Table of contents
Entrepreneurial bricolage: crowdfunding for female entrepreneurs during COVID-19 pandemic
Edgar Alva, Vanina Vivas, María UrciaThe crisis generated by the COVID-19 pandemic has had unprecedented effects around the world and particularly on vulnerable populations, such as female entrepreneurs in developing…
A springboard for entrepreneurs? Gig and sharing economy and entrepreneurship in Russia
Karina Bogatyreva, Olga Verkhovskaya, Yuri MakarovThe growing popularity of gig and sharing economy changes not only consumption models but also employment patterns. This study aims to analyze the potential entrepreneurial nature…
Social entrepreneurship in Nigeria through drivers of religion and work-desire
Thea van der Westhuizen, Yemisi AdelakunEntrepreneurs engaging in social entrepreneurship are inspired by a need to make a difference in their local socio-economic circumstances. In developing countries and emerging…
Student entrepreneurship and perceptions on social norms and university environment: evidence from a developing country
Gabriela Trindade Pinheiro, Gustavo Hermínio Salati Marcondes de Moraes, Bruno Brandão FischerSocial contexts and academic environments are key elements in the debate about drivers of entrepreneurial intention and behavior in tertiary students. Nonetheless, the underlying…
Teaching for creativity and entrepreneurial intentions: an empirical study
Thuy Thu Nguyen, Diep Ngoc DoThis study aims to investigate the structural relationships between pedagogy methods, creativity and entrepreneurial intentions. This study theorizes that work-integrated and…
Monkey see, monkey do? Examining the effect of entrepreneurial orientation and knowledge sharing on new venture creation for Gen Y and Gen Z
Muhammad Hamdi, Nurul Indarti, Hardo Firmana Given Grace Manik, Andy Susilo Lukito-BudiThis study aims to examine the effect of entrepreneurial intention and attitude towards knowledge sharing on new business creation by comparing two generations, Y generation…
Displaced, excluded, and making do: a study of refugee entrepreneurship in Kenya
Tracy Luseno, Oluwaseun KoladeThe aim of this paper is to use the special context of the Kenyan encampment policy to interrogate the role of social capital as a driver of resourcing for entrepreneurial action…
The effect of effectuation and causation approach on entrepreneurial orientation in the presence of leader dominance and self-efficacy
Ma Jun, Fitri Rini Ariyesti, Sumran Ali, Peng XiaobaoEntrepreneurial orientation (EO) has witnessed a daunting rise in firm-level practices; to some extent, it has been augmented by the factors such as globalization and…

2053-4604Renamed from:
Journal of Chinese EntrepreneurshipOnline date, start – end:
2014Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr Jun Li