Table of contents
A problematic legacy: diversity in American reading textbooks
Catherine Compton-Lilly, Shuning Liu, Maria Padrós Cuxart, Lindsay Pettit, Yanli TimmThis conceptual paper aims to explore biases in reading textbooks that have been used to teach generations of Americans, including children in urban communities. While these texts…
Memorisation and learning in Sufi British madrasahs
Aishah Sabki, Glenn HardakerIn madrasahs around the world, teaching and learning methods regarding the memorisation of the Qur’an follow the same notion of repetition and the need for embodiment, going…
Moving toward: using a social justice curriculum to impact teacher candidates
Megan Adams, Sanjuana RodriguezPublic schools are spaces where capital-T transformation in teachers is needed (Guillory, 2012). To shift schools to places where all communities are valued, teacher education…
The relationship between culturally relevant materials, emotional climate, ethnic composition and peer play in preschools for children of color
Kay E. Sanders, Monica Molgaard, Mari ShigemasaThis study aims to examine the interplay between culturally relevant materials, child racial ethnic classroom composition and positive emotional climate in regard to high levels…

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Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Sherry Deckman