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Publication date: 14 November 2016

Ahmad Y. Khasawneh

This paper aims to compare Islamic and commercial banks in the region of Middle East and North Africa (MENA) in terms of profitability and stability.




This paper aims to compare Islamic and commercial banks in the region of Middle East and North Africa (MENA) in terms of profitability and stability.


The study combines both the descriptive and analytical approaches. It considers panel data sets and adopts panel data econometric techniques.


The determinants of banks profitability and stability are different according to bank’s type. The results show that Islamic banks are more profitable than commercial banks, while on the other hand, commercial banks are more stable than Islamic banks. It is also concluded that banks profitability and stability are determined through some bank’s characteristics variables and macroeconomic variables in addition to the financial crises. MENA commercial and Islamic banking was affected by the financial crises in terms of profitability and stability. Additionally, larger banks are more stable than smaller banks, and off-balance sheet activities increase banks’ vulnerability for both commercial and Islamic MENA banks.

Research limitations/implications

The most prominent limitation is the lack of data, as we had to exclude some variables because of missing observations. As a result, the authors could not use data envelopment approach and stochastic frontier approach to evaluate banks efficiency in MENA countries rather than the financial ratios.

Practical implications

Commercial banks need to enhance their capitalization to improve their profitability. Additionally, Islamic banks need to improve the risk assessment and adopt some of the available risk management tools. Moreover, the banking system should take advantage of relatively higher Islamic banks profitability and use the unexploited profit opportunities through spreading into those countries with limited availability, such as the North African countries.


This study address both banks profitability and stability in an emerging region that includes banks of different types (Islamic and commercial) which are located in different counties that allows accounting for operational and institutional differences.


International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, vol. 9 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1753-8394


Publication date: 2 May 2017

Ahmad Y. Khasawneh and Qais A. Dasouqi

The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of debt financing on both performance and systematic risk in Amman Stock Exchange listed firms. The authors focus the study to…




The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of debt financing on both performance and systematic risk in Amman Stock Exchange listed firms. The authors focus the study to analyze the differences between services and industrial firms in one sense and the differences between international and domestic firms in the other sense, as the study depends on the geographical distribution of sales to classify the nationality of firms.


The study sample includes all listed Jordanian firms in Amman Stock Exchange from 2005 to 2013 for both industrial and services sectors. Using panel data techniques, fixed effects regression with modified Driscoll-Kraay standard error as a remedy for heteroscedasticity problem is employed.


The results show that there is a significant negative impact of debt financing on the firm’s performance, where the sector and the sales nationality play an important role. Moreover, the results indicate that there is a significant positive impact of debt financing on the firm’s systematic risk. Taking the sector and sales nationality into consideration, the authors find that the debt financing has no significant impact on the systematic risk of services firms and domestic firms. Additionally, the findings indicate that services firms and international firms are, on average, more riskier than industrial firms and domestic firms, respectively.


The paper provides a visibility on the comparison between international and local firms in Jordan in terms of the impact of debt financing on the financial performance and systematic risk in one research.


EuroMed Journal of Business, vol. 12 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1450-2194


Publication date: 6 November 2023

Ramzi Al Rousan, Nermin Khasawneh and Sujood

The Arab world has witnessed a remarkable surge in the growth of its tourism and hospitality (T&H) industry, positioning it as a vital cornerstone for sustainable development…



The Arab world has witnessed a remarkable surge in the growth of its tourism and hospitality (T&H) industry, positioning it as a vital cornerstone for sustainable development. However, an exclusive bibliometric analysis of T&H research contributed by the Arab world has not yet been conducted in the past 30 years, that is, 1993–2022. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to provide a first-of-its-kind bibliometric assessment and visualization of T&H research produced by the Arab world spanning from 1993 to 2022.


A comprehensive collection of 1,327 scientific publications related to T&H research contributed by the Arab world was acquired from the Web of Science Core Collection database. To perform a large-scale bibliometric analysis, encompassing performance analysis, science mapping and network analysis, this study used state-of-the-art analytical tools, namely, Bibliometrix package of R Studio and VOSviewer.


