Management Research Review: Volume 37 Issue 4
Communication of emergent international management research
Table of contents
The role of emotion perception ability in motivation to lead
Sukumarakurup Krishnakumar, Kay HopkinsThe purpose of this paper is to investigate the role of emotion perception ability through two different paradigms (self-report and ability-based) on an individual's motivation to…
The role of individual cultural traits and proactivity in an organizational setting
Kerry D. Carson, David S. Baker, Patricia A. LanierThe purpose of this research is to assess the impact of espoused individual cultural traits on proactive behaviors within an organizational environment. While there have been many…
An empirical investigation of high-risk occupations: Leader influence on employee stress and burnout among police
Lisa M. RussellThe purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between stress and burnout in high-risk occupations and how leadership moderates this relationship. Thus, the primary…
Partnership between life insurers and their intermediaries
Tsu-Wei Yu, Yung-Ming ShiuThe purpose of this study attempts to fill the gap in the literature by investigating partnerships between life insurers and insurance intermediaries, the effects of these…
Effects of design characteristics on corporate blog acceptance
Nils Koenig, Christopher SchlaegelThe purpose of this study is to identify corporate blog design characteristics that positively influence the view of actual and potential corporate blog users. Moreover, based on…

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Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr Jay Janney
- Prof Lerong He