Table of contents
New entrepreneurial worlds: Can the use of role models in higher education inspire students? The case of Nigeria
Sola Adesola, Birgit den Outer, Sabine MuellerThe purpose of this paper is to determine if and how role models presented in entrepreneurship education can influence students’ entrepreneurial activity given that the lack of…
Delay of gratificationand business performancein least developed countries: Evidence from Lao PDR
Dalivone Xayavongsa, Piriya PholphirulDoes delay of gratification affect the probability of engaging in self-employment and does it contribute to business performance? This paper aims to quantify impacts of delay of…
Exploration of the initiation and process of business model innovation of successful Chinese ICT enterprises
Peng Liu, Robin BellThis paper aims to investigate four successful Chinese ICT enterprises to determine what initiated their business-model innovations and the process they went through by exploring…
Earliness of SME internationalizationand performance: Analyzing the role of CEO attributes
Channappa SanthoshThe purpose of this paper is to understand the mediating effects of Chief Executive officer (CEO) attributes on the earliness of internationalization and performance in context of…
To bridge or buffer? A resource dependence theory of nascent entrepreneurial ecosystems
Philip T. Roundy, Mark A. BayerVibrant entrepreneurial ecosystems, systems of inter-related forces that promote and sustain regional entrepreneurship, are increasingly viewed as sources of innovation, economic…
Regional entrepreneurial ecosystems in Mexico: a comparative analysis
Allan Oswaldo Villegas Mateos, José Ernesto AmorósThe entrepreneurial ecosystem approach tries to understand the mechanisms underlying new business creation and helps develop tools, governmental policies and support systems that…
Entrepreneurship competencies in energy sustainability MOOCs
Martha de Jesús Beltrán Hernández de Galindo, Luis M. Romero-Rodriguez, Maria Soledad Ramirez MontoyaMassive open online courses (MOOCs) have been gaining popularity as non-formal lifelong learning educational platforms. However, they have been criticized for their low completion…

2053-4604Renamed from:
Journal of Chinese EntrepreneurshipOnline date, start – end:
2014Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr Jun Li