Table of contents
Toward a typology of entrepreneurial bricolage and its capabilities
Rohit Bhardwaj, Sunali Bindra, Tejasvita Singh, Arunaditya SahayThe extant literature emphasizes that the perspective of bricolage is significantly augmenting the core of entrepreneurship research, and, per se, it has made considerable…
The role of financial inclusion in moderating the incidence of entrepreneurship on energy poverty in Ghana
Simplice Asongu, Nicholas M. OdhiamboThis study aims to assess the role of financial inclusion (FI) in moderating the incidence of entrepreneurship on energy poverty in Ghana.
Demystifying the essentials of entrepreneurial orientation and competence for small retailers: evidence from India
Palaniappan Sellappan, Kavitha ShanmugamEnvironmental dynamics affect all sectors, and retailing is no exception. Scholarships reveal that, in such turbulent times, entrepreneurial characteristics are essential for…
Ethnic minority group college students’ liberal and conservative attitudes to online start-ups: regional difference perspective
Lifu Li, Kyeong KangThis study aims to analyse what factors influence ethnic minority group (EMG) college students’ attitudes towards promoting online start-ups and how their different attitudes…
Investigating the impact of the dynamics of entrepreneurial intentions on ventures’ formalization
Jacques Yana Mbena, Susanne Durst, Sascha Kraus, Céline VialaTo overcome economic hardship and survival, informal entrepreneurs must continually activate specific resilience capabilities and reassess their entrepreneurial intentions (EI)…
Social enterprises’ objectives and choices of legal forms under the framework of Sustainable Development Goals – an analysis of 80 cases in Zhejiang Province, China
Wei Li, Huan Liu, Yingshi ChenThis study aims to measure social enterprises’ (SEs’) social objectives under the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) framework, and explore the impact of SEs’…
Effect of social media agility on performance of small and medium enterprises: moderating roles of firm size and environmental dynamism
Worachet Onngam, Peerayuth CharoensukmongkolDespite the increasing numbers of research studies about social media business, the concept of social media agility is still an emerging topic that has been understudied…
Recommendations for entrepreneurial ecosystem development
Franklin Ribeiro, Claudia Brito Silva Cirani, Eusebio Scornavacca, Vinícius Rodrigues Silva PiresThe primary objective of this study is to consolidate the fragmented body of scholarly literature pertaining to developing entrepreneurial ecosystems, with the intent of…
The moderation effect of entrepreneurship development programs on the economic and political empowerment association. Empirical evidence from post-revolution rural Tunisia
Kaouther Toumi, Nabil Ghalleb, Mikael AkimowiczThis paper aims to explore individuals’ economic empowerment and political empowerment association and the moderation role of entrepreneurship development programs on this…
Opportunity recognition ability for entrepreneurs from the affective perspective: how and when?
Nhuong Huy Bui, Ngoc Lan Nguyen, Mai Thi Thu LeApplying the broaden-and-build theory, this paper aims to examine the effect of entrepreneurial wellbeing (EWB) on the opportunity recognition (OpR) ability and how it changes…
Historical prevalence of infectious diseases and entrepreneurship: evidence from 125 countries
Omang Ombolo Messono, Simplice AsonguThis study aims to investigate the effects of the historical prevalence of infectious diseases on contemporary entrepreneurship. Previous studies reveal numerous proximate causes…
From establishment to scaling up of an SME in the IT sector: deliberate and emergent strategies as critical essentials for the sustainable business model
Juan Martin Ireta-SanchezThe purpose of this study is to identify the business strategies that entrepreneurs have formulated to establish the business with the intention of scaling up in the information…
Knowledge transfer in Peru microentrepreneurs. The effects on personal and business improvement
Julianna Paola Ramirez Lozano, Kelly Rojas Valdez, Juan Carlos Sosa VarelaThis study aims to analyze the effects of microentrepreneurs’ knowledge transfer (KT) on personal improvement (PI) and business improvement (BI).
The online entrepreneurship program effect on young people's self-efficacy and intention: an experiment in Argentina, Belgium, Bulgaria, China and Romania
Daniel Vankov, David Kozma, Borislav Vankov, Johan Chiers, Martin Galanternik, Lin WangEntrepreneurship can help tackle economic problems, such as unemployment. It is often promoted through education programs. There is a limited comprehensive and rigorous…
The institutional context, entrepreneurship decisions, and venture types: evidence from Mexico
Martin Ramirez-Urquidy, Jose N. Martinez, Pedro OrracaThe research aims to applying Baumol’s framework to address some research gaps in the literature. This paper aims to analyze how institutional variations at the subnational level…
What drives the use of crowdfunding by micro-entrepreneurs in Morocco? – exploring fundraiser motives and characteristics
Hicham Meghouar, Hibat-Allah Ezzahid, Rotem ShneorThe purpose of this study is to identify motivations for the uptake of crowdfunding by micro-entrepreneurs in an emerging economy and the extent to which these vary by…
GPT revolution and digital entrepreneurial intentions
Samer AbaddiGenerative pretrained transformers (GPTs), soaring to one million users at lightning speed, outpaced social media giants (15 times faster) (Buchholz, 2023). Despite this, scant…
An effectuation approach to sustainable entrepreneurship
Samuel Dawa, Jonathan MarksThis paper aims to explain the occurrence of sustainable entrepreneurship in the underresearched sub-Saharan Africa context and to improve the understanding of how effectuation…

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Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr Jun Li