Table of contents
Interaction effect of entrepreneurial orientation and stakeholder orientation on the business performance of firms in the steel fabrication industry in Thailand
Ekawee Vaitoonkiat, Peerayuth CharoensukmongkolThe purpose of this paper is to explore the interaction effect of entrepreneurial orientation and stakeholder orientation on the business performance of small and medium…
Effect of mind-power ability among achieving entrepreneurs in South Africa: Identifying accustomed internal drivers
Nico van Rensburg, Kanayo OgujiubaThis paper aims to identify how mind-power ability and its underlying elements, acting as drivers, impact managerial, and individual performance levels among achieving…
An application of input-output analysis to social enterprises: a case of the Czech Republic
Petra Tausl Prochazkova, Marta NoskovaThis paper aims to investigate the issue of performance measurement of social enterprises with main particular focus on economic performance approach reflecting local aspect…
Entrepreneurial orientation in the hospitality industry: evidence from Tanzania
Msafiri Njoroge, Wineaster Anderson, Lena Mossberg, Omari MburaThe purpose of this study is to identify and validate indicators of entrepreneurial orientation (EO) in the hospitality industry, as well as to examine its dimensionality in the…
Do country level constructs affect the relation between self-efficacy and fear of failure?
Sana' Kamal, Yousef S. DaoudThis paper aims to show how country level constructs (investment protection, registration cost and legal protection) moderate the relationship between self-efficacy and fear of…
Socio-demographic drivers of the risk-taking propensity of micro farmers: Evidence from the Czech Republic
Jindrich SpickaRisk attitude is an elementary attribute of entrepreneurial behaviour. Determinants of risk-taking propensity have been widely investigated in the group of entrepreneurs and…

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Journal of Chinese EntrepreneurshipOnline date, start – end:
2014Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr Jun Li