth, while corporate bond capitalisation negatively affects economic growth in developing countries.
Chi Aloysius Ngong, Chinyere Onyejiaku, Dobdinga Cletus Fonchamnyo and Josaphat Uchechukwu Joe Onwumere
This paper investigates the impact of bank credit on agricultural productivity in the Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC) from 1990 to 2019. Studies’ results…
This paper investigates the impact of bank credit on agricultural productivity in the Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC) from 1990 to 2019. Studies’ results on the impact of bank credit on agricultural productivity are not conclusive. The studies demonstrate diverse outcomes which are debatable. The results are conflicting.
Agricultural value added (AGRVA) to the gross domestic product (GDP) proxies agricultural productivity while domestic credit to the private sector by banks (DCPSB), broad money supply, land, inflation (INF), physical capital (PHKAP) and labour supply are explanatory variables. The autoregressive distributed lag technique is utilized.
The co-integration test results show a long-run co-integration among the variables. The findings disclose that DCPSB, land and PHKAP impact positively on the AGRVA. Broad money supply, INF and labour impact negatively on the AGRVA to the GDP.
Research limitations/implications
The results suggest that the CEMAC governments should encourage effective ways to increase bank credit flow to private enterprises in the agricultural sector through efficient bank's intermediation.
Practical implications
The governments should create more agricultural banks and improve the operation of existing ones to ensure direct credit to agricultural activities. The Bank of Central African Economic and Monetary Community should apply aggressive policy which eliminates all the bottlenecks undermining credit flow to the private sector in mutualism with agricultural productivity.
Social implications
The commercial banks should give more credit to private sector to mutually benefit the agricultural sector and the banking sector. The governments of the CEMAC economies should expand funding into the capital market which considerably boosts agricultural productivity.
Studies’ results on the impact of bank credit on agricultural productivity are not conclusive. The studies demonstrate diverse outcomes which are debatable. The results are conflicting; some reveal positive impacts, some show negative impacts and others indicate U-shape behaviour. Hence, research is required to fill the lacuna.
Chi Aloysius Ngong, Dimna Bih, Chinyere Onyejiaku and Josaphat Uchechukwu Joe Onwumere
This study investigates the relationship between urbanization and carbon dioxide emission in the Central African Economic and Monetary Community from 1990 to 2019. The literature…
This study investigates the relationship between urbanization and carbon dioxide emission in the Central African Economic and Monetary Community from 1990 to 2019. The literature reveals that the relationship between urbanization and carbon dioxide emissions is still debatable and the existing findings are inconclusive.
Carbon dioxide is the regressand; while, urbanization, gross domestic product (GDP) and financial development (FD), rule of law (ROL) and government effectiveness (GEF) are the regressors. Johansen Fisher and Kao residual co-integration tests alongside the fully modified and dynamic ordinary least squares.
The results show a significant positive relationship between urbanization and carbon dioxide emissions. The causality tests results show that carbon dioxide granger causes urbanization, GDP and FD unit directionally.
Research limitations/implications
The countries' governments should effectively improve their legal systems to regulate carbon dioxide emissions. Urbanization laws should be implemented to limit urbanization environmental deteriorating effects on carbon dioxide emissions. This occurs as the countries practiced unregulated urbanization which increases population's environmental impacts. The study recommends sustainable green urbanization policies for environmental conservation through tree planting and horticulture. Balance development in urban and rural areas is vital to decongest the urban cities' pressure in the states. The governments should motivate the private sector with rural investments captivating policies to limit rural urban migration.
The findings contribute value by supporting a positive link between urbanization and carbon dioxide emissions in the CEMAC zone. The causality tests findings confirm the view that carbon dioxide granger causes urbanization, GDP and FD unit directionally. This value addition is essential to the governments and policy makers to mitigate urbanization and carbon dioxide emissions in the CEMAC region.
Udemezue Ndubuisi Nnakee, Chi Aloysius Ngong, Chinyere C. Onyejiaku, Shadrack Moguluwa and Josaphat Uchechukwu Joe Onwumere
This paper aims to examine the long-run relationship between stock market development and Nigerian economic growth from 1980 to 2020.
This paper aims to examine the long-run relationship between stock market development and Nigerian economic growth from 1980 to 2020.
Market capitalization, number of listed companies, total value traded ratio and turnover ratio are used. An autoregressive distributed lag model is used for the analysis.
The market capitalization ratio and turnover ratio have positively significant links with economic growth. The number of listed companies has a negative and non-significant impact on economic growth. Total value traded ratio has a negatively significant link with economic growth in the short run. The positive but insignificant relationship between traded value ratio and turnover ratio in the long run growth means that the Nigerian stock market is growth inducing and on the right track as stock market liquidity drives growth.
Research limitations/implications
The government and Security Exchange Commission should increase the market liquidity level by improving the trading infrastructure. The government and regulatory authorities should improve and effectively implement the existing policies that would ensure stock market growth. This facilitates the investors’ speed to purchase and sell shares. The Securities and Exchange Commission should reduce transaction costs to encourage active trading activities. The market should be diversified with investment instruments such as derivatives, futures and swap options which would limit the adverse effect of listed companies in the market. To increase the stock market liquidity, the Security and Exchange Commission should apply moral suasion to bring private companies that have met certain financial thresholds to convert to public companies. Government should improve on the legislation to encourage more private companies to list on the stock exchange.
The study findings add value in that stock market development has a positive impact on economic growth in Nigeria.
Chinyere C. Onyejiaku, Chi Aloysius Ngong, Fuein Vera Kum and Akosso Wilfred Nebasi
This paper studies the effect of digital financial inclusion in banking on the poor and deprived populations of African emerging economies from 1997 to 2023.
