Journal of Capital Markets Studies: Volume 3 Issue 2 , Open Access


Table of contents

Cryptocurrencies: applications and investment opportunities

A. Can Inci, Rachel Lagasse

This study investigates the role of cryptocurrencies in enhancing the performance of portfolios constructed from traditional asset classes. Using a long sample period covering not…


Improving corporate governance with functional diversity on FTSE 350 boards: directors’ perspective

Rita Goyal, Nada Kakabadse, Andrew Kakabadse

Boards presently are considered the most critical component in improving corporate governance (CG). Board diversity is increasingly being recommended as a tool for enhancing firm…


Do Fama–French common risk-factor portfolio investors herd on a daily basis? Implications for common risk-factor regressions

Chamil W. Senarathne

The purpose of this paper is to examine whether Fama–French common risk-factor portfolio investors herd on a daily basis for five developed markets, namely, Europe, Japan, Asia…


Stock market liberalization: implications on cost of capital in emerging Islamic countries

Bilal İlhan

Most of the major Islamic countries’ stock exchanges have not been able to perform at the same pace with the major emerging countries’ stock exchanges since the mid of 1990s. The…


A longitudinal analysis for informativeness of earnings announcements in Borsa Istanbul

Aykut Ahlatcioglu, Nesrin Okay

The purpose of this paper is to assess the information value of earnings announcements for the 2007–2017 period in Borsa Istanbul.

An investigation on impacts of structural changes in stocks’ past returns on financial analysts’ earnings forecasting rationality

Zhixin Kang

The purpose of this paper is to test whether financial analysts’ rationality in making stocks’ earnings forecasts is homogenous or not across different information regimes in…

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  • Prof Guler Aras