Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal: Volume 12 Issue 6


Table of contents - Special Issue: Cross-sector dialogue for sustainability: To partner or not to partner?

Guest Editors: Celine Louche, Suzanne Young, Martin Fougère

Cross-sector dialogue for sustainability: to partner or not to partner?

Celine Louche, Suzanne Young, Martin Fougère

The purpose of this paper is to introduce the topic and review the contributions of the special issue papers on cross-sector dialogue for sustainability. The paper also presents…

Cross-sector collaboration and nonprofit boundary work for female workers in developing countries: evidence from Bangladesh

Enrico Fontana, Mark Heuer, Lisa Koep

The purpose of this paper is to shed new light on the way the cross-sector collaboration (CSC) process can foster gender-focused sustainability initiatives to improve female…

Co-opetition for corporate social responsibility and sustainability: drivers and success factors

Amit Kumar, Julia Connell, Asit Bhattacharyya

Over the past few decades, many initiatives have been proposed in response to critical environmental challenges. However, in most cases, progress has been inadequate, raising…


Business contributions to the sustainable development goals through community sustainability partnerships

Eduardo Ordonez-Ponce, Amelia Clarke, Adriane MacDonald

This study aims to understand how businesses can contribute to the achievement of the UN sustainable development goals (SDGs) by implementing Local Agenda 21 (or equivalent) plans…


Higher education institutions, PRME and partnerships for the goals: retrofit labeling or driving force for change?

Christian Hauser, Annmarie Ryan

This paper aims to propose a framework to map partnerships as practiced in higher education institutions (HEIs) and trace the current mode of engagement between HEIs and their…

How multinational corporations and nonprofits collaborate for sustainability: assessing social partnerships from China

Juelin Yin

This paper aims to understand the characteristics, factors and contingencies of social partnerships between multinational corporations (MNCs) and nonprofits in the context of…

Why do some social enterprises flourish in Vietnam? A comparison of human and ecosystem partnerships

Minh Hieu Thi Nguyen, Stuart C. Carr, Darrin Hodgetts, Emmanuelle Fauchart

Social enterprises can be found across Vietnam. However, little is known about how these organizations contribute to the country’s broader efforts to meet the United Nations…

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  • Prof Carol Adams