Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration: Volume 16 Issue 1


Table of contents

Emotional attachment: a bridge between brand reputation and brand advocacy

Arash Ahmadi, Afsoon Ataei

This study aims to identify and examine the effect of brand reputation on brand advocacy by evaluating the mediating effect of emotional attachment. The study also tests the…


Linking entrepreneurial competencies, innovation and sustainable performance of manufacturing SMEs

Ibraheem Saleh Mokbel Al Koliby, Haim Hilman Abdullah, Norazah Mohd Suki

The purpose of this study is twofold: to examine the impact of entrepreneurial competencies and innovation on manufacturing small and medium-sized enterprises' (SMEs) sustainable…


Investigating the impact of restaurants' sustainable practices on consumers' satisfaction and revisit intentions: a study on leading green restaurants

Pallavi Chaturvedi, Kushagra Kulshreshtha, Vikas Tripathi, Durgesh Agnihotri

This study aims at analyzing the impact of green restaurants' sustainable practices (food safety, food sustainability practices, food quality, and environmental sensitivity) on…


The contagion effect of decreasing audit's quality on financial statement audit engagement: the Indonesian case

Totok Budisantoso, Heni Kurniawan

The main objective on this research is providing evidence of the contagion effect of decreasing audit's quality. Audit failure affects the quality of the financial analysis that…

Levelling up or down: leader’s strategies to encounter downward envy in family-owned software houses

Shafaq Aftab, Irfan Saleem, Rakesh Belwal

This study aims to invoke social comparison theory and researches mainly on leaders’ downward envy at workplaces in a collectivist culture. The study also aims to infer and…

Understanding the purchase intention of fitness wearables: using value-based adoption model

Bushan Mathavan, Ali Vafaei-Zadeh, Haniruzila Hanifah, T. Ramayah, Sherah Kurnia

This paper aims to investigate the key enablers and inhibitors that influence the intention to use fitness wearables using the value-based adoption model (VAM).


Balancing is a necessity not leisure: a study on work–life balance witnessing healthcare sector of Pakistan

Attia Aman-Ullah, Hadziroh Ibrahim, Azelin Aziz, Waqas Mehmood

This study aimed to examine the direct impact of work–life balance on employee retention and turnover intentions among doctors in Pakistan. Further, it also aimed to test the…


Other customers' service failure and recovery encounters: a qualitative exploration

Niharika Gupta, Harsh V. Verma

Service failure and recovery encounters are often witnessed by other customers, but little is known about how these encounters impacts other customers. With an aim to bridge this…

Exploring private university attractiveness from students’ perspective to ensure sustainable institutes: an empirical investigation from Indian perspective

Radha Yadav, Atul Shiva, Sumit Narula

This study aims to explore various determinants of university attractiveness and its relationship with sustainable institutes. Further, the study examines the mediating role of…

Exploring the psychological contract breach of nurses in healthcare: an exploratory study

Saba Gulzar, Kanwal Hussain, Ather Akhlaq, Zuhair Abbas, Shagufta Ghauri

Recent advancements in the field of organizational psychology have transformed the employees’ perceptions related to the reactions of the employment relationship. The main aim of…

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  • Dr Saeed Pahlevan Sharif