Journal of Islamic Marketing: Volume 14 Issue 5


Table of contents

Antecedents of giving charitable donations (Sadaqah) during the COVID-19 pandemic: does Islamic religiosity matter?

Youssef Chetioui, Harit Satt, Hind Lebdaoui, Maria Baijou, Sara Dassouli, Sara Katona

This paper aims to identify the antecedents of giving charitable donations (Sadaqah) during the pandemic in a majority-Muslim country. This paper proposes and tests a theoretical…


Buying US products and services: religiosity, animosity, and ethnocentrism of young consumers

Sadiq, Muhammad Salman Ahmad

The aim of this empirical study is to examine how religiosity, animosity and ethnocentrism interact to influence judgment about US products and purchase actions of young consumers…

The role of diffusion of innovation theory towards the adoption of halal meat supply chain

Ghulam Qader, Zubair Ali Shahid, Muhammad Junaid, Imran Mehboob Shaikh, Muhamamd Asif Qureshi

This paper aims to examine the factors that drive the exporter’s influence toward halal meat supply chain adoption by encompassing the diffusion of innovation (DOI) theory in the…

Predicting purchase behaviour of Indonesian and French Muslim consumers: insights from a multi-group analysis

Farah Syahida Firdaus, Ridho Bramulya Ikhsan, Yudi Fernando

This paper aims to model Muslim consumers' purchase behaviour that predicts the impacts of behavioural factors of spirituality, emotional value, image, trust and satisfaction on…


Firms’ commitment to Halal standard practices in the food sector: impact of knowledge and attitude

Nurul Hudani Md Nawi, Puteri Hayati Megat Ahmad, Habibie Ibrahim, Norazah Mohd Suki

The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of knowledge and attitude on firms’ commitment to Halal standard practices in a developing nation’s food sector. Additionally…

Halal tourism as a strategic option for South Korean tourism

Ajeng Puspa Marlinda, Faris Al-Fadhat, Bambang Cipto, Hasse Jubba

This study aims to investigate the opinion of a group of informants in Seoul – South Korea’s foremost destination – on the possibility of developing a halal tourism policy that is…


AI-enabled technologies to assist Muslim tourists in Halal-friendly tourism

Mohamed Battour, Khalid Mady, Mohamed Salaheldeen, Mohamed Elsotouhy, Israa Elbendary, Erhan Boğan

This paper aims to present a theoretical account of the connection between artificial intelligence (AI) enabled technologies and Muslim-friendly tourism experiences (MFTX) using…


Impact of corporate image on customer loyalty of Islamic banks: the role of religiosity, collectivism, sight cues and CSR

Ejaz Aslam, Muhammad Saleem Ashraf, Anam Iqbal

The prime objective of this study is to examine the impact of sight cues and corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities of the Islamic banks on loyalty by improving the…

Examining revisit intention from the basic foundation of Islam: the role of halal destination attributes and perceived value

Ali Mursid

The rapid development of Muslim travelers traveling to halal destinations stimulated this study to elucidate revisit intention based on the fundamental aspects of Muslim behavior…


What drives Muslims to boycott French brands? The moderating role of brand judgement and counterargument

Shofiya Yusri Salma, Hendy Mustiko Aji

This study aims to investigate some factors that might drive Muslims in Indonesia to get involved in a French brands boycott movement by examining the moderating role of brand…


Supply chain integration and halal frozen meat product returns

Yudi Fernando, Muhamad Fairuz Ahmad Jasmi, Ika Sari Wahyuni-TD, Fineke Mergeresa, Kamarul Azman Khamis, A. Fakhrorazi, Rusdi Omar

Halal frozen meat product returns are major challenges in the halal frozen meat supply chain because of the sheer volume and processing costs of returns. The purpose of this paper…

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  • Prof Jonathan Wilson