PDS Partners: Bridging Research to Practice: Volume 19 Issue 2 , Open Access


Table of contents

Remote teaching and learning for teacher candidates: mentor teacher perspectives

Amy D. Wolfe, Sara L. Hartman

This study offers implications for remote mentoring within school university partnerships based on a qualitative study focused on how three experienced mentor teachers within a…

The optimization of school-university resources in an effort to recruit teachers of mathematics

Jean A. Guillaume, Robin E. Hands

The purpose of this article is to debut a novel initiative that could potentially optimize resources that are currently constrained but, if unleashed, could help ameliorate the…

Books by kids for kids: the impact of a collaborative project-based learning international book exchange on pre-service teachers

Kalynn Hall Pistorio, Mary Beth Hendricks

The purpose of this article is to discuss the impact of an international book exchange project done with elementary students from a professional development school partnership on…


Letter from a teacher: A plea for school-university partners to rethink educator burnout and attrition through an ethic of care

Sally Valentino Drew, Kate Atwood Heyboer, Betsy J. Paddock, William Michael McLachlan, Joan Nicoll-Senft

Guided by several of the 9 essentials of what it means to be a PDS (NAPDS, 2021), authors share a plea to rethink the teacher burnout-attrition-staffing crisis with a call toward…

“Alexa, play today’s Flash Briefing”: utilizing conversational agents in educator preparation

Tiffany Hunt, Margaret Hudson

This grant-funded research utilized conversational agents (CAs), specifically Alexa Flash Briefings, to deliver supplemental audio content across educational settings, expanding…

Going farther, together: completing literacy professional development as peers

Raven Cromwell, Koral Fleming, Kaitlyn Forshey, Tim Fleming

In the Fall of 2019, Marietta College and Marietta City Schools, in Marietta, Ohio, piloted a program to improve literacy knowledge and pedagogy through completing LETRS training…

Cover of PDS Partners: Bridging Research to Practice





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Journal’s owner:

National Association for School-University Partnerships

Open Access:

open access


  • Dr Jennifer D. Morrison
  • Dr Elizabeth Currin
  • Dr Shalonya Knotts