Journal of Islamic Marketing: Volume 15 Issue 6


Table of contents

Perceptions of Halal-friendly attributes: a quantitative study of tourists’ intention to travel non-Islamic destination

Nimit Soonsan, Zulfiqar Ali Jumani

Thailand's Halal-friendly destination attributes are the focus of this study. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of Halal-friendly attributes on tourists’…

The mediating effects of perceived brand integrity on brand ethical behavior and corporate brand legitimacy in halal cosmetics

David Amani

This study aims to examine the impact of brand ethical behavior, specifically perceived brand ethicality, on corporate brand legitimacy in the context of halal cosmetics, by…

Effect of architecture and efficiency of mobile banking application on the intention to continue using Islamic bank: does data security matter?

Hafiez Sofyani, Emile Satia Darma

This study aims to examine the effect of application architecture and application efficiency on the intention to continue using Islamic bank with data security as a moderator. The…

Assessment of halal blockchain in the Indonesian food industry

Iwan Vanany, Jan Mei Soon-Sinclair, Nur Aini Rahkmawati

The demand for halal food products is increasing globally. However, fraudulent activities in halal products and certification are also rising. One strategy to ensure halal…

Development of an empirical model and using community sport organizations as the basis for intervening variables in Islamic sports

Septantri Shinta Wulandari, Nana Suryapermana, Anis Fauzi, Bambang Dwi Suseno

Through the development of an empirical model and using community sport organizations (CSOs) as the basis for intervening variables, this study aims to ascertain the impact of…

Strategic alternatives for Muslim-friendly homestay in Sabah Malaysia: a SWOT/TOWS analysis

Suddin Lada, Brahim Chekima, Rudy Ansar, Ming Fook Lim, Mohamed Bouteraa, Azaze-Azizi Abdul Adis, Mohd Rahimie Abd Karim, Kelvin Yong

This study aims to explore the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) of the Muslim-friendly homestay business in Malaysia to help identify and recommend…

The coexistence of halal food products in non-Muslim communities: visiting Kupang cases, Indonesia

Ahmad Izudin, Muh Isnanto, Dandung Budi Yuwono, B.J. Sujibto

This study aims to revisit the practice of multiculturalism within the co-existence of halal food products in non-Muslim communities in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia.

Does financial technology improve intention to pay zakat during national economic recovery? A multi-group analysis

Lu'liyatul Mutmainah, Izra Berakon, Rizaldi Yusfiarto

Zakat has succeeded in becoming one of the safety nets for welfare during the crisis. As a result, continuous improvement is a necessity, especially through strengthening…

The interplay of culture, religion and luxury consumption: a cross-national investigation

Nermain Al-Issa, Nathalie Dens, Piotr Kwiatek

This study aims to examine differences in the perceived value of luxury as drivers of luxury purchase intentions between individualist and collectivist cultures (at a country…

The emergence of mobile payment acceptance in Saudi Arabia: the role of reimbursement condition

Abbas Albarq

This study aims to scrutinize existing end-user comprehension regarding e-wallet technology through an examination of apparent usefulness, ease of use and levels of trust, and how…

Financial technology readiness for Shariah-compliant banking services: post-merger perspectives

Desi Tri Kurniawati, Yudi Fernando, M. Abdi Dzil Ikhram W., Masyhuri

The mergers and acquisitions impact the firm’s marketing strategy to target the potential market. To compete with conventional banks, Shariah banks have accommodated financial…

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  • Prof Jonathan Wilson