Table of contents
Value in vehicles: economic assessment of automotive data
Alexander M. Soley, Joshua E. Siegel, Dajiang Suo, Sanjay E. SarmaThe purpose of this paper is to develop a model to estimate the value of information generated by and stored within vehicles to help people, businesses and researchers.
Exploring the dimensions of individual privacy concerns in relation to the Internet of Things use situations
Ali Padyab, Anna StåhlbröstThe integration of internet of things (IoT) devices into daily life introduces challenges for the privacy of their users and those who are affected by these devices. This paper…
Altice: creating a complex and constantly evolving empire
Jason Whalley, Peter CurwenThis paper aims to shed light on the development of Altice, a French-based but multinational operator of cable and mobile networks.
Connecting the poor: the internet, mobile phones and financial inclusion in Africa
Olaniyi EvansThe increased adoption of internet-enabled phones in Africa has caused much speculation and optimism concerning its effects on financial inclusion. Policymakers, the media and…
The rise of mobile internet: the adoption process at the bottom of the pyramid
Muhammad Sabbir Rahman, Mahafuz Mannan, Riasat AmirThe purpose of this study is to provide an insight into the adoption process of mobile internet (M-internet) among bottom-of-the-pyramid (BoP) customers.

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Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Professor Anna Visvizi