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1 – 9 of 9Michel Hermans and Armando Borda Reyes
This study aims to draw researchers’ attention to the need to differentiate within the emerging market multinational companies (EMNCs) category. This study focuses on…
This study aims to draw researchers’ attention to the need to differentiate within the emerging market multinational companies (EMNCs) category. This study focuses on international business in Latin America to argue that the region’s specific institutional characteristics have consequences for within-firm decision-making regarding internationalization strategies. Additionally, the study suggests that to develop a more specific understanding of international business in emerging markets, it is important to consider how decision-makers define value and how they can capture such value.
The approach used in this study draws on the bathtub analogy used in micro-foundations research in international business. It proposes a multilevel analysis in which micro-level variation in within-firm decision-making is considered, while accounting for the conditioning effects of macro-level contextual factors.
The study identifies characteristics of the Latin American institutional context that are relevant to international business strategies and that potentially differ from other emerging market contexts. These include the pendular shifts to and from pro-market economic reform, fragmented government intervention in business, underdeveloped capital markets, low competition among firms and polarized labor markets. The study explains how these characteristics shape the definition of value and firm strategies to capture value in international markets, and provides examples from firms in different industries.
This study applies a value creation and capture perspective to international business in Latin America, allowing for the simultaneous consideration of macrolevel institutional characteristics and microlevel variation in decision-making regarding internationalization strategies. This perspective not only helps to distinguish Latin American EMNCs from companies from other emerging market contexts, but also explains the considerable variation in the internationalization strategies of firms within the region.
Armando Borda Reyes, William Newburry, Jorge Carneiro and Carlos Cordova
This paper aims to use Latin America as a laboratory to better understand the relationship between inward foreign direct investment (IFDI) and outward foreign direct investment…
This paper aims to use Latin America as a laboratory to better understand the relationship between inward foreign direct investment (IFDI) and outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) (both in total as well as in regional flows) and also examine the moderating effect of trade openness on that relationship. Latin America is an ideal study context for this purpose because of the relative homogeneity of its countries, which reduces confounding effects and increases comparability.
This paper uses longitudinal panel regression models with moderation effects. Secondary data were gathered on IFDI (per country and per country-sector), OFDI (total per country and region-targeted per country) and on trade openness from 11 Latin American countries.
IFDI in natural resources is positively associated with OFDI in both overall total flows and regional flows. The effect of IFDI in manufacturing has a consistent negative effect on total OFDI. IFDI in services has positive effects on total OFDI. Additionally, trade openness moderates positively the relationship between total IFDI and both total OFDI and regional OFDI. As a consequence, the authors found evidence suggesting that the relation between IFDI and OFDI in Latin America is positively moderated by trade openness.
The authors explored the nature of the impact of IFDI on the capacity of the recipient country to compete abroad as expressed by its OFDI flows. Specifically, they elucidated whether trade openness can be considered a suitable mechanism for home country firms to leverage potential spillovers provided by foreign entrants.
Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra, Jorge Carneiro, Diego Finchelstein, Patricio Duran, Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez, Miguel A. Montoya, Armando Borda Reyes, Maria Tereza Leme Fleury and William Newburry
This paper aims to analyze how emerging market firms upgrade their capabilities by focusing on “uncommoditizing strategies” that enable them to achieve levels of international…
This paper aims to analyze how emerging market firms upgrade their capabilities by focusing on “uncommoditizing strategies” that enable them to achieve levels of international competitiveness beyond the comparative advantages of their home countries and serve markets with premium pricing, quality and reputation of products.
In this paper, the authors studied 18 Latin American companies across six countries. Latin America represents an ideal setting because many of these countries have traditionally developed using natural resource endowments, and their firms have tended to rely on these in their internationalization. To facilitate the analysis of each case and the comparisons across cases, the authors used the same analytical framework for the companies, identifying the sources of differentiation and cost efficiency strategies that enabled these firms to upgrade their capabilities and compete on the basis of premium pricing, quality and reputation.
The analysis identified a general framework that represents an abstraction of the actions taken by these companies over time. The proposed model consists of three main elements used to pursue uncommoditizing strategies: tropicalized innovation, global efficiency and coordinated control.
