Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies: Volume 12 Issue 1


Table of contents

Missing entrepreneurs: The importance of attitudes and control in shaping entrepreneurial intentions in Russia

Ekaterina Aleksandrova, Christopher J. Gerry, Olga Verkhovskaya

Compared with other emerging and former command economies, Russia has low levels of entrepreneurial activity and exceptionally low levels of reported entrepreneurial intentions…

An empirical study on entrepreneurial bricolage behavior for sustainable enterprise performance of startups: Evidence from an emerging economy

Brijesh Sivathanu, Rajasshrie Pillai

This paper aims to study is to empirically investigate the role of entrepreneurial orientation (EOR), entrepreneurial bricolage (EBR), technology orientation (TOR), sustainability…


The moderating effect of corruption on the relationship between formal institutions and entrepreneurial activity: Evidence from post-communist countries

Hasan Ghura, Arezou Harraf, Xiaoqing Li, Allam Hamdan

Corruption has been shown to discourage entrepreneurship in both developed and developing countries. However, it is less clear to what extent corruption affects the development of…

Social capital and SME performance: the moderating role of emotional intelligence

Rosemond Boohene, Regina Appiah Gyimah, Martin Boakye Osei

Lack of extant studies on the moderating role of emotional intelligence on the relationship between social capital and firm performance necessitated this study. The purpose of…


Understanding the role of culture and gender stereotypes in women entrepreneurship through the lens of the stereotype threat theory

Kwame Adom, Golda Anambane

This paper aims to explore the role of culture and gender stereotypes in the entrepreneurial journey of women entrepreneurs. It specifically focuses on women entrepreneurs in the…


Lessons learned from Swiss born globals entering Brazil

Kaja Prystupa-Rządca, Anna Lupina-Wegener, Claudia Johannot

The purpose of this study is to contribute to managers’ understanding of the internationalization of born global (BG) firms from developed countries in emerging markets. Adapting…

Sociocultural factors as determinants of female entrepreneurs’ business strategies

Ufi Cullen

This paper aims to contribute to the understanding of the impact of social institutions, and, in particular, of national culture, on business success, further considering how…

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  • Dr Jun Li