Table of contents
Request for information frequency and their turnaround time in construction projects: A data-analytic study
Ajibade A. Aibinu, Simon Carter, Valerie Francis, Paulo Vaz-SerraThe purpose of this paper is to study the nature of request for information (RFIs) on construction projects by using data analytics to understand the frequency of RFIs, when they…
Drivers of e-bidding implementation in the Saudi Arabian construction industry
Ahmed M.Z. Sayed, Sadi Assaf, Adel S. Aldosary, Mohammad A. Hassanain, Abdullatif AbdallahThe purpose of this paper is to identify the key drivers for adopting electronic bidding (e-bidding) systems in public construction projects located in Saudi Arabia.
Risk mitigation in PFI/PPP project finance: A framework model for financiers’ bankability criteria
Hakeem Owolabi, Lukumon Oyedele, Hafiz Alaka, Saheed Ajayi, Muhammad Bilal, Olugbenga AkinadeEarlier studies on risk evaluation in private finance initiative and public private partnerships (PFI/PPP) projects have focussed more on quantitative approaches despite…
Curbing PPP construction projects’ failure using enhanced stakeholder management success in developing countries
Emmanuel Eyiah-Botwe, Clinton O. Aigbavboa, Wellington Didibhuku ThwalaGlobally, inadequate resources, skills deficiency and poor infrastructure have necessitated public-private partnerships (PPPs) as investment initiative for public sector projects…
Investment apportionments among participants of PPP rental retirement villages
Shijing Liu, Hongyu Jin, Chunlu Liu, Benzheng Xie, Anthony MillsThe purpose of this paper is to examine public–private partnership (PPP) approaches for the construction of rental retirement villages in Australia and to allocate the investment…
Strategic alignment of project management with health, safety and environmental management
Mohammad Javad Ershadi, Reza Edrisabadi, Aghileh ShakouriProject management generally covers many important areas such as cost, quality and time in different industrial settings, but it is deficient in relation to integration of health…
Project-specific constraints influencing productivity of tradespeople in the Nigerian construction industry
Rex Asibuodu Ugulu, Andrew Arewa, Stephen AllenThe purpose of this paper is to establish the perception of tradespeople about project-specific constraints (PSCs) influencing construction productivity in Nigeria.
Revisiting the role of professionals in designing buildings with low embodied and operational energy
G.A. Tennakoon, Anuradha Waidyasekara, B.J. EkanayakeMany studies have focused on embodied energy (EE) and operational energy (OE), but a shortage of studies on decision making, which involves several decision makers whose decisions…
Life cycle cost analysis of 1MW power generation using roof-top solar PV panels
Omprakash Ramalingam Rethnam, Sivakumar Palaniappan, Velmurugan AshokkumarThe purpose of this paper is to focus on life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) of 1 MW roof-top Solar Photovoltaic (PV) panels installed in warm and humid climatic region in Southern…
Factors that trigger bullying amongst subcontractors toward intention to quit in the construction projects
Alireza Jalali, Nur Izzati Hidzir, Mastura Jaafar, Norziani DahalanThe purpose of this paper is to examine the relationships between three key factors that cause workplace bullying among subcontractor managers toward intention to quit the…
Causes of delay to public infrastructure projects according to engineers representing different contract parties
Hesham S. Ahmad, Maha D. Ayoush, Majed S. Al-AlwanThe purpose of this paper is to investigate the main causes of delay in public construction projects. This is motivated by feedback from public construction experts concerning…

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- Prof. Mohan Kumaraswamy