Journal for Multicultural Education: Volume 10 Issue 2


Table of contents - Special Issue: Multicultural Perspectives in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in Higher Education

Guest Editors: Ramon B. Goings, Donald Mitchell Jr., Adriel Hilton

A meta-synthesis of academic and social characteristic studies: First-generation college students in STEM disciplines at HBCUs

Terence Hicks, J. Luke Wood

Given that a relatively large percentage of college students entering historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) are first-generation students and considering the low…

Predicting academic success for students of color within STEM majors

John Gipson

The aim of this study is to determine what pre-college characteristics predict college success for students of color enrolled within science, technology, engineering and…


Descubriendo mi lugar: Understanding sense of belonging and community of black STEM-H students enrolled at a Hispanic serving institution

Henrietta Williams Pichon

The purpose of this quantitative study is to explore the differences and relations among how Black science, technology, engineering and mathematics-life and health sciences…

Constructing self-efficacy in STEM graduate education

LaVar Charleston, Raul Leon

Self-efficacy and outcome expectations influence the development of career interests, which, in turn, affect career choices. This study aims to understand self-efficacy beliefs…


Black engineering students’ motivation for PhD attainment: passion plus purpose

Ebony O. McGee, Devin T. White, Akailah T. Jenkins, Stacey Houston, Lydia C. Bentley, William J. Smith, William H. Robinson

Much of the extant research, practice and policy in engineering education has focused on the limited persistence, waning interest and lack of preparation among Black students to…


Engaging voices: Methods for studying STEM education at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)

Marybeth Gasman, Thai-Huy Nguyen

This paper aims to discuss the methods that were used to do egalitarian research with ten Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). Rather than doing research “on”…

Managing transitions, building bridges: An evaluation of a summer bridge program for African American scientists and engineers

Jennifer Michelle Johnson

This paper aims to highlight the potential of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) summer bridge programs to promote college persistence by fostering a positive…


Minority engineering programs at a crossroads: An empirical multiple case study of two historically white public research universities

Christopher B. Newman

Underrepresented groups have fought for equal access to higher education, which spurred the development of “minority” initiatives. However, the assault on affirmative action and…

More than an intervention: strategies for increasing diversity and inclusion in STEM

Sosanya Jones

This paper aims to provide insight into the strategies used by leaders of graduate school preparation programs for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) to…

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  • Sherry Deckman