Table of contents - Special Issue: Re-imagining and Contextualising Women's Entrepreneurship in Asia
Guest Editors: michael James mustafa, Carole J Elliott, Hazel Melanie Melanie Ramos, Grace Hooi Yean Lee
The effect of institutional environment on entrepreneurship in emerging economies: female entrepreneurs in Bangladesh
Nawreen Sobhan, Abeer HassanFemale entrepreneurs have made increasing contributions to entrepreneurial activity and economic development worldwide, especially in emerging economies. It is well acknowledged…
The influence of socioeconomic factors on female entrepreneurship in Southeast Asian countries
Sabrina Chikh-Amnache, Lotfi MekhzoumiFemale entrepreneurship discussions will broaden and diversify as a result of global shifts. Studies of female entrepreneurship must take into account differences between male and…
Succession intentions of daughters in family businesses: experiences from Sri Lanka
Hazel Melanie Ramos, Likun Zhan, Harini JayasingheThis paper aims to explore the succession intentions of daughters in family businesses in Sri Lanka by shedding light on the motives behind their willingness to succeed in the…
A biosocial gender analysis of entrepreneurial behaviors in conflict zones: evidence from Iraqi-Kurdistan
Elliot Maltz, Robert Walker, Razhan Omar Muhammad, Jay JosephThis study aims to uses biosocial gender theory to describe successful entrepreneurial behavior in conflict zones. Specifically, the authors investigate how the reliance on…
Entrepreneurial opportunities and difficulties under COVID-19 for women entrepreneurs in Asia and Europe
Anna Sörensson, Navid GhannadThe purpose of this study is to explore and gain a greater understanding of women's entrepreneurship during the COVID-19 pandemic. How have women entrepreneurs changed their…
Entrepreneurial orientation across gender in Saudi Arabia: evidence from the Adult Population Survey (APS) of Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM)
Nadia Yusuf, Yussra Jamjoom, Karima SaciThe purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between socioeconomic factors and entrepreneurial orientation (EO) across genders. The study also highlights the…
Performance differentials of necessity and opportunity entrepreneurs: through the lens of motivation to learn and female entrepreneurial competencies
Anasuya Kulshekar Lingappa, Lewlyn Lester Raj Rodrigues, Dasharathraj K. ShettyWomen entrepreneurs are often categorized and assessed for various outcomes based on their start-up motivations. It is generally assumed that entrepreneurs with opportunity…
Female consumer entrepreneurship in Asia: capabilities for micro-entrepreneurial success and the role of coaching and training
Darwina Arshad, Ian R. Hodgkinson, Paul Hughes, Munirah Khamarudin, Muhammad Zulqarnain Arshad, Adibah BariThe direct selling model adopted in the beauty and cosmetics industry puts female consumer entrepreneurs at the heart of the business model. A neglected phenomenon in female…
Heterogeneous social capital influencing entrepreneurial intention among female business students in the Maldives
Shahid Hassan, Wai Chuen Poon, Ibiwani Alisa HussainThis study aims to acknowledge the social capital challenges faced by female entrepreneurs in Small Island Developing States (SIDS), specifically the Maldives. As budding female…
Do knowledge and personality traits influence women entrepreneurs’ e-commerce venture? Testing on the multiple mediation model
Nurul Hidayana Mohd Noor, Mahazril 'Aini Yaacob, Noralina OmarWomen’s involvement in business is growing and positively impacting the national economy, especially in developing countries. Women entrepreneurs’ success has shown women’s…

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Journal of Chinese EntrepreneurshipOnline date, start – end:
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- Dr Jun Li