This paper studies the effect of digital financial inclusion in banking on the poor and deprived populations of African emerging economies from 1997 to 2023.
Automated teller machines, mobile payments and mobile money transactions measure digital financial inclusion. Household consumption expenditure proxies poverty reduction. The autoregressive distributed lag analyzes the study.
The results indicate that automated teller machines, mobile money transactions and financial deepening positively affect poverty reduction, while mobile payments negatively affect poverty reduction. Digital financial inclusion decreases poverty via increased investment and empowerment.
Research limitations/implications
Digital financial products and services should be expanded to all population segments in the economies. The governments should improve the quality and quantity of institutions that guarantee the operation of digital financial activities through the enforcement of law and order. The quality and quantity of mobile money transactions and financial deepening should be increased. The costs and charges involved in using automated teller machines and mobile payments should be regulated to relieve the burden on the population. The government should facilitate access to digital financial services via power supply, transport and telecommunication networks. Banks and telecommunications service providers should improve the payment system network to ensure cost-effective, convenient and secure financial service delivery. The digital infrastructure and financial services markets should be enhanced to fully capture the gains of financial inclusion and reduce poverty.
A literature review provides studies with conflicting findings on the effect of digital financial inclusion on poverty reduction. This study supports that digital financial inclusion decreases poverty.
Kesuh Jude Thaddeus, Dimna Bih, Njimukala Moses Nebong, Chi Aloysius Ngong, Eric Achiri Mongo, Akume Daniel Akume and Josaphat Uchechukwu Joe Onwumere
This paper aimed examining the contribution of female labour force participation rate on economic growth in the sub-Saharan Africa during the period of 1991–2019.
This paper aimed examining the contribution of female labour force participation rate on economic growth in the sub-Saharan Africa during the period of 1991–2019.
The study employed a sample of 42 sub-Sahara African countries using annual data from the World Bank development indicators. The long-run causal effect of female labour force and economic growth was analysed using the Autoregressive Distributed Lag model and Granger causality test for causality and direction since the variables did not have the same order of integration.
The estimated results indicate that a long-run causal relationship exists between female labour force and economic growth in sub-Sahara Africa and the direction of causality is unidirectional running from economic growth to female labour force. The results also showed that female labour force participation rate negatively and significantly contributes to economic growth (GDP) is sub-Saharan Africa in the long run with an insignificantly negative contribution in the short run hence a liability.
Research limitations/implications
The author recommends the promotion of women's economic empowerment to encourage female labour force participation to increase economic growth in the entire sub-Saharan region.
Practical implications
This paper adds to existing literature by using more comprehensive and up to econometric analysis and variables. This paper also makes further recommendation on how female labour force participation can boost economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA).
This paper adds to existing literature by using more comprehensive and up to econometric analysis and variables. This paper also makes further recommendation on how female labour force participation can boost economic growth in SSA.
Chi Aloysius Ngong, Kesuh Jude Thaddeus, Lionel Tembi Asah, Godwin Imo Ibe and Josaphat Uchechukwu Joe Onwumere
This research investigates the bond between stock market development and agricultural growth in African emerging economies from 1990 to 2020.
This research investigates the bond between stock market development and agricultural growth in African emerging economies from 1990 to 2020.
Agricultural value added to the gross domestic product measures agricultural growth and market capitalization and stock value traded measure stock market development.
The findings disclose that market capitalization negatively affects agricultural growth while stock value traded positively affects agricultural growth in the fully modified and dynamic ordinary least square techniques. The findings unveil bidirectional causality between labour and agricultural value added with unidirectional causality flow from agricultural value added to market capitalization and stock value traded.
Research limitations/implications
The governments should promote agricultural growth initiatives which stimulate stock market development. Effective methods required to encourage credit flow to the agricultural enterprises through the stock markets' intermediation should be promoted using aggressive policies which eliminate credit flow bottlenecks. Policy makers and regulatory authorities should implement policies which attract investors to the agricultural sector and encourage companies' listing in the stock markets. The capital market funding should be expanded to boost economic growth through agricultural value added.
Literature reveals divergent results on the relationship between stock market development and agricultural growth. Earlier studies provide conflicting findings on the bond between stock market development and agricultural growth. Some findings indicate positive link between stock market development and agricultural growth, while others show a negative association. Studies' results reveal opposing directions of causality between stock market development and agricultural growth.
Chi Aloysius Ngong, Kesuh Jude Thaddeus and Josaphat Uchechukwu Joe Onwumere
This paper aims to examine the causation linking financial technology to economic growth in the East African Community states from 1997 to 2019.
This paper aims to examine the causation linking financial technology to economic growth in the East African Community states from 1997 to 2019.
Autoregressive distributed lag is used. Gross domestic product per capita proxies economic growth, automated teller machines, point of sale, debit card ownership and mobile banking measure financial technology.
The results unveil a significant relationship between financial technology and economic growth. The findings show bidirectional causality between automated teller machine and economic growth, with unidirectional causation from economic growth to point of sales and internet banking, mobile banking and government effectiveness to economic growth. The error correction term is negatively significant, demonstrating a long-term convergence between Fintech measures and economic growth.
Research limitations/implications
The governments should effectively enact and implement policies that protect investments in financial technologies to boost economic growth in the East African Community countries. The government should reduce taxes on financial technology equipment and related services. The use of automated teller machine, debit card ownership and internet banking should be encouraged through cashless transactions. Financial institutions should adopt cashless operation policies to encourage the use of financial technologies.
Research results on the bond between financial technology and economic growth are not conclusive. These studies demonstrate that technological innovations are double edged-swords, with both positive and negative sides. The results are conflicting; some reveal positive relationships, while others show negative links. Hence, research is required to fill the lacuna.