Journal of Islamic Marketing: Volume 15 Issue 3


Table of contents

Investigating the impact of service leaders’ competencies, organisational service orientation, network capabilities, and perceived service quality on Umrah travel agencies’ performance

Diin Fitri Ande, Sari Wahyuni, Ratih Dyah Kusumastuti

This study aims to fill several gaps in the literature. First, it examines the Umrah industry from the supply side, investigating the pivotal factors for travel agencies’…

Consumption values, image and loyalty of Malaysian travellers towards Muslim-friendly accommodation recognition (MFAR)

Ismah Osman, Junainah Junid, Husniyati Ali, Siti Zahrah Buyong, Sharifah Zannierah Syed Marzuki, Nor'ain Othman

This study aims to ascertain consumption values of Muslim tourists, attitudes, satisfaction and loyalty towards a Muslim-friendly accommodation, which has gained recognition from…

Factors influencing halal tourism destinations revisit intentions among Muslim travelers of Bangladesh: the mediating role of emotional attachments

Abdulla Al-Towfiq Hasan

This study aims to investigate factors and their impacts on halal tourism destinations revisit intentions among Muslim travelers, and explore the mediating effects of emotional…

Experiential marketing and Islamic branding: a new perspective on college decision in Islamic higher education

Rita Ambarwati, Dewi Komala Sari

This study aims to determine the effect of Islamic branding, experiential marketing and word of mouth on college decisions and to find marketing strategies through strengthening…


Fostering innovation capability and sustainable innovation in halal industry: the role of halal entrepreneurs’ success

Mohamed Salaheldeen, Mohamed Battour

This study aims to conceptualize and investigate the relationships between halal entrepreneurial success, innovation capability and sustainable innovation in the halal industry.

Religious tourism scholarship: current state and future research directions

Ramphul Ohlan, Anshu Ohlan

This study aims to investigate the knowledge domain and development trends that appear in the scholarly corpus on religious tourism.

Factors predicting young consumers’ purchase intention of non-deceptive counterfeit: evidence from Gulf countries

Maha Al Balushi, Mirza Mohammad Didarul Alam, Adam Mohamed Ali Fadlalla

This study aims to assess both internal and external factors that impact consumer attitudes and intentions with regard to the purchase of non-deceptive counterfeits. More…

Assessment and risk mitigation on halal meat supply chain using fuzzy best-worst method (BWM) and risk mitigation number (RMN)

Ilyas Masudin, Putri Elma Zuliana, Dana Marsetiya Utama, Dian Palupi Restuputri

The purpose of this study is to identify the risks that exist in halal meat supply chain activities and to carry out a risk assessment using the fuzzy best-worst method (FBWM…

How do muzakki pay professional zakat? (the qualitative inquiries using the Bloom model)

Safwan Kamal, Izra Berakon, Abdul Hamid, Zainal Muttaqin

Previous studies described the professional zakat had been limited. Generally, the past authors conducted a quantitative method with general results and did not focus on the…

Inside out. Social media videos and destination branding. Neuromarketing using EEG technique

Muhammad Faisal Shahzad, Jingbo Yuan, Farrah Arif, Abdul Waheed

This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of two types of social media videos used for destination image development: induced/commercial-oriented content and organic…

The competitiveness, challenges and opportunities to accommodate the Halal tourism market: a Sharia-law tourism destination perspectives

Dina Hariani, Mohd Hafiz Hanafiah

This study aims to explore the perception among the tourism stakeholders about Halal tourism competitiveness, challenges and opportunities in Aceh, a Sharia-law tourism…

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  • Prof Jonathan Wilson