Cross Cultural & Strategic Management: Volume 23 Issue 4


Table of contents

Competitive dynamics: Eastern roots, Western growth

Ming-Jer Chen

The purpose of this paper is to bridge the understanding of apparent dichotomies such as East and West, philosophy and social sciences, and antiquity and modernity, and to…


Blind spots in global strategy: applications in emerging markets

Seung Ho Park, Gerardo R. Ungson

The purpose of this paper is to apply the concept of blind spot to illustrate the misapplication of extant global strategies to emerging markets. The authors discuss cases of…

Moving towards a geocentric, polycultural theory of organizational paradox

Joshua Keller, Marianne W. Lewis

This paper comments on “Global implications of the indigenous epistemological system from the east” (Li, 2016), which provides an indigenous Chinese perspective on organizational…


Being versus becoming ontology of paradox management

Runtian Jing, Andrew H. Van de Ven

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the theoretical contribution of Li’s (2016) “Yin-Yang balancing” approach of paradox management, as well as its future development to guide…


Why replication studies are essential: learning from failure and success

Anne-Wil Harzing

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the pervasive problem of a lack of replication studies in international business based on van Witteloostuijn’s (2016) commentary “What…

Averting risk or embracing opportunity? Exploring the impact of ambidextrous capabilities on innovation of Chinese firms in internationalization

Yu Zhou, Lu Lu, Xiaoxi Chang

The purpose of this paper is to examine the impacts of ambidextrous capabilities, explorative capability and exploitative capability on product innovation performance in the…


A failure before analysis: the soup to nuts of preparing for multicountry analyses

Charlotte M. Karam, David A. Ralston

A large and growing number of researchers set out to cross-culturally examine empirical relationships. The purpose of this paper is to provide researchers, who are new to…

Bridging the gap between justice and citizenship behavior in Asian culture

Jihad Mohammad, Farzana Quoquab, Zafir Mohd Makhbul, T. Ramayah

Based on social exchange, equity, and other orientation theories this study examines the effect of organizational justice on two dimensions of employees’ citizenship behavior in…

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  • Chinmay Pattnaik