Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies: Volume 15 Issue 6


Table of contents

Postgraduate entrepreneurship education: can entrepreneurial passion be developed?

Muhammad Nizam Zainuddin, Dzulkifli Mukhtar

The purpose of this study is to examine postgraduate students' reflexive narratives about their entrepreneurial passion (EP) experience as a result of their direct participation…

The ecological approach to construct entrepreneurship education: a systematic literature review

Jingjing Lin, Jiayin Qin, Thomas Lyons, Hiroko Nakajima, Satoshi Kawakatsu, Tomoki Sekiguchi

The research effort on entrepreneurship education has been mainly for the higher education settings and on the individual level of analysis. On the contrary, this research urges…


The heuristics applied by tech entrepreneurs in the Middle East during opportunity evaluation

Mohamad Hjeij

This study aims to explore the heuristics applied by tech entrepreneurs in the Middle East during the opportunity evaluation process.

A comparative study of novice and habitual entrepreneur’s choice for founding team member

Willy Das, Satyasiba Das

The purpose of this paper is to investigate and compare what criteria novice and habitual entrepreneurs use while adding members to the founding team.

Emotions, identity, social bonds and commitment to the family business: moderating role of controlling generation

Mohammad Rezaur Razzak

Drawing on the stakeholder theory, the purpose of this study is to examine relationships between family identity, emotional attachment and binding social ties, and commitment of…

Impact of insecurity on enterprise development in Nigeria

Ambrose Nnaemeka Omeje, Augustine Jideofor Mba, Ogochukwu Christiana Anyanwu

In Nigeria, insecurity has been breeding very rapidly given the Nigerian economic conditions in the recent past. Insecurity exposes enterprise development and survival to a…

Changing role of finance in rural small enterprise growth in Ghana

John Kuada

This study aims to build on the emerging understanding that small enterprise growth results from a confluence of different factors. This study seeks to provide additional insights…

Dynamic and ambidextrous: international expansion of digital economy ventures from an emerging market

Pinar Buyukbalci, Meral Dulger

This study aims to explore the internationalization trajectory of emerging country digital economy ventures by specifically concentrating on how ambidexterity facilitates…

Competitor orientation and SME performance in competitive environments: the moderating effect of marketing ethics

Mohammed A. Al-Hakimi, Moad Hamod Saleh, Dileep B. Borade, Murad Baqis Hasan, Dhanraj Sharma

Although competitor orientation (CO) has been given great attention, its link to firm performance (FP) is still unclear. The reason behind this may be attributed to the fact that…

Translating entrepreneurial intention to behaviour amongst micro and small entrepreneurs

Melati Nungsari, Kirjane Ngu, Denise Wong Ni Shi, Jia Wei Chin, Shu Yee Chee, Xin Shi Wong, Sam Flanders

Entrepreneurship studies have established various antecedents leading to eventual entrepreneurship by measuring entrepreneurial intention (EI). However, evidence has shown that…

China’s OFDI support mechanisms in Germany: how governments can work together to promote SME internationalization, reduce liability of foreignness and contribute positively to society

Fabian Hänle, Stefanie Weil, Bart Cambré

Nested within institutional theory and the political economy perspective, this study aims to examine Chinese outward foreign direct investments (OFDI)-supporting organizations and…

Turbulence in start-ups: short-term effect of COVID-19 lockdown on creation of new firms and its capital

Segundo Camino-Mogro, Gino Cornejo Marcos, Javier Solano

Business creation is an important measure of real economic activity as it shows the dynamics with which new firms are born, create jobs, move their capital, innovate and compete…

Women entrepreneurs’ persistence at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic: a decision-making perspective

Pouria Nouri

Decision-making is of utmost importance for entrepreneurs. One of the most important entrepreneurial decisions is the decision to persist, which under certain circumstances such…

Make me act rapidly: identity perspective to the dynamics of start-up creation process

Emilia Karpinskaia

High-tech start-up creation is associated with complex challenges originating from quick transformations in technologies and markets. To raise start-up survival and success…

Individual entrepreneurial orientation, self-efficacy, and managerial skills for project performance: an integrated structural approach and analysis

Osama Sam Al-Kwifi, Ilijana Petrovska, Mahour Parast, Arsalan Safari

This study aims to investigate the effects of individual entrepreneurial orientation (IEO), entrepreneurial self-efficacy (ESE) and entrepreneurial managerial skills (EMS) on…

Entrepreneurial ecosystems as contested spaces: a case study from the Galapagos islands

Oliver James Carrick

Although research of entrepreneurial ecosystems has mainly focused on urban centers in developed nations, there is an emergent need to study the complexities of rural, regional…

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  • Dr Jun Li