Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies: Volume 14 Issue 2


Table of contents

Measurement of intangible assets using higher-order construct model

Chalachew Almaw Tefera, William D. Hunsaker

Intangible assets (IA) have been described as a multidimensional concept. However, there is a gap in research that considers IAs as a higher-order construct (HOC). Therefore, this…

Influence of perceived risks on the decision to invest in equity crowdfunding: a study of Malaysian investors

Shaista Wasiuzzaman, Lee Lee Chong, Hway Boon Ong

This study aims to investigate the influence of various risk factors, specifically investment risk, legal risk and technology risk, on the decision of investors to invest in…


Outsourcing in startups

Fernanda Kalil Steinbruch, Bernardo Soares Fernandes, Leandro da Silva Nascimento, Paulo Antônio Zawislak

The purpose of this paper is to identify the main activities that startups outsource and the elements involved in outsourcing decisions.

Entrepreneurial marketing and bank performance in Egypt: is environmental turbulence a missing link?

Omnia Abdelazeem Hilal, Ahmed Adel Tantawy

Current research argues that there is a positive relationship between entrepreneurial marketing (EM) and business performance. However, this relationship has only been discussed…

Flat tax system and heterogeneity of self-employment

Sherzodbek Safarov, Dilnovoz Abdurazzakova

This paper aims to investigate the effect of the flat tax system on self-employment by necessity and by opportunity. Specifically, the paper examines whether individuals decide to…

Perspectives, progress and prospects; researching women’s entrepreneurship in emerging economies

Alistair Anderson, Funmi Ojediran

The purpose of this paper is to review the literature on women’s entrepreneurship in emerging economies. This is a thematic review to identify patterns and trends to better…


Managers’ intentions to pursue export expansion an entrepreneurial cognition perspective

Carlos A. Sandoval, Olaf N. Rank

Grounded in the Theory of Planned Behavior, the main purpose of this paper is to examine the influence of cognitive factors on the intention of a small and medium size enterprise…

Individual social entrepreneurial orientation in Brazil: measurement and the predictive role of personal values and attitude toward social change

Márcia Maria Garçon, Vânia Maria Jorge Nassif, Tiago Jessé Souza de Lima

The purpose of this paper is to develop and test a model that aims to explain individual entrepreneurial orientation (IEO) focused on the context of social entrepreneurship (SE…

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  • Dr Jun Li