Table of contents
From east to west and back again: the effects of reverse culture shock on female Saudi Arabian university students studying abroad
Carmen Winkel, Laura Strachan, Siddiqua AamirThe purpose of this study is to explore the experiences of Saudi Arabian university students returning home after having spent time away studying internationally. The…
Are school leaders culturally intelligent? Validation of the cultural intelligence (CQ) scale in the UAE
Ali Al DhaheriThe purpose of this paper is to report results of testing and validation of the cultural intelligence (CQ) Scale in a new location, the culturally diverse United Arab Emirates…
Teachers as change agents: social justice theory to practice
AnnMarie Alberton Gunn, Susan V. BennettThe purpose of this study is to investigate how participation in a multicultural literature course impacted K-12th classroom teachers’ social justice pedagogy and classroom…
“Until they fit in.” Maltese educators’ practices and attitudes towards migrant students in middle and secondary schools
Louise ChircopThis paper aims to explore the attitudes of Maltese educators towards migrant students and how these attitudes impinge on their practices.
Understanding social justice commitment and pedagogical advantage of teachers with a migrant background in Switzerland: a qualitative study
Myriam Radhouane, Abdeljalil Akkari, Consuelo Guardia MacchiavelloThis study aims to understand the social justice commitment and the pedagogical advantage of teachers with a migrant background in Switzerland. Through semi-directive interviews…
Becoming first-generation
Blanca Elizabeth VegaThe purpose of this paper is to understand how I – and many other students – became first-generation college students (FGCSs) by exploring the rise and retraction of TRIO…
Stereotype threat and colorblindness
Tara Ananda PepisThis paper aims to analyze the interviews conducted with preservice teachers. The analysis seeks to surface how colorblindness and stereotype threat may influence preservice…
More than names on a roster: the many meanings behind Sgaw Karen names
Daniel Gilhooly, Chris Mu HtooThe purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how teachers can use their Sgaw Karen students’ names as a means to gaining awareness of their students’ home culture, language and…

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2014Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Sherry Deckman