Recent research on emerging market firms has shown interest in how these firms upgrade their capabilities. This paper contributes to this stream of research by providing an overarching framework that not only bridged previous narrower studies but also explained how firms can develop uncommoditizing strategies to upgrade their capabilities. Further, this paper helps managers by providing a comprehensive yet succinct overview of the main strategies that they can use to help their firms to achieve international competitiveness.
Michel Hermans, Armando Borda, William Newburry, Carlos Oswaldo Cordova Chea, Diego Finchelstein, Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez, Miguel A. Montoya-Bayardo, Gerardo Velasco and Juan Velez-Ocampo
This study aims to challenge the generic interpretation of Multilatinas as Latin American firms that have been able to internationalize because of highly competitive strategic…
This study aims to challenge the generic interpretation of Multilatinas as Latin American firms that have been able to internationalize because of highly competitive strategic capabilities. The authors test whether capabilities that international business researchers commonly associate with internationalization are necessary at different stages of the internationalization process to better understand the extent to which emerging market (EM) firms need to develop them.
International business research suggests a positive association between strategic capabilities and firm internalization. However, it remains unclear what specific capabilities are necessary and when they are necessary. These questions are particularly important in the context of the internationalization of firms from emerging economies, such as Latin America. The authors apply necessary condition analysis (NCA) on a sample of Latin American firms at different internationalization stages to test what strategic capabilities represent necessary conditions for becoming a Multilatina.
The findings suggest that only a few strategic capabilities are necessary for Latin American firms to become “Multilatinas”. While entrepreneurial orientation and marketing and sales capabilities represent necessary conditions, EM firms may internationalize even though other capabilities are developed to a lesser extent. The authors reflect on how shifts in local markets and technology drive the emergence of different types of Multilatinas.
Research limitations/implications
Measuring strategic capabilities across multiple EM firms implies a risk that firm-specific aspects are not fully captured. While the authors focused on the comparative competitive strength of capabilities and took great care to minimize measurement error, the authors acknowledge possible bias. Also, while NCA does not require a minimum sample size, findings from our sample of firms from four countries may not generalize to the region or other EMs.
As a relatively new statistical technique, the use of NCA has spread rapidly. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, the linkage between organizational capabilities and firm internationalization has not been tested from a necessary conditions perspective yet. The reflections on the “Multilatina” concept based on the notion of EM firms as configurations of strategic capabilities inform current debates on EM multinational enterprises.
Diego Armando Jurado-Zambrano, Juan Velez-Ocampo and Esteban López-Zapata
The purpose of this paper is to identify and analyze the strategic decisions, especially those focused on smart governance, that have been implemented by the cities of Buenos…
The purpose of this paper is to identify and analyze the strategic decisions, especially those focused on smart governance, that have been implemented by the cities of Buenos Aires (Argentina), Medellín (Colombia) and Mexico City (Mexico) and how they have impacted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Using a qualitative approach and a descriptive scope, this manuscript follows a multiple case study methodology that was primarily based on the analysis of archival records and documentation using pattern-matching and cross-case synthesis as analytical techniques.
Observed cities share three main characteristics when implementing smart governance strategies linked to SDG 16: technology-based solutions to solve recent and long-lasting societal problems; broad, diverse and active citizen participation; and a socio-technical approach toward smart governance and SDG 16.
Research limitations/implications
This paper points out the linkages between smart governance and SDGs in emerging markets’ smart cities. The findings of this study indicate the need to promote socio-technical approaches – rather than merely technical perspectives – to achieve SDG 16. Hence, citizen participation, open government and co-creation initiatives are key to the promotion of more inclusive and solid institutions.
The most important contribution of this study is to identify the strategic initiatives developed by three leading smart cities in Latin America from the smart governance point of view and their relationship with the SDGs, which is useful because it contributes to expanding our understanding of smart governance from practical experiences.
El propósito de este manuscrito es identificar y analizar las decisiones estratégicas, especialmente aquellas enfocadas en la gobernanza inteligente, que han sido implementadas por las ciudades de Buenos Aires (Argentina), Medellín (Colombia) y Ciudad de México (México), y cómo han impactado en los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS).
Utilizando un enfoque cualitativo y un alcance descriptivo, este manuscrito sigue una metodología de estudio de casos múltiples que se basó principalmente en el análisis de registros de archivo y documentación utilizando la comparación de patrones y la síntesis cruzada de casos como técnicas analíticas.
