Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies: Volume 13 Issue 4


Table of contents - Special Issue: Entrepreneurship during the times of COVID-19 pandemic: challenges and consequences

Guest Editors: Ondřej Dvouletý, Juan Carlos Fernandez de Arroyabe, Michael Mustafa

Entrepreneurial resilience during the Covid-19 pandemic: navigating survival, continuity and growth

Boyke Rudy Purnomo, Rocky Adiguna, Widodo Widodo, Hempri Suyatna, Bangun Prajanto Nusantoro

This study aims to explore how small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia display resilience in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.


Addressing the COVID-19 challenges by SMEs in the hotel industry – a Czech sustainability message for emerging economies

Radka MacGregor Pelikanova, Eva Daniela Cvik, Robert Kenyon MacGregor

Emerging economies have to address positive challenges such as sustainability, digitalization, entrepreneurial readiness and planning and behavioral strategies and negative…


Principles of frugal innovation and its application by social entrepreneurs in times of adversity: an inductive single-case approach

Oly Mishra

This study aims to focus on implementing frugal innovation and its principles by social entrepreneurs to face the challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research paper…


Likely winners and losers in upcoming COVID-19 economic crisis – lessons learned from the GFC

Jan Čadil, Marek Beránek, Vladimír Kovář

The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent efforts to contain it have started economic downturn that may even surpass the global financial crisis (GFC). The purpose of this study is to…

The perceptions of SME retailers towards the usage of social media marketing amid COVID-19 crisis

Muhammad Talha Salam, Hamza Imtiaz, Muhammad Burhan

During the COVID-19 crisis, diversified attitudes and behaviors of structural equation modeling (SME) retailers were observed in using social media marketing that could have…


The lost generation of entrepreneurs? The impact of COVID-19 on the availability of risk capital in Canada

Martin Croteau, Kenneth A. Grant, Claudio Rojas, Hadeer Abdelhamid

Canada has lagged in access to capital for high-potential, growth-oriented new ventures, but has made considerable strides in the past decade. This study aims to examine the…

The effect of the COVID-19 crisis on the perception of digitisation in the purchasing process: customers and retailers perspective

Jiri Dvorak, Lenka Komarkova, Lukas Stehlik

The market for goods and services is a continually changing environment influenced by many internal and external factors. The majority of economies in the World were deeply hit by…


Peruvian small and medium-sized enterprises and COVID-19: Time for a new start!

Susanne Durst, Mariano Martin Genaro Palacios Acuache, Guido Bruns

Crises of any type have become an integral part of business activity and responses to them could make the difference between survival and failure. This applies in particular to…


Leveraging green skills in response to the COVID-19 crisis: a case study of small and medium enterprises in Harare, Zimbabwe

Tarisai Kudakwashe Manyati, Morgen Mutsau

The sustainable skills that informal manufacturers use in volatile times remain poorly understood. This study explored the skills that the informal manufacturers used to navigate…

Money for female entrepreneurs does not grow on trees: start-ups’ financing implications in times of COVID-19

David Villaseca, Julio Navío-Marco, Ricardo Gimeno

The purpose of this paper is to understand women’s approaches to acquiring financial and other resources is essential for closing the entrepreneurship gender gap. In nearly 40% of…


Being an entrepreneur post-COVID-19 – resilience in times of crisis: a systematic literature review

May Portuguez Castro, Marcela Georgina Gómez Zermeño

The COVID-19 pandemic has had an uncertain impact on the global economy, especially for entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized enterprises that have suffered significant…


Coronavirus (Covid-19) and entrepreneurship: cultural, lifestyle and societal changes

Vanessa Ratten

Coronavirus (Covid-19) is a pandemic that not only has caused significant havoc around the world but also presents some important opportunities for entrepreneurs to be innovative…

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  • Dr Jun Li