Built Environment Project and Asset Management: Volume 5 Issue 2


Table of contents - Special Issue: Leadership, culture and sustainable built environment

Guest Editors: Dr Alex Opoku, Professor Vian Ahmed and Dr Heather Cruickshank

Contractor use of productivity and sustainability indicators for building refurbishment

Ahmet Anil Sezer

– The purpose of this paper is to analyse the use of building refurbishment productivity and sustainability indicators among construction contractors.

Organizational leadership role in the delivery of sustainable construction projects in UK

Alex Opoku, Heather Cruickshank, Vian Ahmed

Sustainable construction project delivery should be supported by committed and inspirational leadership, with a clear understanding of the sustainability challenge. Construction…


The role of team leadership in achieving LEED certification in a green building project

Sepani Senaratne, Prasanna Rajitha Hewamanage

Leadership of the project team is vital for green building projects in achieving LEED certification. Literature findings confirm the need for managing green building projects…

Leadership style of sustainability professionals in the UK construction industry

Alex Opoku, Vian Ahmed, Heather Cruickshank

Leadership is a significant success factor in promoting sustainability practices in the construction industry. Sustainability is an integral part of the construction industry and…


Actors and barriers to the adoption of LCC and LCA techniques in the built environment

Maria D'Incognito, Nicola Costantino, Giovanni C. Migliaccio

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the existing barriers to the slow adoption of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Life Cycle Costing (LCC) in construction, and the main…

Rethinking conservation: managing cultural heritage as an inhabited cultural landscape

Tatiana Vadimovna Vakhitova

– The purpose of this paper is to suggest an approach to cultural heritage management as an inhabited cultural landscape in a context of urban planning.

Cover of Built Environment Project and Asset Management







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  • Prof. Mohan Kumaraswamy