The findings of this study show that the Arab world’s research on T&H has significantly surged since COVID-19, contributing nearly half (50.56%) of the total literature in the T&H domain between 2020 and 2022. Elshaer IA (Suez Canal University, Egypt) emerged as the most productive author, while Nusair K (Sultan Qaboos University, Oman) was identified as the most impactful author in the T&H domain in the Arab world. The most productive journal was found to be Sustainability (MDPI), while Tourism Management (Elsevier) was identified as the most impactful journal in the field of T&H. Furthermore, the thematic analysis highlights that research themes in T&H are not static but rather constantly evolving in response to dynamic changes in the industry, such as emerging trends, shifts in tourist preferences and the impact of global events like the COVID-19 pandemic.


To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first bibliometric analysis of T&H research contributed by the Arab world, specifically covering the period from 1993 to 2022. This study's findings can inform the development of strategies and policies for the sustainable and competitive growth of the T&H industry in the Arab world. This study highlights the importance of continued research and collaboration among industry professionals, academics and policymakers to promote innovation and drive positive change in the T&H sector in the Arab world.


阿拉伯世界已经目睹了其旅游和酒店(T&H)行业增长的显著激增, 将其定位为可持续发展的重要基石。然而, 在过去30年中, 即1993年至2022年, 尚未进行关于阿拉伯世界贡献的T&H研究的专属文献计量分析。因此, 这项研究代表了提供阿拉伯世界自1993年至2022年间T&H研究的首创性文献计量评估和可视化的先驱努力。


从Web of Science核心合集数据库收集了1327篇与阿拉伯世界贡献的T&H研究相关的科研论文。为进行大规模的计量分析, 包括性能分析、科学映射和网络分析, 我们采用了先进的分析工具, 即R Studio的Bibliometrix软件包和VOSviewer。


研究结果显示, 自COVID-19以来, 阿拉伯世界对T&H的研究显著增加, 占2020年至2022年期间发表文献总数的近一半(50.56%)。关键词分析揭示了阿拉伯世界T&H领域的当前研究热点, 包括“旅游”、 “影响”、“满意度”、“管理”、“酒店业”、“绩效”、“决定因素”、“感知”、“忠诚度”、“质量”和“顾客满意度”。然而, 阿拉伯世界的T&H学者和从业者需要进一步研究一些研究空白, 包括“器官移植旅游”、“伦理领导”、“消费者感知”、“生态足迹”、“员工参与”、“爱彼迎”、“目的地营销”、“顾客不文明行为”、“可持续旅游发展”和“环境可持续性”等主题。主题分析突显了T&H领域的研究主题不断随行业动态变化而不断演化, 如新兴趋势、游客偏好变化以及全球事件如COVID-19大流行的影响。


据我们所知, 这是首次对阿拉伯世界贡献的T&H研究进行的计量分析, 特别涵盖了1993年至2022年的时期。研究结果可为阿拉伯世界T&H行业可持续和竞争性增长的战略和政策提供信息。这项研究强调了继续研究和行业专业人员、学者和政策制定者之间的合作的重要性, 以促进创新并推动阿拉伯世界T&H行业的积极变革。


El mundo árabe ha presenciado un notable aumento en el crecimiento de su industria de turismo y hostelería (T&H), posicionándola como una piedra angular vital para el desarrollo sostenible. Sin embargo, aún no se ha realizado un análisis bibliométrico exclusivo de la investigación en T&H realizada por el mundo árabe en los últimos 30 años, es decir, de 1993 a 2022. Por lo tanto, este estudio se erige como el esfuerzo pionero en proporcionar una evaluación bibliométrica y visualización sin precedentes de la investigación en T&H producida por el mundo árabe desde 1993 hasta 2022.


Se recogieron 1327 publicaciones científicas relativas a la investigación en T&H elaboradas por el mundo árabe, a partir de la base de datos Web of Science Core Collection. Para llevar a cabo un análisis bibliométrico a gran escala que abarcara el análisis de rendimiento, el mapeo científico y el análisis de redes, se emplearon herramientas analíticas de última generación, como el paquete Bibliometrix de R Studio y VOSviewer.


