Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance: Volume 19 Issue 1


Table of contents

The implications of Brexit for the governance of telecommunications markets in the United Kingdom

Ewan Sutherland

This paper aims to analyse the implication of the exit of the UK from the European Union (a.k.a. Brexit).


Why the networks can’t beat Netflix: speculations on the US OTT Services Market

Eun-A Park

This paper aims to examine the dramatically different markets for over-the-top (OTT) TV services that have emerged in the USA, and other leading markets such as Japan and Korea…


The evolution of US mobile operators within a multi-play world

Peter Curwen, Jason Whalley

The purpose of this study is to analyse the ways in which mobile operators in the USA that previously presented themselves as providers of essentially a single service have had to…

ICTs and the informal economy: mobile and broadband roles

Martha Garcia-Murillo, Jorge Andres Velez-Ospina

The purpose of this paper is to explore whether information and communication technologies (ICTs) can move people from the informal to the formal sector. ICTs being multipurpose…


Understanding the Internet of Things ecosystem: multi-level analysis of users, society, and ecology

Dong-Hee Shin, Yong Jin Park

This study aims to conduct socio-technical analysis of the rapidly evolving Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem and industry, including such factors as market growth and user…


Mobile value, spectrum and data demand – a bootstrap approach to estimation

Brian Williamson, Sam Wood

The purpose of this paper is to integrate mobile supply and demand on an economic basis and to model the economic value of additional data capacity, spectrum demand and data…

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  • Professor Anna Visvizi