Las ciudades observadas comparten tres características principales al implementar estrategias de gobernanza inteligente vinculadas al ODS 16: soluciones basadas en tecnología para resolver problemas sociales recientes y duraderos; participación ciudadana amplia, diversa y activa; y un enfoque socio-técnico hacia la gobernanza inteligente y el ODS16.
Limitaciones/implicaciones de la investigación
Este documento señala los vínculos entre la gobernanza inteligente y los ODS en el contexto de las ciudades inteligentes de los mercados emergentes. Los hallazgos de este estudio indican la necesidad de promover enfoques sociotécnicos -en lugar de perspectivas meramente técnicas- para el logro del ODS16. Por lo tanto, las iniciativas de participación ciudadana, gobierno abierto y cocreación son claves para la promoción de instituciones más inclusivas y sólidas.
La contribución más importante de este estudio es identificar las iniciativas estratégicas desarrolladas por tres ciudades inteligentes líderes en América Latina desde el punto de vista de la gobernanza inteligente y su relación con los ODS, lo cual es útil porque contribuye a ampliar nuestra comprensión. de gobernanza inteligente a partir de experiencias prácticas.
O objetivo deste manuscrito é identificar e analisar as decisões estratégicas, especialmente aquelas focadas na governança inteligente, que foram implementadas nas cidades de Buenos Aires (Argentina), Medellín (Colômbia) e Cidade do México (México), e como elas impactaram os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS).
Utilizando uma abordagem qualitativa e um escopo descritivo, este manuscrito segue uma metodologia de estudo de casos múltiplos que se baseou principalmente na análise de documentos e registros arquivísticos usando correspondência de padrões e síntese de casos cruzados como técnicas analíticas.
As cidades observadas compartilham três características principais ao implementar estratégias de governança inteligente vinculadas ao ODS16: soluções baseadas na tecnologia para resolver problemas sociais recentes e duradouros; participação cidadã ampla, diversificada e ativa; e uma abordagem sociotécnica para governança inteligente e ODS16.
Limitações/implicações da pesquisa
Este artigo aponta as ligações entre governança inteligente e ODS no contexto das cidades inteligentes dos mercados emergentes. Os resultados deste estudo indicam a necessidade de promover abordagens sociotécnicas – mais do que perspectivas somente técnicas – para o alcance dos ODS16. Assim, a participação cidadã, o governo aberto e as iniciativas de cocriação são fundamentais para a promoção de instituições mais inclusivas e sólidas.
A contribuição mais importante deste estudo é identificar as iniciativas estratégicas desenvolvidas por três cidades inteligentes líderes na América Latina do ponto de vista da governança inteligente e sua relação com os ODS, o que é útil porque contribui para ampliar nosso entendimento de governança inteligente a partir de experiências práticas.
- Smart cities
- Smart governance
- Latin America
- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- Case study
- Ciudades inteligentes
- Gobernanza inteligente
- América latina
- Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible (ODS)
- Estudio de caso
- Cidades inteligentes
- Governança inteligente
- América latina
- Objetivos de desenvolvimento sustentável (ODS)
- Estudo de caso
Esteban López-Zapata and Armando De Jesús Ramírez-Gómez
This study analyzes the impact of intellectual capital on organizational ambidexterity by evaluating the mediating effect of the different types of organizational cultures…
This study analyzes the impact of intellectual capital on organizational ambidexterity by evaluating the mediating effect of the different types of organizational cultures (adhocracy, clan, market and hierarchy) on the said relationship.
From a sample of 124 directors of Colombian firms, the information is analyzed using Structural Equation Models through the Partial Least Squares method (SEM-PLS).
The results show that intellectual capital has a positive relationship with organizational ambidexterity and that market culture presents a positive mediating effect in the said relationship, while the mediating effects of adhocracy culture, clan culture and hierarchy culture are not significant.
Practical implications
Directors can favor the development of organizational ambidexterity by investing in the intellectual capital of their firms and by promoting the development of market culture attributes.
This work contributes empirical evidence on the mediating role of organizational culture in the relationship between intellectual capital and ambidexterity, highlighting the importance of market culture over other types of culture for the simultaneous development of exploration and exploitation capabilities, in the context of an emerging Latin American economy such as Colombia.
