Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science , Open Access
Issue(s) available: 17 – From Volume: 22 Issue: 42, to Volume: 29 Issue: 58

Volume 23
Determinants of inflation expectations in Colombia: a VAR-X analysis
Daniel Osorio-Barreto, Jose Mora, Lya Paola Sierra-SuárezThis study aims to investigate the determinants of inflation expectations in Colombia through a vector autoregression model with exogenous variables (VAR-X) and uses quarterly…
Service quality and earnings management in Brazilian electricity distributors
Paulo Vitor Souza de Souza, Edilson PauloThis article examines the relationship between service quality and earnings management in Brazilian electricity distributors.
Private equity activity and corporate governance’s spillover
Hernán Herrera-Echeverri, Diego Cueto, Sandra Gaitan, Daniel FraguaWe examine the impact of private equity on corporate governance across industries and countries.
Categorizing world regional art prices by artistic movement: an analysis of Latin American art
Urbi Garay, Fredy PulgaThe literature on the potential benefits of art investing has yet to consider the effects of categorizing world regional art markets (e.g. Latin American art) by artistic styles…
Investor sentiment and equity mutual fund performance in Brazil
Sabrina Espinele da Silva, Simone Evangelista Fonseca, Carolina Magda da Silva Roma, Seung Hun Han, Robert Aldo IquiapazaFocusing on the Brazilian equity mutual fund industry, this study analyzes whether including the investor sentiment index in asset pricing models is important for explaining fund…
Does trading mechanism shape cross-market integration? Evidence from stocks and corporate bonds on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange
Elroi HadadThis study investigates the influence of trading mechanisms on cross-market integration between stocks and corporate bonds on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE) during the…
Going long, going short, issue or liquidate? Corporate debt maturity of Mexican public firms
Lianet Farfán-Pérez, Jorge O. Moreno, María de las Mercedes AdamuzThis paper studies the determinants of the debt maturity of Mexican-listed companies by analysing the effects on the extensive (issuing or liquidating debt) and the intensive…
Are private banks more sensitive to changes in reserve requirements? Evidence from an emerging market
Vighneswara Swamy, Vijayakumar NarayanamurthyThis article explores the effects of monetary policy rates and interest rate structures on bank profitability.
Taking ESG strategies for achieving profits: a dynamic panel data analysis
Alejandro J. Useche, Jennifer Martínez-Ferrero, Giovanni E. ReyesThe goal is to investigate the relationship between financial performance and environmental, social and governance (ESG) indicators and disclosures for a sample of Latin American…
The impact of behavioral biases on investment decisions: a serial mediation analysis
V Shunmugasundaram, Aashna SinhaThe purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of behavioral biases on investment decisions through a serial mediation of overconfidence and disposition effects.
Utility under the Dark Tetrad
Orlando GomesLiterature on psychology highlights four traits that shape an amoral and antisocial personality: Machiavellianism, narcissism, psychopathy and sadism. Together, these personality…
Exploring the asymmetric relationship between macroeconomic factors and corporate profitability in the MSCI Colombia index
Orlando Joaqui-Barandica, Brayan Osorio-Vanegas, Carolina Ramirez-Patiño, Cesar A. Ojeda-EcheverryThis study aims to explore the asymmetric effects of macroeconomic factors on the profitability of large-cap companies in an emerging country like Colombia, using the Morgan…
2218-0648Online date, start – end:
2017Journal’s owner:
Universidad ESAN(opens new window)Open Access:
open accessEditor:
- Nestor U. Salcedo