Table of contents
Framing the entrepreneurial university: the case of the National University of Singapore
Charisse N. ReyesThe purpose of this paper is to explore issues and situations affecting the entrepreneurial university via frame analysis to determine how institutional members frame the National…
Entrepreneurial intentions of university students in an emerging economy: The influence of university support and proactive personality on students’ entrepreneurial intention
Michael James Mustafa, Ernesto Hernandez, Christopher Mahon, Lai Kei CheeThis paper aims to develop an empirical model that examines whether a student’s proactive personality or the university support environment (education support, concept development…
Predicting entrepreneurial intentions of freshmen students from EAO modeling and personal background: A Saudi perspective
Wassim J. AloulouThe purpose of this paper is to study the effects of personal background and entrepreneurial attitudes on entrepreneurial intentions of Saudi Freshmen students of Al Imam Mohammad…
Innovation performance of Chilean firms, a bivariate probit analysis
Naqeeb Ur RehmanThe purpose of this paper is to investigate the innovation activities of Chilean firms by using micro-level data.
The antecedents of entrepreneurial innovative behavior in developing countries, a networked grounded theory approach (case study Iran)
Sepideh Solhi, Emadeddin Rahmanian KoshkakiThe purpose of this paper is to explore the influence of social and business context of developing counties (in this paper Iran) on developing, forming and exhibiting…
Building multilevel governance and partnerships: an evaluation approach
Zhihong Li, Jun Li, Dong Liang, Tenpao LeeThe paper aims to develop a framework to facilitate the evaluation of the complexities of working in multi-level governance and partnership and to assess the extent to which…
Entrepreneurship paradigm in the new millennium: A critique of public policy on entrepreneurship
Felix Moses EdohoThe purpose of this paper is to provide guidance to African governments by delineating a framework that would help them to formulate policies that have the potential to engender…

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Journal of Chinese EntrepreneurshipOnline date, start – end:
2014Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr Jun Li