Los resultados muestran que la investigación del mundo árabe en T&H ha aumentado significativamente desde la COVID-19, representando casi la mitad (50.56%) de la literatura total publicada entre 2020 y 2022. El análisis de palabras clave reveló que “turismo,” “impacto,” “satisfacción,” “gestion,” “hospitalidad,” “rendimiento,” “determinantes,” “percepción,” “lealtad,” “calidad” y “satisfacción del cliente” son los temas de investigación actuales más destacados en T&H en el mundo árabe. Sin embargo, existen varias lagunas de investigación que requieren una investigación adicional por parte de académicos y profesionales de T&H en el mundo árabe, incluyendo temas como “turismo de trasplante,” “liderazgo ético,” “percepción del consumidor,” “huella ecológica,” “compromiso de los empleados,” “Airbnb,” “marketing de destinos,” “incivilidad del cliente,” “desarrollo de turismo sostenible,” y “sostenibilidad ambiental.” El análisis temático destaca que los temas de investigación en T&H evolucionan constantemente en respuesta a cambios dinámicos en la industria, como tendencias emergentes, cambios en las preferencias de los turistas y el impacto de eventos globales como la pandemia de COVID-19.


Hasta dónde llega nuestro conocimiento, este es el primer estudio bibliométrico de la investigación en T&H realizada por el mundo árabe, cubriendo específicamente el período de 1993 a 2022. Los hallazgos del estudio pueden desplegar el desarrollo de estrategias y políticas para el crecimiento sostenible y competitivo de la industria de T&H en el mundo árabe. Este estudio resalta la importancia de la investigación continua y la colaboración entre profesionales de la industria, académicos y responsables políticos para promover la innovación y generar un cambio positivo en el sector de T&H en el mundo árabe.

Publication date: 23 July 2019

Ahmad Raza Bilal, Tehreem Fatima and Muhammad Kashif Imran

The purpose of this paper is to advance the theoretical perspective of complexity leadership paradigm to introduce shared leadership style as a precursor of taking charge behavior…



The purpose of this paper is to advance the theoretical perspective of complexity leadership paradigm to introduce shared leadership style as a precursor of taking charge behavior in public sector higher educational institutions (HEIs) of Pakistan. Moreover, this study unveils the underlying mechanisms of the climate of initiative and psychological safety for clarifying the link of shared leadership and taking charge.


The multi-source and multi-wave data were analyzed by employing double mediation analysis (PROCESS Model 4); using 282 valid responses obtained from a proportionate stratified sample of faculty members working in public sector HEIs of Pakistan.


The result indicates that shared leadership is a suitable style for governing the public sector HEIs and it fosters taking charge behavior in teaching faculty. Additionally, shared leadership creates climates that support initiatives and are psychologically safe that set stage for taking charge behaviors in teaching faculty of public sector HEIs of Pakistan.


This research has filled the gap of focusing on more collaborative leadership styles instead of traditional vertical leadership practices in public sector HEIs of Pakistan. Theoretically, this study suggests new insights into the contextual antecedents and mediating mechanisms of taking charge behaviors.


International Journal of Public Leadership, vol. 15 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2056-4929


Publication date: 5 February 2018

A.Y.M. Atiquil Islam, Magdalena Mo Ching Mok, Qian Xiuxiu and Chin Hai Leng

In this age of exponential knowledge growth, where wireless internet is playing a dominant role, the concerned authorities of higher education have to ensure that this tool…




In this age of exponential knowledge growth, where wireless internet is playing a dominant role, the concerned authorities of higher education have to ensure that this tool remains within the reach of the students. However, there has been as yet little research indicating its success in China. This paper aims to examine factors that influence students’ satisfaction (SAT) in using wireless internet in higher education for the purpose of learning. The second aim of this study is to identify if gender has a moderating effect on students’ SAT in using wireless internet in higher education.


Data from a total of 283 students from five colleges of a comprehensive public university in China (Foreign Language Studies, Business, Education, Biology and Chemistry, and Mathematics and Engineering) were collected for this study. The reliability and validity of the measurement scale were established through a Rasch model using Winsteps version 3.94. The technology satisfaction model (TSM) was validated applying structural equation modelling (SEM) using AMOS to test the causal relationships among the constructs.