Clarice Secches Kogut, Renato Dourado Cotta de Mello and Angela da Rocha
Starting from the knowledge-based view as a theoretical perspective, this study aims to examine how an emerging market multinational enterprise (EMMNE) engages in reverse…
Starting from the knowledge-based view as a theoretical perspective, this study aims to examine how an emerging market multinational enterprise (EMMNE) engages in reverse knowledge transfer (RKT) processes and how such processes are managed by headquarters. Therefore, this paper captures the perspective of top management concerning RKT and the processes used to create, transfer and integrate knowledge.
The study uses a longitudinal design based on the case method of investigation. The case selected for the study was a Brazilian company theoretically sampled for being a domestically, regionally and globally important, information-rich company that operates in an industry in which technology plays a crucial role. The company was also selected for having had asset-seeking motives in at least some of its foreign market entries and for having successfully absorbed foreign-acquired capabilities.
The study provides counterfactual evidence to the springboard perspective, considering timing and speed of the internationalization and catch-up processes and the size of acquisitions. The study also highlights differences to other emerging market multinational enterprises, concerning the internationalization trajectory and catch-up moves, and to traditional MNEs, regarding RKT challenges and practices.
Research limitations/implications
The main limitations of the study relate to the case study method, which does not allow for statistical generalization, although it does support analytical generalization.
The study contributes to the literature by shedding light on the process by which a Latin American multinational firm developed technological capabilities to compete globally, focusing on the symbiotic, self-nurturing relationship between internationalization processes and technology acquisition and integration processes. Moreover, the work provides novel theoretical insights regarding timing, location, size and execution of the RKT activities. Finally, the paper contributes to the understanding of the relational aspects of the RKT process by focusing on building human relationships as the major force behind knowledge integration and examining the resistance of the acquired companies from developed markets to adopt the parent company’s best practices, or to contribute to its integrated knowledge, when the parent company is an EMMNE.
Francisco Puig, Anoop Madhok and Zhi Shen
This paper aims to analyse which firm-level characteristics drive their location decisions when investing in a foreign country. Focusing on origin clusters, the authors will study…
This paper aims to analyse which firm-level characteristics drive their location decisions when investing in a foreign country. Focusing on origin clusters, the authors will study the potential influence of the home country context and, in particular, the impact of firm-level factors, both investor- and investment-related, underlying heterogeneity in their location choice decisions.
The empirical analysis draws on data gathered from mainland Chinese MNEs that have invested in Germany between 2005 and 2013 (269 firms). The authors chose a single host (Germany) and a single home (China) country for their representativeness and for methodological reasons to control for country effects. The authors used a multinomial logit model to assess the effects of the independent variables on the probability that each of the three location possibilities would be selected.
The results suggest that investors preferring co-location in origin clusters have distinct structural and strategic characteristics. From a more structural point of view, Chinese foreign direct investment (FDI) undertaken by smaller firms and those without prior experience in the EU prefer an area where there are other Chinese investors. From a more strategic perspective, these FDI flows are more likely to tap into industry agglomerations when the investors’ objective is strategic asset seeking, and they have less knowledge-intensive investments.
Practical implications
The findings may be of great practical value to practitioners and policymakers. Knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of the types of agglomeration networks can help managers to balance the rewards and risks in their decision-making and to select a suitable development path for their FDIs. For policymakers, an understanding of the structure and formation of different groups of firms in one location and the characteristics of investors who may enter the location can help them to improve their regulatory work and to develop policies to attract investments, thereby enhancing local economic development and community stability.
The research shifts the emphasis of the location choice decision beyond just where to locate toward with whom to collocate. It also contributes to the growing research on emerging market multinationals by providing further insight into understanding of FDI location behavior by firms from emerging economies.
Angelo Cavallo, Antonio Ghezzi and Bertha Viviana Ruales Guzmán
This paper aims to investigate how a firm may innovate its business model to internationalize.
This paper aims to investigate how a firm may innovate its business model to internationalize.
Owing to its novelty and to the depth of the investigation required to grasp the mechanisms and logics of business model innovation aiming at internationalization, a single case study has been performed related to a company located in North-Western Colombia.
The study provides detailed empirical evidences over the mutual connection and complementarities among value mechanisms of business models. Moreover, this study suggests that BMI fosters internationalization to scale, which, in turn, will require additional changes to match new customer needs as they emerge. Also, the study shows an extension of the action–space of lean startup approaches, intended as scientific approaches to international entrepreneurship.
This study connects business model innovation and internationalization as few studies have done before.