Journal for Multicultural Education: Volume 11 Issue 3


Table of contents

Navigating STEM-worlds: Applying a lens of intersectionality to the career identity development of underrepresented female students of color

David M. Sparks

This paper aims to discuss the term intersectional trap. This is defined as the act of saying blanket statements to describe a race or group of individuals without considering…

The multicultural experience of international students in Portugal: a narrative approach

Cosmin Ionut Nada, Helena Costa Araújo

The aim of this paper is to explore qualitatively and holistically the experience of international students in the context of Portuguese higher education. This paper interrogates…

Debates on the international student experience: schools as a morally formative culture

Melissa Brevetti, Dayna Ford

This paper aims to theorize observations as an American professor that schools are a morally formative culture for all students, but international students especially. Formative…


Millennial teachers and multiculturalism: considerations for teaching in Uncertain Times

Heidi L. Hallman

This paper aims to explore the intersection of generational traits of millennial teachers, multiculturalism and teaching in an era of Uncertain Times. Uncertain Times, as a…

International education management: Implications of relational perspectives and ethnographic insights to nurture international students’ academic experience

S.M. Riad Shams

International students, who have a non-English speaking background (NESB), encounter many difficulties, in comparison to their local fellows of an English-speaking country…

Exploring diversity within citizenship behavior

Leisa A. Martin

The purpose of this study is to examine middle school students’ citizenship behavior.

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Sherry Deckman