Journal of Islamic Marketing: Volume 16 Issue 2


Table of contents

Empirical study on the determinants of Muslim tourists’ visit to Japan: do Muslim–friendly facilities and culture matter?

Yessi Rahmawati, Usman Alhassan, Al Ma’rifatul A’la, Luthfi Nur Rosyidi

This study empirically assessed the determinants of halal tourism to Japan while focusing on Muslim-friendly facilities and Japanese cultural sites.

Potential customers’ intention to use Islamic banking products in Cameroon: the mediating effect of attitude

Issa Hamadou, M. Luthfi Hamidi, Aimatul Yumna

This study aims to examine factors influencing potential customers’ intention to patronize Islamic banking products in Cameroon.

The influence of social media content on attitude, destination image and intention of female Muslim travelers to visit halal destinations: comparison between UGC and FGC

Caroline Octavia Wijaya, Serli Wijaya, Ferry Jaolis

This study aims to investigate how user-generated content (UGC) and firm-generated content (FGC) in social media affect attitudes toward halal tourism destinations, destination…

The impact of the Indonesia–OIC countries’ free trade agreement on the halal food sector: CGE analysis

Masruri Muchtar, Ahmad Rodoni, Euis Amalia, Titi Dewi Warninda

This study aims to analyse the potential impacts of free trade agreement (FTA) between Indonesia and Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) countries by eliminating import…

Customer loyalty model in Islamic bank: mosque perspective

Ahmad Syarief Iskandar, Muhammad Nur Alam Muhajir, Erwin Erwin, Fasiha Fasiha

This study aims to test the empirical Islamic bank customer loyalty model with the perspective of mosques as customers.

Bibliometric analysis of service quality and customer satisfaction in Islamic banking: a roadmap for future research

Dahlia Bonang, Bayu Arie Fianto, Raditya Sukmana

This study aims to conduct a comprehensive bibliometric analysis, assessing studies related to service quality and customer satisfaction in Islamic banking.

Influence of customer intention on patronizing halal logo in the food premises of Malaysia

Norhidayah Pauzi, Asbah Razali, Saadan Man, Syed Mohd Jeffri Syed Jaafar, Mohd Hafiz Jamaludin

This study aims to examine attitude, perceived behavioral and religiosity that influence Muslim consumers’ intention in patronizing at food premises with halal logo.

How social media influencers form Muslim consumers’ halal cosmetics purchase intention: religiosity concern

Indri Supriani, Sri Yayu Ninglasari, Sri Iswati

This study aims to identify factors affecting attitudes towards social media influencers (SMI) on halal cosmetics products. It subsequently examines how the latter stimulates…

The interaction of effective drivers in future religious tourism development in Yazd province as a global religious destination

Atefeh Mirhoseini, Shahnaz Nayebzadeh, Alireza Rousta

The geographical location of Yazd province has significant potential for religious tourism. To make the most of this opportunity, it is important to develop an interpretive…

Does religiosity affect green entrepreneurial intention? Case study in Indonesia

Martini Dwi Pusparini, Dahlia Bonang, Rheyza Virgiawan, Raditya Sukmana, Setiawan bin Lahuri, Alfarid Fedro

This study aims to examine various factors influencing the inclination of students toward Green Entrepreneurial Intention (GEI), including University Support (USP), Family Support…

Deciphering the role of perceived discrimination, perceived islamophobia and religiosity in affecting Muslim women’s intention of working in the tourism and hospitality (T&H) industry

Samiha Siddiqui, , Sehar Nafees, Sheeba Hamid

India's Muslim women (MW) face significant underrepresentation within the government and commercial sectors, rendering them virtually invisible in the job market. This…

Spiritual tourism development: a comprehensive synthesis for sustainable destination planning and growth

Divya Mishra, Nidhi Maheshwari

This paper aims to explore the dimensions of spiritual tourism development, examine its current status, effectiveness and scope and analyze the knowledge landscape in terms of…

You want my loyalty? Treat me fairly! A study of Islamic banking customers in South Africa

Mornay Roberts-Lombard, Daniël Johannes Petzer

The purpose of this study is to investigate possible drivers of loyalty amongst Islamic banking customers in Gauteng, South Africa. We ponder the relationships of service fairness…

Gender inequality in the public sphere as perceived by Muslim female graduate students at a Pakistani higher education institution – a critical grounded theory perspective

Amber Gul Rashid, Zaheeruddin Asif

The subject of gender inequality has been approached by academics of various fields – psychologists, political scientists, developmental economists, feminists, sociologists, among…

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  • Prof Jonathan Wilson