Table of contents
Validation of the psychological safety, psychological empowerment, intrapreneurial behaviour and individual performance measurements
Mahmoud Ahmad Mahmoud, Shuhymee bin Ahmad, Donny Abdul Latief PoespowidjojoThe purpose of this study is to assess the validity of the psychological safety (PS), psychological empowerment (PE), intrapreneurial behaviour (IB) and individual performance…
Potential and challenges for using neuroscientific tools in strategic management studies
Nairana Radtke Caneppele, Fernando Antonio Ribeiro Serra, Luis Hernan Contreras Pinochet, Izabela Martina Ramos RibeiroThe purpose of this study is to understand how neuroscientific tools are used and discussed in ongoing research on strategy in organizations.
Usability perception of the health information systems in Brazil: the view of hospital health professionals on the electronic health record
Vandoir Welchen, Juliana Matte, Cintia Paese Giacomello, Franciele Dalle Molle, Maria Emilia CamargoThe purpose of this paper is to validate and measure the overall evaluation of electronic health record (EHR) and identify the factors that influence the health information…
Analyzing complexities in the Brazilian soybean supply chain: a systems thinking and modeling approach
Monique Filassi, Andréa Leda Ramos de Oliveira, Arun Abraham Elias, Karina Braga MarsolaThis study aims to analyze the complexities of the Brazilian soybean supply chain (SSC) and develop strategic interventions to improve the origin system’s performance.
Relational norms and satisfaction with interorganizational cooperation
Marcielle Anzilago, Ilse Maria BeurenThis study aims to analyze the effects of interorganizational cost management and opportunism on the reflexes of relational norms on satisfaction with interorganizational…
Blockchain in education: the influence of trust on adoption and implementation
Cristina Rodrigues dos Santos Ramos, Maciel M. QueirozThis paper aims to investigate the influence of trust on adopting and implementing blockchain technology in higher education institutions (HEIs) in Brazil.
Denials and apologies: pathways to reconciliation
Tatiana Iwai, João Vinícius França CarvalhoThis paper aims to examine how verbal responses (denials vs apologies) following a trust violation in cooperative relationships influence reconciliation by changing attributions…

2531-0488Online date, start – end:
2018Open Access:
open accessEditors:
- Leandro dos Santos Maciel
- Rafaela Almeida Cordeiro