Table of contents
Approaches to quantify value from business to society: Case studies of KPMG’s true value methodology
Bernd Hendriksen, Jeroen Weimer, Mark McKenzieThis paper aims to present an approach to quantify in financial terms the value that companies create and reduce for society, based on the KPMG true value methodology. This…
An(other) truth: a feminist perspective on KPMG’s true value
Christine Cooper, Daniela SenklThrough a feminist lens, this study aims to provide insight into the ability of KPMG’s true value approach to include “the other” in the corporate value creation process and into…
KPMG’s True Value methodology: A critique of economic reasoning on the value companies create and reduce for society
Andrea B. CoulsonThe purpose of this paper is to constructively critique KPMG’s “True Value methodology” which seeks to quantify in financial terms the value companies create or reduce for society.
A review of “A New Vision of Value” – old wine, new bottle
Nick BarterThis paper is a review of KPMG’s true value methodology. It highlights how a positive for the methodology is its advance of a systemic perspective, with the challenge being its…
Corporate sustainable business practices and talent attraction
Mohamad Abu Huzaifah bin Magbool, Azlan Amran, Mehran Nejati, Krishnaswamy JayaramanThis study aims to investigate whether organizations can leverage on their sustainable business practices to attract valuable talents to gain competitive advantage over their…

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Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Prof Carol Adams