The results of this study revealed that students’ SAT was directly influenced by perceived usefulness (PU) and ease of use of wireless internet. Besides, students’ perceived ease of use (PEU) and usefulness were directly affected by their computer self-efficacy. On the other hand, students’ computer self-efficacy had an indirect effect on their SAT mediated by ease of use and perceived usefulness, respectively. The findings also discovered that gender did exert effect as a moderating variable towards students’ SAT in using wireless internet in higher education.

Practical implications

The TSM was shown to be a useful model to measure students’ SAT in using wireless internet in a different culture.


To achieve this aim, a TSM on the potential factors contributing to student SAT was developed from the literature and validated in this study. Whereas, the TSM has been developed and validated in Malaysia.


The Electronic Library, vol. 36 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0264-0473


Publication date: 19 December 2024

Naveed Ahmad and Hafiz Muhammad Wasif Rasheed

The purpose of this study is to investigate the reasons (for and against) affecting owners' attitudes and intentions to use digital marketing (DM) strategies in tourism and…



The purpose of this study is to investigate the reasons (for and against) affecting owners' attitudes and intentions to use digital marketing (DM) strategies in tourism and hospitality (T&H) small and medium enterprises (SMEs), by employing the behavioral reasoning theory (BRT).


A survey method was used to collect data from 306 T&H (SMEs) owners and analyze the data through partial least square structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM).


The study results indicate that reasons significantly affect owners' attitudes and intentions to use DM in T&H (SMEs). The “RF” was as follows: perceived ease of use (PEU), perceived usefulness (PU), and trust in DM professionals” and the “RA” technological anxiety, usage barriers (UB), and perceived complexity (PC) effect on owners’ attitudes and intentions to use DM. Also, it indicates that openness to change value significantly affects the “RF” insignificant with “RA” and attitude.

Practical implications

The findings of this study emphasize that if owners/managers, governments, and policymakers overcome the “RA” that discourages and raises the knowledge about the “RF” in the adoption of DM, then the usage intention of DM strategies can rise in T&H (SMEs).


This study is the first to investigate the reasons (for and against) the owner’s attitude and intention to use DM in T&H (SMEs) by utilizing behavioral reasoning theory (BRT), technology acceptance model (TAM), and innovation resistance theory (IRT).


Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2514-9792


Book part
Publication date: 28 October 2024

Amjad Ali Rind, Muhammad Mujtaba Asad and Fahad Sherwani

The main purpose of this review was to synthesize pre-service teachers' digital self-efficacy in the context of education 5.0 and to identify the elements that affect pre-service…


The main purpose of this review was to synthesize pre-service teachers' digital self-efficacy in the context of education 5.0 and to identify the elements that affect pre-service teacher's digital self-efficacy and preparedness for future technologies. A systematic review approach was employed to analyze the 22 articles about the pre-service teachers' digital self-efficacy of in the paradigm of education 5.0. The review was conducted from 2012 to 2022 following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. In this study, PICO model was used in framing research questions. The findings of the review revealed that limited study has been carried out in the context of digital self-efficacy in the context of education 5.0. It was found that previous studies were only focusing general digital self-efficacy through traditional ways. Moreover, findings revealed there is lack of research on digital self-efficacy pre-service teachers in the realm of education 5.0 paradigm in the literature. More specifically, the results revealed that implementation of education 5.0 into teacher preparation programmes faces numerous challenges, including a lack of technological approach, poor digital infrastructure, the digital divide, a paucity of professional training opportunities for teachers and a lack of importance in policies. This synthesis of the literature review has practical implications for pre-service teachers along with policymakers. Pre-service teachers are required to increase their digital skills for the reason that they could teach the advanced generation. The policymakers can revisit and update the curriculum to incorporate education 5.0 principles in the teacher education programmes. This comprehensive review helps to better understand the pre-service teachers' digital self-efficacy towards education 5.0 and contributes to the body of existing knowledge on digital self-efficacy. Moreover, this study gives valuable insights on the incorporation of education 5.0.


