Higher Education Evaluation and Development: Volume 16 Issue 2 , Open Access


Table of contents

University scholarship activities on module evaluation questionnaires at a British University

Junko Winch

The purpose of this study comprises the following three: (1) to ascertain the purpose of university module evaluation questionnaires (MEQs) and its reliability; (2) to evaluate…


UGC's responses to the pandemic: roles of Institutional Quality Assurance Cells in Bangladesh

Jude William Ramiro Genilo

The paper documents the roles played by the institutional quality assurance cells (IQACs) to implement the University Grants Commission (UGC) directive to shift to online…


Sustainable development: a developmental evaluation of logistics higher education in the Sultanate of Oman based on two innovation approaches (the triple helix of innovation and innovation competencies)

Panagiotis Nikolaou

This research seeks to identify evidence of innovation elements in the implementation of a sustainable development ecosystem in the HE environment. For the purposes of this…


Quality-driven university curriculum reform in Zimbabwe: a critical conceptualisation of harmonised minimum bodies of knowledge

Nduduzo Phuthi

The surging demand for higher education in Africa for expedited socio-economic growth and global sustainable development demands customising gains made elsewhere for local benefit…