Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal: Volume 1 Issue 2


Table of contents - Special Issue: Regeneration

Guest Editors: Jesse Dillard, Madeleine E. Pullman

Creating value through product stewardship and take‐back

Dale S. Rogers, Zachary S. Rogers, Ronald Lembke

Secondary markets provide a place for unwanted items to be bought and sold, which diverts them from landfills, reducing the products' ecological impact and creating economic…


Collaborating to achieve corporate social responsibility and sustainability?: Possibilities and problems

Alan Murray, Kathryn Haynes, Lucian J. Hudson

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the possibilities and problems for collaboration in the area of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability. The paper…


Engaging small‐ and medium‐sized businesses in sustainability

Elizabeth Stubblefield Loucks, Martin L. Martens, Charles H. Cho

The purpose of this paper is to explore how to meaningfully engage small‐ to medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs) in strategies that improve the social and environmental sustainability…


Mission impossible: diffusion and drift in the microfinance industry

Marc J. Epstein, Kristi Yuthas

The purpose of this paper is to thoroughly examine sources of mission diffusion and mission drift in the microfinance industry and to identify consequences of and remedies to…


Framing the “Green” alternative for environmentally conscious consumers

Erica Mina Okada, Eric L. Mais

Many market examples show that consumers are willing to pay a premium for “green” products and services. The purpose of this paper is to gain some insight into how consumers…


Sources of judgment error in environmental sensemaking

Randolph E. Schwering

This paper forwards a conceptual model identifying some of the key sources of judgment error in individual environmental sensemaking. Recommendations are offered to mitigate some…

A model for conducting experimental environmental accounting research

Hank C. Alewine

The purpose of this paper is to survey the research methods employed in the extant environmental accounting literature, finding few experimental studies. The need for more…


Collaboration, connections and change: The UN Global Compact, the Global Reporting Initiative, Principles for Responsible Management Education and the Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative

Carol Adams, Liliana Petrella

The purpose of this paper is to report on the highlights of the UN Global Compact Leaders Summit, the Principles for Responsible Management Education Global Forum and the Globally…

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  • Prof Carol Adams