Journal of Islamic Marketing: Volume 16 Issue 3


Table of contents

The structure and content of the religious tourism destination image construct: an exploratory netnography of travelers’ reviews of Makkah and Medina

Anna K. Zarkada, Muhammad Kashif, Zainab

This paper aims to examine the structure and content of religious tourism destination image through the reviews of visitors to Makkah and Medina, two of the world’s most popular…

Investigating the role of brand love on brand advocacy in the local eco hijab fashion industry

Iin Mayasari, Handrix Chris Haryanto, Handi Risza, Gancar Premananto

The study analyzes brand love in local eco-hijab fashion (LEHF) by discussing the value of collectivism, fashion consciousness, environmental value, religiosity and brand…

Intention to donate in green waqf among Muslim community: Indonesian case

Nurul Huda, Budi Trianto, Masrizal , Nihayatul Maskuroh

The Indonesian Waqf Board and United Nation Development Program are developing green waqf in Indonesia. Development of green waqf in Indonesia as a response to save the earth from…

Enabling crowdfunding platforms in Qatar: a regulatory framework for growth and sustainable innovation based on network analysis and Monte Carlo simulation

Muhammad Fazlurrahman Syarif, Ahmet Faruk Aysan

This study aims to explore the structure and dynamics of Qatar’s crowdfunding ecosystem to support economic diversification and enhance entrepreneurial activities. This research…

Balancing borders: exploring work–life balance and its impact on business performance among women entrepreneurs in the United Arab Emirates

Rizwan Tahir

This study aims to explore how achieving a harmonious work–life balance (WLB) can enhance the business performance of women entrepreneurs in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Using…

The role of halal value chain, Sharia financial inclusion, and digital economy in socio-economic transformation: a study of Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia

Ibnu Qizam, Izra Berakon, Herni Ali

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of the halal value chains (HVCs) in the Islamic boarding schools (IBSs) for the food and fashion industry on socio-economic…

Analysing the modest fashion market: an empirical study of e-commerce best-selling products

Natasya Fitriani Putri, Affan Hameed, Meryem Akin, Isik Akin, Muhammad Zubair Khan, Satya Banerjee, Syed Muhammad Taqi Zaidi

This study examines the dynamics of the modesty-conscious market within the global fashion industry. Specifically, the research aims to understand and analyse the preferences of…

Discovering Islamic marketing potential in shaping blockchain-­based halal logistic services: a bibliometric analysis

Yudi Fernando, Ratih Hendayani, Muhammed Jawo, Syed Radzi Rahamaddulla, Khairunnisa Abdul Aziz, Nia Maimunah

This paper aims to examine the Islamic marketing literature to uncover potential customer adoption behaviours and enhance the effectiveness of blockchain-based halal logistics…

Integrating servitisation into the halal supply chain: a roadmap for sustainable business growth

Ibrahim Saleh Hassan, Yudi Fernando

The limited existing literature on the future research direction regarding how servitisation and the halal supply chain interact motivates this study. The paper aims to integrate…

Interdependence of halal entrepreneurship and Islamic finance for creating a strong halal ecosystem

Lukman Raimi, Ibrahim Adeniyi Abdur-Rauf, Basirat Olaide Raimi

Ethical entrepreneurship and financing models based on Islamic principles are insufficiently researched and discussed in the emerging plural economic landscape. So far, Islamic…

Market orientation and change capability on an Indonesian sharia banking performance: the moderating effect of leadership religiosity

Luthfi Nur Rosyidi, Badri Munir Sukoco, Imron Mawardi, Hakan Aslan

Changes are required to improve the performance of Sharia banking in Indonesia. Using dynamic capability theory, this study aims to analyze organizational learning, change process…

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  • Prof Jonathan Wilson