Table of contents - Special Issue: PreK-12 Teaching, Matriculation, and Identity Formation in STEM
Guest Editors: Brandi Hinnant-Crawford, Tiffany D. Pogue
Teaching STEM as a second language: Utilizing SLA to develop equitable learning for all students
Shartriya Collier, Betty Burston, Aarika RhodesA review of current initiatives to increase science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) achievement among American youth and young adults reveals the presence of…
Culture as mediator: Co-regulation, self-regulation, and middle school mathematics achievement
Brandi Nicole Hinnant-Crawford, Morgan Z. Faison, Mei-Lin ChangSelf-regulation is defined as strategic, metacognitive behavior, motivation and cognition aimed at a goal (Zimmmerman and Schunk, 2011). Co-regulation, arguably more aligned with…
Mathematics as a universal language: transcending cultural lines
Patrice Parker Waller, Chena T. FloodUniversal language can be viewed as a conjectural or antique dialogue that is understood by a great deal, if not all, of the world’s population. In this paper, a sound argument is…
Hip-hop based interventions as pedagogy/therapy in STEM: A model from urban science education
Christopher Emdin, Edmund Adjapong, Ian LevyThis paper aims to argue that providing youth of color with opportunities to explore content while reflecting on and sharing mental health concerns is an under-focused dimension…
Culturally inclusive science teaching (CIST) model for teachers of culturally and linguistically diverse students
Jiyoon Yoon, Kyoung Jin Kim, Leisa A. MartinThis study aims to design and measure the effects of the culturally inclusive science teaching (CIST) model on 30 teacher candidates to teach science to culturally and…
Perceptions of technology engagement on culturally responsive pre-service teachers
Cheresa Denae Greene-ClemonsThe purpose of this study is to serve as an exploration of technology engagement on culturally responsive pre-service teachers. In an effort to increase interests of PK–12…
Latino parents’ educational values and STEM beliefs
Diley Hernandez, Shaheen Rana, Meltem Alemdar, Analía Rao, Marion UsselmanThis paper aims to provide a snapshot of K-12 Latino families’ beliefs about education, their awareness and interest in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) careers…
Math achievement: a role strain and adaptation approach
Krystal L. Williams, Brian A. Burt, Adriel A. HiltonThis study aims to better understand how students’ academic strains and multilevel strengths relate to their math achievement, with a particular emphasis on underrepresented…
Creating access and opportunity: Preparing African-American male students for STEM trajectories PreK-12
Brian L. Wright, Shelly L. Counsell, Ramon B. Goings, Hollee Freeman, Felicia PeatResearch often neglects the full continuum of the STEM pipeline in terms of underserved and underrepresented populations. African American males, in particular, experience limited…
Cultivating science identity through sources of self-efficacy
Alonzo M. Flowers III, Rosa BandaIn an attempt to understand the postsecondary and occupational pathways of minorities who choose to pursue science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) pathways, what…

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- Sherry Deckman