Journal of Global Responsibility: Volume 4 Issue 1


Table of contents

Cultural dislocation: finding intercultural possibilities in exile

Christopher J. Kazanjian

This paper aims to examine the ontology of the exile and its implications for intellectuals, educators, and those seeking greater intercultural understandings. Culture to these…


Business education and spirituality – the MBA with no greed

Elizabeth More, Ekaterina Todarello

Business schools increasingly have come into the spotlight following a range of corporate scandals, challenged to find a new approach to business education that goes beyond…

Corporate volunteering – an analysis of volunteers' motivations and demographics

Ana Cláudia Nave, Arminda do Paço

Given the current importance of corporate social responsibility, this research is designed to discover the motivations that lead employees to agree to participate in the corporate…


Salience and corporate responsibility towards natural environment and financial performance of Indian manufacturing firms

Supriti Mishra, Damodar Suar

This study aims to examine whether salience towards natural environment influences the corporate responsibility towards natural environment. It further aims to test whether the…

Using Global Reporting Initiative indicators for CSR programs

Kathleen Wilburn, Ralph Wilburn

The purpose of this paper is to propose that the Global Reporting Initiative's (GRI ) reporting guidelines, specifically its performance indicators, can be used to help a company…


Factors influencing the implementation of clean energy interventions in low‐income urban communities in South Africa

Alida (Leandi) Elizabeth Streeter, Derick de Jongh

This study aims to identify the key factors that influence the successful implementation of clean energy interventions in low‐income urban communities in South Africa.


The current state of female leadership in the United Arab Emirates

Linzi J. Kemp, Susan R. Madsen, Mohammed El‐Saidi

The purpose of this paper is to research the state of affairs in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for the presence (or absence) of women in senior business leadership positions, and…


The impact of shareholders' types on corporate social responsibility: evidence from Japanese firms

Eri Nakamura

The purpose of this study is to use an empirical model to investigate the effects of eight types of shareholders on corporate social responsibility (CSR) investments in terms of…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Henri Kuokkanen
  • Willy Legrand