Digital Transformation in Higher Education, Part B
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-83608-425-9


Publication date: 16 November 2021

Ahmad Rafiki, Muhammad Dharma Tuah Putra Nasution, Yossie Rossanty and Pipit Buana Sari

The purpose of this study is to examine the dimensions of organizational learning (OL), entrepreneurial orientation (EO), personal value toward the firm performance of small and…



The purpose of this study is to examine the dimensions of organizational learning (OL), entrepreneurial orientation (EO), personal value toward the firm performance of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in North Sumatera, Indonesia.


This study used a quantitative methodology using Smart partial least squares of the structural equation model. A survey is done by distributing the questionnaires to the respondents (owner-managers) of SMEs across sectors. Using a convenient sampling technique, 128 respondents are selected. Using a cross-sectional survey design, 11 hypotheses are tested.


It is found that the innovativeness of EO and personal value both have a significant relationship with firm growth. While OL is significantly related to the innovativeness of EO, risk-taking of EO and proactiveness of EO. Then, both innovativeness of EO and proactiveness of EO significantly mediate the relationship of OL and firm growth. However, OL, proactiveness of EO and risk-taking of EO are insignificantly related to firm growth, while risk-taking of EO also insignificantly mediates the relationship of OL and firm growth.


EO (innovativeness, risk-taking and proactiveness) is deemed a crucial factor in running businesses by SMEs, while OL and personal value play a significant role in creating a competitive advantage that is needed for growth.


Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management, vol. 14 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2053-4620


Publication date: 11 January 2023

Dina Sabry Said, Sucheta Agarwal, Yehia Ibrahim Alzoubi, Mujtaba M. Momin and Ariz Naqvi

Several organizations decided to work remotely after the Indian Government proclaimed a state of emergency on March 24, 2020, to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Employees across…



Several organizations decided to work remotely after the Indian Government proclaimed a state of emergency on March 24, 2020, to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Employees across all industries, particularly the Generation-Y, were stressed as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. The purpose of this study is to fills that gap by looking at the effects of occupational stress factors (such as coworker support, work–life balance [WLB] and role expectation conflict) on Generation-Y employees in the educational sector during COVID-19.


The causes and consequences of the three occupational stresses listed above were investigated. In total, 231 surveys from workers at private and public educational institutions in India were analyzed using partial least square-structural equation modeling analysis.


The results revealed that support from coworkers greatly reduced job stress, the WLB had a positive impact on the work and personal lives, and the lack of role specification in Generation-Y employees had a negative impact on their job performance.


This study has considered the occupational stress variables among Generation-Y in the era of COVID-19, which need attention to improve the performance of the academic sector.


Industrial and Commercial Training, vol. 55 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0019-7858


Publication date: 21 July 2023

Malek Alshirah and Ahmad Alshira’h

The aim of this study is to measure the risk disclosure level and to determine the relationship between ownership structure dimensions (institutional ownership, foreign ownership…



The aim of this study is to measure the risk disclosure level and to determine the relationship between ownership structure dimensions (institutional ownership, foreign ownership and family ownership) and corporate risk disclosure in Jordan.


This study used a sample of 94 Jordanian listed firms from the Amman Stock Exchange for the period from 2014 to 2017. This study measured risk disclosure using the number of risk-related sentences in the annual report, while random effects regression was used for hypotheses testing.


The results revealed that family ownership has a negative effect on risk disclosure practices, but institutional ownership, foreign ownership, firm size and leverage have no significant effect on the risk disclosure level.

Practical implications

The finding of this study is more likely be useful for many concerned parties, researchers, authorities, investors and financial analysts alike in understanding the current practices of the risk disclosure in Jordan, thus helping them in reconsidering and reviewing the accounting standards and improving the credibility and transparency of the financial reports in the Jordanian capital market.


This study offers novel evidence detailing the impact of ownership structure toward corporate risk disclosure, its implementation in emerging markets following the minimal amount of scholarly efforts on the topic. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first examination of the impact of ownership structure on corporate risk disclosure. Thus, this study has important implications for the decisions of executives, policymakers, shareholders and lenders, as it enables them to better understand the linkage between ownership structure on corporate risk disclosure.


Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal , vol. 34 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1059-5422


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