Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance: Volume 25 Issue 6


Table of contents

Application of SEM and fsQCA to predict m-health adoption in the BoP market

Mehdi Hussain, Qudsia Begum, Muhammad Sabbir Rahman, Ahmed Imran

Drawing on the adapted unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2) framework in the bottom of pyramid (BoP) context, this paper examines the number of causal…

Safety governance during COVID-19 pandemic and beyond: a benchmarking inquiry of multiple countries

Paul C. Hong, Euisung Jung, Na Young Ahn, Youngran Hyun

This study aims to examine the role of safety governance in ensuring public–private interface ecosystems in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. It aims to highlight the role of…

Telecom industry grievance redressal system: a study of ombudsman approach in selected countries

Mugdha Shirish Mujumdar, Sandeep G. Prabhu

This study aims to explore the telecom regulations and telecom reforms of different countries in the context of consumer complaints and grievance handling. The telecom dispute…

Value co-creation in a high-performance computing (HPC) service ecosystem: opportunities for European SMEs

Suman Bhattacharya, Nadja Damij

This paper aims to develop a conceptual framework as a valuable investigative tool for future empirical studies examining stakeholders’ interactions within a high-performance…

Approach using interpretive structural model and MICMAC analysis for identifying barriers influencing e-administration implementation in Egypt

Rasha Hassan

This study aims to identify and analyze the key barriers that obstruct the effective implementation of Egypt’s e-administration.

What explains the sudden surge in cryptocurrency? A consumption value theory perspective

Shelly Gupta, Himanshu , Sanjay Dhingra, Radhika Aggarwal

Cryptocurrency has emerged as a significant component on the surface of the financial industry. With its growing popularity and blockchain as an underlying technology…

A study on blockchain-based marketplace governance platform adoption: a multi-industry perspective

Kumar Saurabh, Parijat Upadhyay, Neelam Rani

Decentralised autonomous organisations (DAOs) are internet-native self-governing enterprises where individual groups, communities, agencies, consumers and providers work together…

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  • Professor Anna Visvizi